• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Aussie Product - Chilli & lime sambal

tonight I cooked some lamb cutlets on the bbq. they had been marinating for about six hours in a product made by Goan Cuisine called Chilli & Lime Sambal. what a treat!

the ingredients: chilli, sugar, vinegar, lime, garlic, ginger, tamarind, spices, salt - contains 37% chilli and 7% lime

although not overly endowed with heat, this is a very tasty mix with the lime and 'spices' really coming through. the label reads - " this product displays distinctive aroma of fresh chillies with undertones of citrus and caramelised sugar. Serving suggestions: an excellent dipping sauce for barbecued meats, kebabs, cold meat, fish cakes, pakoras, samosas and spring rolls. Add to mayonnaise or sour cream and serve with tacos or corn chips."

the lime does not make this bitter as the sugar sweetens things up a little. the chilli is not too hot for the amateurs, sadly for the more experienced among us the heat is a little disappointing, luckily this can be easily fixed.

on the bbq the sambal did caramelise very nicely and went perfectly with the lamb. on the plate I spooned a little extra over the top for an extra kick.

the sambal has a wonderful fruity chutney-like aroma and is loaded with strips of peppers and has a number of seeds. the overall effect is very appealing to the eye, it smells great and tastes fantastic.

fortunately for me there are a number of stockists in NSW so I will be getting more of this.

for those Aussies interested in obtaining some Goan Cuisine, see their website http://www.goancuisine.com.au/

who knows, they may even have a stall at the upcoming Sawtell Chilli Festival, http://www.sawtellchillifestival.com.au/

I wonder if I can get it in bigger jars...