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Baker's Peppers and "The Reaper"

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Dale, I don't personally care who "started it" between you and Judy, but don't you think this has gone on long enough? This battle has worn me out just reading about it. How about you and Judy bury the hatchet, and you just admit that the labeling on your dried peppers was flawed. Be done with this.
While you continue to wage war, I'll check out http://www.buckeyepepper.com/ and see if I can't give Mike some business. So far, he seems to be staying out of most of this.
BakersPeppers said:
Man...u OBVIOUSLY missed the whole thing...JUDY was slandering my name EVERYWHERE ONLINE and i decided to fight fire with fire....again....someone commenting on a topic that clearly has no idea what was said kr done.....Judy attacking me and my business DAILY led to me calling her and other growers out...no,PLOT for attention or business....i sell peppers all day everyday...i dont need to make others look bad in order to gain business.....im doing GREAT on sales without any posts on here!! Judy started it with me...i FINISHED it! Funny how people who dont have a clue what she was doing are now saying i called people out for some sort of hype or attention....this is just HILARIOUS!! Ask judy why SHE felt threatened by me and my business.....why did she attack ne every day in the ADS on here?? Dont dish it out if u cant hang with the return fire!!!
Then were are the links? If she's going after you everywhere, then surely there must be online evidence of it, and yet I haven't seen any attempt on your part on any of the other threads about this to link where Judy specifically is bashing you. Seriously, show me the links to where and how she's bashing you on the Internet. All I'm seeing right now is someone who can't handle criticism very well at all lashing out at anyone and everyone who even has a slightly different opinion and pointing out how he just needs to chill the hell out. Trust me when I say, you could be doing a lot better things than this. And as far as her attacking you in ads every day on here, all I can say is this. I've seen a lot of Judy's ads on here, and I can't recall a single ad on here where she's targeting, bashing, badmouthing, or speaking negatively about anyone, let alone you.
While you continue to wage war, I'll check Out http://www.buckeyepepper.com/[/url] and see if I can't give Mike some business. So far, he seems to be staying out of most of this.[/quote]

Yet ANOTHER post from someone who CLEARLY didnt read before posting.....go read the public service post people are refering to.....Mike was anything but "staying out of it" .....Notice how once he was called out he as well went silent on the issue....he tried to jump in and pile on just like the rest.....so dont say Mike is "staying out of it"...thats HILARIOUS too!! Hes staying out now...but now he seems to have dropped it...after being called out about proper registration and inspections on HIS grow operation...

Bakers OUT! Done with this topic!!
elcap1999 said:
Then were are the links? If she's going after you everywhere, then surely there must be online evidence of it, and yet I haven't seen any attempt on your part on any of the other threads about this to link where Judy specifically is bashing you. Seriously, show me the links to where and how she's bashing you on the Internet. All I'm seeing right now is someone who can't handle criticism very well at all lashing out at anyone and everyone who even has a slightly different opinion and pointing out how he just needs to chill the hell out. Trust me when I say, you could be doing a lot better things than this. And as far as her attacking you in ads every day on here, all I can say is this. I've seen a lot of Judy's ads on here, and I can't recall a single ad on here where she's targeting, bashing, badmouthing, or speaking negatively about anyone, let alone you.
Man...all her ads have expired or ended...in whuch case u wont find ber bashing of me or The slander....that doesn't mean it didnt happen! Ask around...everyone saw it!!
It went on for MONTHS in the marketplaces ad section!!
Your right...never heard of that....But ask around...even thp bossman will attest it went on.....im NOT making it up man....seriously!
actually to clarify, i simply stated some facts in my comments. I didnt wage war on anyone. I will be the first to say I dont know why the pepper community is so full of drama. There is plenty of room for all involved to have fun and meet their business needs if that is what they are into and you dont need to cut peoples throats to do it. Im not out ragging on other companies or trying to demonize them. While I dont agree with the tactics some use, i think time and reputation will take care of that. We don't lie, steal or cheat to make our business prosper and we dont try to bring down other companies. I think our attitude and our business speaks for itself. We treat others as best we can and try to keep things honest. Anyone who knows us or our business knows that. 
And to state the facts again Dale, a nursery registration is for one thing and one thing ONLY and that is to sell plants across state lines. You have to be inspected for disease. That cert has NOTHING to do with fresh produce. Do I have a nursery certification yet? No, I don't because I don't need one because I have never sent a plant outside of Ohio. Will I be getting certified next spring? Yes because we will now be offering plants nationwide. 
And once again Dale, as everyone stated, you bring others into your battles that were not part of the battle. I got out of the last thing because I said my peace (which were facts as the above statement is) and left. I am not going to keep battling you and myself nor any other vendors owe you anything including posting any certificates/registrations. That my friend is none of your concern.
To finish, not only do we NOT demonize other companies, if you look at our new website, many of our products have a "video pod review" tab on them. I think all the "featured" ones do at this point and I hope to have at least one review on all of them soon. Regardless, if you look at them, many of them are reviews of or about OTHER seed companies and/or mention other seed companies. Puckerbutt, THSC, and pepperlover are just a few mentioned. In fact the Trinidad Scorpion ButchT review is none other than Neil Smith. I thought that was a fitting video for that product. Neil as you know is a direct competitor. Why would I do something as stupid as post another seed source on my own site? Because I believe exactly what I said above. There is plenty of room for everyone in this awesome industry. Some just need to learn that.
Dale, I am sorry. I really didn't mean to get more stuff started. I learned my lesson. If I ever have any more questions about you or any other vendors product I will ask in a PM. You are one of the few vendors that I haven't bought from yet but today I will take the chance and risk it.  I don't have to worry if they are for human consumption or not because  I aa worm and not a man.  I am going to place an order today so I can see for myself how your products are. 
Where did sharkpeppers post go?? Vanished?? The one CONFIRMING my statements that judy was heavy on the attack in her ADs.........

