Bahamian Goat Pepper

GA Growhead said:
Oh wow, I would really like to trade for some of those seeds!  A Baja Goat crossed with a whit bullet sounds awesome to me! 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Yeah but it is not a cross at all. :) Plant is from isolated seed so it is just a crazy bad ass mofo! I am going to save seed from it just to see
Isolated as far as you know.  It certainly could have been isolated for several generations. I think though that tail is very scorpion like and suggest a cross somewhere back there now showing up. 

But you are right, it is crazy bad ass.
hot stuff said:
Isolated as far as you know.  It certainly could have been isolated for several generations. I think though that tail is very scorpion like and suggest a cross somewhere back there now showing up. 

But you are right, it is crazy bad ass.
It is the only one that has ever had a tail like that over the last 2 years and 500+ pods :) 
Orekoc said:
Well, what ever it is, it looks great. Save seed for the rest of us to try. We can call it the Solid 7 Goat.
I definitely saved seed.  Whatever it is, the pods were freaking delicious, and caused brutal stomach pain.  The new pods look like something completely different.  Still not what I'm seeing in these posts.  Lord only knows what it is.  LOL
Oh wow, I would really like to trade for some of those seeds!  A Baja Goat crossed with a whit bullet sounds awesome to me! 

That one is very delicious! Got some from GA Growhead over the summer, so tasty!
Tastiest chinense I ever tried and I'm still not sure if it's the best pepper I've tried (to me the bishop crown is the numero uno). This year is the first time I've grown them. I received tha last 3 seeds a friend had and sprouted only one plant. I'm gonna clone the s**t out of it for next year and get some new seed. 
Interestingly, only one pod showed the tail, the others were all bonnety (not like regular bonnets), but the color is there :D
Those pods look awesome and they have tails.good job on peppers i like those.
Those pods look awesome and they have tails.good job on peppers i like those.
Those pods look awesome and they have tails.good job on peppers i like those.
Those pods look awesome and they have tails.good job on peppers i like those.
Great job on those pods they look incredible.About to make a salsa using chile de agua bet those taste as good if not better.gotta get some seeds for next season.