food Aussie Licorice

luvmesump3pp3rz said:
taste is so subjective. i`ll guess you don`t like Jagermeister liqueur.
Indeed it is. Very subjective.  I've had my share of Jager in ice cold shots, but not my favorite (a trade off really, sometimes you gotta go through the sh*t to get to the sugar....)  Just joined the fray here to offer a dissenting opinion.  ;)
Hell, even the late Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead had this comparison attributed to him “Our audience is like people who like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.”
It is odd that black licorice has some notable potential ill side effects I've not ever heard about in another candy. Most ill-effects from too much candy are generally - dental decay or obesity. But black licorice differs in that some element contained therein, can cause irregular heartbeats or something similar. Don't take my word for it, look it up.
Funny how learning experiences can be found in the oddest places/topics.
Edit: just saw the link dragonsfire posted  :shocked:
Hot Pepper Licorice Fire Trucks (1/2 lb.)
Our ProductsCountry Categories > Dutch Licorice


Brand: K & H / Gustafs
Average Ratings: 
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Hot and spicy, gooey and chewy, these Hot Pepper Licorice Fire Trucks ooze with flavor. Pop a piece into your mouth and you'll experience the texture of a gummy and the flavor of licorice. But wait! there's more. The liquid center offers a perfect combination of silky, spicy heat. If you like licorice, hot and spicy, this one's for you. Try a package today.