super high gravity can get up to 22-25%

The family 'Spoelberch', one of the richest Belgian families, has been named in the Panama Papers that were revealed yesterday. The family is the largest shareholder of the global company AB InBev, the world's largest beer manufacturer. A total of approximately 732 Belgians are rumoured to own a company in Panama.
Wheebz you should get a Panama hat to wear around the brewery, make it kind of like a signature look thing or maybe a Fedora, classic look.
Man, I went into the only Health Food place in Titusville to See if they had the Fish Oil caps that I take for my back. Well they did t have the exact ones but they had a good one for less and no more drive to Orlando. Looking around I came to an isle where they had to most bulk dried spices I've ever seen. They had a lot of spices that I've had to special order before like Fenugreek, I have Never seen it in a store before, never! I picked up some Crystalized Ginger to use in the Cyser but Zillow be going back!
Maple syrup.....

Add to the end of the boil, or in the secondary? I've read that adding it to the boil can make the beer finish dry and not add much flavor.

Seems that about 1lb grade b syrup in the secondary gives good results?
I just had a imperial maple brown ale 2 days ago
holy shit it was so amazing, it was like eating pancakes
he added it in whirlpool and post primary
no idea how much, but the maple syrup came through incredibly well, like, amazingly well

threw 53 gallons of it in a Buffalo Trace Barrel, and drafted the rest of it
soooooooo ... hype/drama aside, will you be having an east coast ipa? ...

i'm planning to scratch the itch imminently on a gal or two, for science, and i'm trying to pick up the tips/best-practices ...

so far, i'm finding some consensus about like:

grist: 37-40% oats, not sure if this is flaked, rolled, or an oat malt ...
yeast: good flocc'r, thinking maybe Wy1968, which flocc'd the hardest for me ...
boil: exceedingly short, i guess ...
hops: thinking citra, i guess, but maybe nuggetzilla instead - *ALL* added in whirlpool ...

are you paying attention to these at all?