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LOL cannot wait for g-spot to answer.
Actually, it's not all that interesting. There is a hotdog vendor on the corner of one of the streets my office at my client's overlooks. He hasn't been there for several weeks, but I guess with the weather as warm as it got today, he's back. This is the hotdog man we joke about what he "really" sells from that cart....... a form of entertainment during brief breaks! We've made up all sorts of stories about how he is "abandoning" his customers in need during the snow days, etc. He's usually pretty punctual - pulls his stationwagon and cart up on the sidewalk at 9am, etc.... so of course, if he's late or early, we have to make up something else about that. If he only new how interesting his life on the corner REALLY is!
Give it away. I like ice cream in SMALL doses only.

I'm with Pi - Popeye's has MUCH better chicken than KFC.... don't you agree?
No, I am in the process of having a hard day. Couldn't sleep until 05:00 AM for no apparent reason, despite being buzzed as hell (which usually lets me sleep like a rock) - then slept through my alarm by an hour, showed up to work 30 mins late and dove into a mountain of BS that I'm in the process of shoveling myself out of. Whee!

Should I be more concerned about that, or that kink in my neck that seems to have taken up permanent residence?
not when eating carrots, no - but in general, yes. And it sucks. I get hiccups that last for an hour, and give me a migraine. It's the only time I ever get headaches, and if it doesn't happen again for 20 years it'll be too soon.

Do you get heartburn?