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Attention Pepper Reviewers!

I've watched videos from a bunch of new folks here on THP and I've been wanting to ask all of you why? Why do you choose to do this? Most of you know the pain it's going to cause in your mouth/throat and having to lie in the fetal position at night hoping you don't spew and that your hemorrhoids don't start smoking. I would like to know why you do it. Thanks.
Simple Answer: Endorphins
Complex answer: To taste it so I know what to do with it, and how much much to give others. Every pepper burns me differently, and I am downright curious.

Isn't it also neat to see people across the whole world partaking in the same thing?

Just my thoughts... You might get an even better answer than mine.
i do it cause i like it and i want to see how much heat i can handle and i dont get ring sting either
I do the sauces because I like the taste of the different sauces. When looking for a sauce, I have always thought that it would be SO cool to be able to go on YouTube, or somewhere similar, and type in what I am looking for. Then, hopefully there would be a review up for it. If not, you see a vid of someone trying a sauce, you look at their channel and see that they have done lots of other reviews, and you like the sound of some. Thats how I have learned about most of the ones I have tried and/or reviewed. And hell, for people that make their own sauces....its the best kind of advertising....FREE!!! If you see a review done by someone that has done lots of reviews, you tend to trust what they say. Thats what I am TRYING to do! I would LOVE to try any and ALL sauce that I can get my hands on! Hell, sauces, salsa's, seasonings, etc. I dont do it to prove how macho I am. I do it because I had started off by wondering what different things taste like, but there are reviews on everything. So, I wanted to help out. Can I eat a whole spoon of sauce? YES. Can I eat a whole pod of every pod that I have tried this year? YES. Are people going to remember someone ELSE trying a Blair's sauce for the millionth time, or are they gonna remember the big guy with tattoo's eating a BABY SPOON of hot sauce? Gotta stand out, ya know? lol
In general, when someone eats a sauce or pod, its always just fun to post it and let people laugh at the reactions! If people didnt post up their vids of them trying a pod and getting their butts handed to them by the pod, then there wouldnt be anything to laugh at!

P, if you don't sample a pepper, how do you know what you'd like to grow or how to use/blend/cook with it?

The heat is just a bonus.
Hi Patrick,
For me, it started out with the "bhut" and that one was just so I could say I did it. After that, when we could get ahold of fresh pods of any flavor, it was to try them for the flavor first and to "show off" second.

This summer has been the first opportunity we've had to taste fresh pod of anything other than a jalapeno, serrano, ancho or orange habanero. For whatever reason, no one around here grows anything unique. Some of our favorites are aji, paper lantern, bulgarian carrot, and whatever that "mystery pepper" (tentatively a chile de arbol).

We also like the fatalii, peach habs, lemon drops, 7 pods and bih jolokia. What we did NOT like were the trinidad scorpions and douglahs. Really hot, but not a good flavor, at least for us.

This will help us for our next year's grow list.

As for the rest of it...the show-off part...that comes from growing up with an older brother and only boys in the neighborhood. Anything they could do, I could do also... Most of my life I've either been the boss or worked as the only female in a male work environment. I've been an electrician and a boss for the last 8 years. Still have that "anything you can do I can do better" attitude. ;)

Just today, I was cooking up some stuff out in the kitch, took a taste and literally came running into the house to chug some milk. The rest of the family just laughed at me while pouring another glass of milk. :rofl:

The Chile Addict's prayer-
grant me the wisdom to know it will be too hot,
the courage to eat it anyway,
and the serenity to accept the pain that follows.

Don't know if this helps or not, just my somewhat skewed reasons. :crazy:

edit- and as Hot Pooper said, I don't mind letting others get a laugh at my expense.

In case you haven't seen it, here's a link to my brother-in-law getting schooled.

