contest August Throwdown

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What's this about rock hard in the penitentiary and JayT and TB playing Indian and bad cop? YYYYYYYYYYYY MMMM C A!
haven't been following, so.....ARE WE THERE YET??????????
Here's an idea for the TD: Fire and Ice! Prepare a dish that is served cold, if not frozen, and spice it up .. There was ice cream in the last TD, which could be done, or peppersicles. Cold dishes could be salads, gazpacho, cheesecake, or anything else which is typically served below room temperature.
1 Pork But
2 C oilive oil
5 Tbs Red Savina Powder
2 sprigs rosemaryjane
1 cucumber
8 cups flour
2lbs fresh dried Hops
1 Cup high fructose corn syrup
2 lbs hickory wood chips (for smoking in the smoker)
1lb fresh Jalapeños
1 gallon pork broth
1 bag extra large marshmallows
2 boxes graham crackers
1bottle syrup
4 pickles
1/2 pound deli sliced turkey (smoked)
40 oz Old English 800 (3)
Combine ingredients, put in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. WIN

What were we talking about?

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