big difference in an east coast IPA and a New England IPA
East Coast IPA = malty and more balanced than west coast IPAs, with usually an earthy/piney component
New England IPA = turbid mash, lots of adjuncts, unfiltered abominations of a beer, but yes I will have to have one because that is the trend
I have had a bunch of them, all the stuff from Alchemist, Hill Farmstead, Treehouse, etc. 
Grain bill is 20-40% oats or wheat or both, not just one or the other
yeast they use poor flocculators, hence the reason it looks like a giant glass of orange juice pulp, and they also do not cold crash them to keep the yeast in suspension along with the hop particulates and polyphenols
boil - same amount of boil for DMS burnoff and protein/lipid coagulation, but almost all hop additions are done at the 10 minute or less mark
Hops - Lots of fruity stuff. Galaxy, Mosaic, Citra, Equinox, Falconers Flight, basically the stuff you cant get on the large scale which is why people flock to these beers because they made powerplays for the hops years ago and now they dominate their portfolio that no one else can get
okay ... should be fun ... flaked oats? ... i can use some torrified wheat from my excess too, than ...

more like wlp090 than wy1968, then ...

60 min boil ...

any kind of shaping to the ferm temp graph, ir otherwise? ...

citra and nuggetzilla - 10, 5, 0 ...

plan to lose a shit-ton of wort to hop material ...

the wheat makes it tempting to use amarillo ... a la gumballhead ...
Actually it's more like a London ale yeast. Not British.

Ferm Temps are your typical 67.

Basically 3lbs per bbl of dry hop Recirced for an hour and then dumped the next day then right into the Brite
i have 1099 whitbread, 1332 northwest, 090, 001, giga vermont ipa, giga norcal#1, 862 cry havoc, 05, 002, and 810 san fran ... none are exactly right, but maybe one of the giga's? ...

Vermont IPA sis literally the exact yeast they use in these beers. Hence New England IPA


Come on bro
That's the yeast strain cultured from Heady Topper
i don't know anything about Vermont beer, but cool ...

haven't had HT, Treehouse, Trillium, Allagash etc ...
don't even know geography well enough to know that Vermont is considered New England ...
thanks, though ...
the lime in Mexican lager comes from hiding the off-flavor of light-struck Corona ...

i don't lime a Negra Modelo ...

Wheebz posted a Mexican lager beer using wlp940 way back in my thread, also, in case you want to site-search ...
I'm aware of the reason from the clear glass Corona. But I have grow to like the lime taste in there. The regular Modelo is probably my favorite. Although I did have a dos Equis agave version last summer that was really good.
A Nitro IPA, really



Jury's still out on this!

On the other hand tonight the Game club rolled up characters for a D&D 5 game to start next week. I'm a Half-Elf Ranger
sneaky rogue the shit out of that game
play nice throughout the whole game, and at the very end, kill all of your team members and steal the treasure for yourself
i thought this was common knowledge
its why you make starters that are in similar conditions to the beer you are about to ferment
i heard about this on The Sour Hour too, where The Rare Barrel was having trouble using bottling yeast on some of their more acidic beers ... sounds like it comes down to making a starter of sorts, for bottling yeast, i guess ...
that's my fav brewing podcast by a mile ...

the old Brewing with Style one's were good, but the one's since Jamil opened a brewery aren't as awesome ...