Just picked these at 4:00p.m. Im not 100% sure that I could fit ALL peppers in a SFRB, but I could try. If you are the winner of the auction, pm me the list of peppers you would like, starting from the ones you want the most to the ones you like the least. I will do my best to get them all in there, but no promises! lol
I will start the auction at $15 SHIPPED!
Far right is Red Fatalii, above and to the right is Yellow Scorpion SR, to the right of that is red Bhut, continuing clockwise is Red Squash, Savannah 7 Pod Round, Chocolate Scorpion, Orange Bhut, (Faria) Scotch Bonnett, and in the middle we have Red Brain Strain and Yellow Scorp CARDI.
It's ok if no one is interested. I actually picked them for the dehydrator, but I figured I would see if anyone else is interested. Auction ends at 8:00a.m. tomorrow morning!
I will start the auction at $15 SHIPPED!
Far right is Red Fatalii, above and to the right is Yellow Scorpion SR, to the right of that is red Bhut, continuing clockwise is Red Squash, Savannah 7 Pod Round, Chocolate Scorpion, Orange Bhut, (Faria) Scotch Bonnett, and in the middle we have Red Brain Strain and Yellow Scorp CARDI.

It's ok if no one is interested. I actually picked them for the dehydrator, but I figured I would see if anyone else is interested. Auction ends at 8:00a.m. tomorrow morning!