contest August Throwdown

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I know.. it's like 30 posts up there but :D

And my 2c for the TD: Flour TD!!! Yay1!11. I'm drunkft again. Yay11!!1
DTS comes late to the party, but he always arrives before it's over!
(Yeah, almost got caught using a different word there.....)

Flour? Drunk? Flour? Drunk? Could be interesting.... :lol:

I know.. it's like 30 posts up there but :D

And my 2c for the TD: Flour TD!!! Yay1!11. I'm drunkft again. Yay11!!1
I said shuttlecock! I swear... :rofl:
I think???

I like the shotgun start idea too. Of course I've never actually entered one of these things so you guys do what you do and I'll just oggle all the awesomeness before the vote!
1 Pork But
2 C oilive oil
5 Tbs Red Savina Powder
2 sprigs rosemaryjane
1 cucumber
8 cups flour
2lbs fresh dried Hops
1 Cup high fructose corn syrup
2 lbs hickory wood chips (for smoking in the smoker)
1lb fresh Jalapeños
1 gallon pork broth
1 bag extra large marshmallows
2 boxes graham crackers
1bottle syrup
4 pickles
1/2 pound deli sliced turkey (smoked)
40 oz Old English 800 (3)
Combine ingredients, put in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. WIN

What were we talking about?


My last pork butt I used my red savina powder in the was too hot for the weak so I had plenty for ME!

Blame it on the Moon stc! They THPeeps are RILEY!!!!!!! :rofl:

Not to worry - we know you're an angel!!!!!!!!! ;)

Seriously - play a little in the TD! You'll have FUN!!!!! :)

A. You're hiding you huge nose.

B. You haven't shaved.

C. You're getting ready to spray some toxic Sh$T.

D. You're ashamed of your haircut.

E. Bankrobbery? Shhhh.

F. It"s cold.

G. You are just damm fond of that hanky.
Yeah...I cook well, and enjoy it, but you folks take it to a whole new level! Same with my photo skillz, seems as though each of you is a photo journalist in your spare time. I may throw something in there just for kicks. I mainly follow these things to get ideas for stuff to try.


A. You're hiding you huge nose.

B. You haven't shaved.

C. You're getting ready to spray some toxic Sh$T.

D. You're ashamed of your haircut.
Mostly C kinda...grinding supers into powder.
Stc, there is no prize money, or public punishment in these things.
Fun to follow, and join in the respectable, preverbial, smack, and you get to eat the good food.
A great way to improve your cooking (IMO), is a little bit of pressure.
You need to cook what is specified, (ingredients), make it tasty, and take pictures of it, arguably the least/most imprtant aspect.

Just Do It.
Y'all have been practicing your sammies I think it's time to try to win a crown. Ethnic/Regional Sandwich shall return for Aug! Please see the old one for familiar terms.
In my years of life experience, I have learned a few things about myself.....

A) I hate rules

B) I suck at deadlines

C) I'm not a fabulous cook

D) Cameras & computers fry my brain

...and yet, I manage to have a blast with these dang TDs!!!!!!!

(they're kind of addicting!) :dance:

Hey Patron....any chance for a link to "the old one"? ;)
E) Scovie makes a drunk mess in the kitchen and tries to "sober edit" his mess in a drunken haze. :BOLD: "Where da edit button CJ??"
Basically any sandwich that is known to a specific area, be it a regional, national etc. or known to a certain ethnicity.

Falafel, Philly, Cuban, Po Boy, Beef on Weck.

The smaller the region the better. A burger would be broad, how about a type of burger somewhere?

That is all.

^---Research for JT.

Oh snap. SoFlo is gonna hurt some feelings.
I saw that link but it looks like somehow it's missing parts. Oh well.

Okay the voting one has the old rules but it allowed fusion. Not this one. No Cuban falafels. Must be a real sandwich from somewhere. They will have to be spicy of course, so authenticity, execution, and spiciness will be key here. Your own twist is allowed, but no fusion.
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