I waited a bit before I would post, so here how I saw it. For the record, I did get 5/7 wings down..... 
The Sauce was nasty, they need to use real peppers instead of extracts to get the level of heat they are trying to achieve. I did OK considering the sauce, and at the third wing I nearly inhaled some of it when I tried to get a quick breath in. I lost about 30-45 seconds trying to regain my composure, by that time, there was no way i was going to complete the challenge. On the way home the extracts tried to cause me grief, serious stomach pain, light headed, nauseated, hot flashes. I am glad my wife had asked me to stop so she could use the bathroom at a fast food joint, it hit me while I was waiting for her, I ended up doing the same. So far the other shoe has yet to drop, maybe I have dodged the bullet there.........

The Sauce was nasty, they need to use real peppers instead of extracts to get the level of heat they are trying to achieve. I did OK considering the sauce, and at the third wing I nearly inhaled some of it when I tried to get a quick breath in. I lost about 30-45 seconds trying to regain my composure, by that time, there was no way i was going to complete the challenge. On the way home the extracts tried to cause me grief, serious stomach pain, light headed, nauseated, hot flashes. I am glad my wife had asked me to stop so she could use the bathroom at a fast food joint, it hit me while I was waiting for her, I ended up doing the same. So far the other shoe has yet to drop, maybe I have dodged the bullet there.........