Caution- Gratuitous Profanity!
It was just Hippy Seed Co. doing these types of vids up until this year when a large number of reviewers showed up. I started offering up my peppers early in the year only if people would eat one whole Dougalh on camera and Ryan aka lazienfat jumped all over it. Promised seed packs to who ever would eat a raw pepper and I thought that was the motivation, seed gathering. I stand corrected and now realize that there people out there who like self-inflicted pain and torturing themselves in front of other people. To each their own but not my idea of pleasure either patrick. Suprised nobody got seriously hurt or passed out in all the pain, but they are entertaining to watch every morning.
I think I did it mostly because I was bored and had plenty of spare time on my hands plus I wanted to try some crazy hot peppers I otherwise prob. would not have at the time. A means to and end so to speak. I also wanted to be able to say I ate an entire pod and doing so on video proved I did it and anytime somebody called me a liar I told them to look it up on youtube. The after effects on the body are far to great for me, it caused me to leave work sick and be a prisoner in my own home with fear of leaving the "safe zone" of my house without fear of crapping my pants the entire next day. If not waking up in the middle of the night and having to drink milk because my guts hurt so bad. I would promise myself while in the fetal position on the couch I wouldnt eat another however of course after I cleansed my system and within a few days I was looking for more to try. The endorphin kick was always nice as well as reading comments that people post. As Ajijoe called it "FIREHEA", I never want to be on my thrown screaming empty thy bowels and having cold shills like that again. The part that really bothered me was after eating one I could no longer consume alcohol for the remainder of the night. So going forward for me its going to be a nice balance, taste the pepper so I know what its like and have my beer too and just maybe I can make it thru work without any side effect. There are plenty of new guys to make videos and suffer the consequences for our pleasure. In hindsight It was all worth I met alot of cool people including you Patrick simply because I tried your 3 crazy crosses earlier this year. This is off subject but how many tarantulas do you have?
I started doing it (eating whole superhots) because I promised myself that I would eat a whole pod of every pepper I grow. Then, AJ sent me a care package and I promised him I would eat one of each whole. Now it is just the measuring stick for me of each pepper. I don't eat heaping spoonfuls of every sauce I buy, but I always look at trying new pods and or sauces as a little adventurous. It does give you somewhat of a high probably not unlike riding a roller coaster, jumping out of an airplane, or bungee jumping. You know it's probably not going to kill you, but you never know, it could.:lol: I have almost never done it to show how macho I am, but I have done it to show off my tolerance I guess.
Patrick, sweetie, I think the real question is WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT???? You're on this site - man up, dude!

SL - that was awesome!!!!
Patrick, sweetie, I think the real question is WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT???? You're on this site - man up, dude!

SL - that was awesome!!!!

I do it because I like hot pepeprs and I am interested to try them all! By now they are not that hot so the fun is in the rush and the taste test.

15 minutes ???? REALLY?!?!???
I thought YouTube cut it off at 10 minutes -----

(but I do know to what you are referring~~)

The endorphine rush is a real thing.

Today, I taste a candied habanero and ran into the house for milk, eggnog, whatever,,,literally, ran into the house- got a head rush, and then went back to work.

Today, I taste a candied habanero and ran into the house for milk, eggnog, whatever,,,literally, ran into the house- got a head rush, and then went back to work.

This weekend I made candied peppers of just about every type I could get my hands on. Made most of it a cross between crunchy and chewy, but some just chewy. Candied fatalii stuck in your teeth? Whoa Nellie!!!! :mouthonfire: Just let it burn though.... I am a total glutton for punishment when it comes to fatalii!

Question for you, SL - have you tried a) plain crackers, such as saltines, b) sweetened dried fruit, such as cranberries, or c) gummy candy? These work much better for me than milk products.
I am doing it for several reasons. I love chile, and growing a variety of plants is half the fun for me. So mostly I taste to figure out what I like best and in turn what I want to grow in the conning years. With 1000's of varieties to choose from I need to narrow it down. Getting seed from the pod I test is a nice bonus, but the peppers I end up really liking, I try and find several seed sources to further evaluate any differences in the particular variety. Another thing is that by the time I get to the last few pods to test, the seeds have gone brown a lot of times. I still don’t usually get a noticeable endorphin rush probably because I only eat half or less. But by doing that, the trade off is that I still have not had that stomach discomfort that cripples me for the following 24 or more hours and it is also easier to discern the flavor of the pepper. I wake up the next day stoked to try another.

The other big reason I am doing it is because when I started I was so frustrated trying to find descriptions and tasting notes on most of the varieties. Seed companies usually just say, “Very hot and tasty and then give plant and pod dimensions and growing characteristics. “ Watching Neil’s videos and his facial expressions really helped to let you know if the pepper tasted good but with out text descriptions it was time consuming. So hopefully my notes help others and prevent them from feeling the same frustration.

Eventually I would like to be able to narrow it down to 10 or so core favorites then grow maybe an additional 10 new ones each year for fun. Right now I have 7 on that core list : Chocolate 7, Chocolate BJ, TS, TS Butch, Burkina, St. Barts, and Fatali. The Douglah may make it on the list if I can confirm something that happened after I tried them.
Curious after reading some of these posts. I don't usually have the extreme stomach/intestinal discomfort you describe. But, I make sure that I have eaten something beforehand that will absorb the capsaicin, and some time after the burn goes out of my mouth I usually have some wine. Wine is one of those "natural" stomach-ailment things - no guarantees 100% of the time, but I find it does the trick under most circumstances. I don't eat hot peppers to prove anything to anyone - I just really like the flavor of some of them (and, er, certain other effects) - so I find no need to put my stomach into any kind of agony.

So those of you posting about stomach/intestinal effects - are you at least making sure you've eaten something before-hand, so you're not putting these on an empty stomach? Have you tried anything else to prevent the extreme effects? Yeah, I know not everyone can drink wine, but it makes a definite difference for me.
I just watched some of salsalady's vids on youtube, my wife thought it was great to see a female putting videos up.
I got the urge to eat an orange hab after watching a few of her and neil and I love drinking beer after it cause it makes the burn hotter. I have a container of frozen habs left from last year so I am keeping in shape for my super hot harvests by eating one every couple of days.
This brings me to my point, sorta, they do it for the viewers.