LAZI! You didn't even post results!
Lazinfat and Chileaddict ROCKED THE HOUSE! Conquered the challenge! Way to go mates!
myself,Salsakid and RS67Man/Walt failed!
chileaddict finished first, Lazi was down to the last second trying to lick the sauce off the lettuce, I gagged through 6 wings, Walt got through 4+, and the kid ate 1 1/2.
For myself, the taste was HORRIBLE! This is the first time I've eaten wings of any sort, but the sauce just made me gag too bad. I got about 2 down and then the "uurps" started. The heat was hot, but not insurmountable. I just could not handle the taste. I know, we were warned by both CA and LnF. 'Kid ordered another plate of #2 wings and scarfed them right down. They tasted good.
As we were winding down the get together, I had to leave the restaurant. Just felt like I needed some fresh air....and a place to get rid of what I'd just eaten! Sorry...I know...probably tmi.... It was a really rough evening until the tummy finally settled down. Pepto, seltzer, curling up on the bed, pretty bad shape for a while. Finally, I was able to eat a piece of cheese pizza. ANYTHING to get that taste out of my mouth!

LnF, hope you get to feeling better soon. You know I'm sincere when I say I know how you feel!
Feeling much better now, even good enough to have a glass of wine.
So, aside from the horrible wing sauce, it was GREAT to see everyone again. Missed Maligator, but hopefully he's glad he missed the sauce. We had a great afternoon. Beautiful weather, the Olympic mountains were in view over the sound, and good friends sharing a pint. We had a blast as I knew we would. Can't post pics until I get home tomorrow, but maybe one of the others will post up the video and some pics.