Lots of people saw it...its no secret.went on for months!
Thanks Ocho....no need to apologize my man....thanks for taking a shot with us! :)

Dale jr......OUT!
BakersPeppers said:
Where did sharkpeppers post go?? Vanished?? The one CONFIRMING my statements that judy was heavy on the attack in her ADs.........

Lots of people saw it...its no secret.went on for months!
Thanks Ocho....no need to apologize my man....thanks for taking a shot with us! :)

Dale jr......OUT!
How does one member disappearing in any way shape or form confirm that Judy was attacking you in ads?
His post confirmed he saw the ads......niw can i please be let go here...pulling me back in...pulling me back in.....

It changes your whole point elcap....u say judy would never.....which is not true at all! She did...fkr months!!
Now that post is gone?!?! THATS convenient to quote elcap.....
BakersPeppers said:
His post confirmed he saw the ads......niw can i please be let go here...pulling me back in...pulling me back in.....

It changes your whole point elcap....u say judy would never.....which is not true at all! She did...fkr months!!
That doesn't change what I'm trying to say.... Where is the proof she did it? You said it was, then all of a sudden said they were no longer there, or even had a screenshot, a link, nothing to confirm their existence.

And on that note, why do you keep making this about Judy? From reading all the posts, you're the one digging yourself a deeper hole by insisting she's gone after you with posts and ads that miraculously aren't there anymore. And I haven't seen her say one word about the whole "human comsumption" thing on here, in ads, or in any other part of this website for that matter, so bringing her up is just a sad attempt by you to get off topic and try to make it personal...
Seriously man.....really?? Will someone please chime in and confirm this for me?? Maybe even Judy?? I see shes reading this right now!! I straight up OWN Everything i say or do....where u at JUDY?? Stand up and own it!! Her ads had a few hundred views each time...in know LOTS of folks here saw it.....i will wait for another to post it...im finally BLEEPING Done here...................
I mean for F sake...i was the butt of an ongoing joke in the BLOG posts oj the main between judy and members bere... for weeks n weeks...where were u elcap?? I mean seriously?? This is a JOKE!!
Again, I reiterate, why get off topic, since THP first started this about the wording of your items for sale and whether they're for human consumption. And unless Judy somehow hacked into your account, I can't see how she could ever put the stuff about growing certifications and Fresh from Florida numbers in your ads. You did that all on your own, as well as the disclaimers and everything else you've pushed back on here in this threar.
Seriously, is she causing you nightmares or something? Are you so worried about how a nice woman from TN is outdoing you in customer service, and by just being a nice person that you can't handle it? C'mon, stop trying to deflect the issue and own up...
Ocho Cinco said:
Dale, I am sorry. I really didn't mean to get more stuff started. I learned my lesson. If I ever have any more questions about you or any other vendors product I will ask in a PM. You are one of the few vendors that I haven't bought from yet but today I will take the chance and risk it.  I don't have to worry if they are for human consumption or not because  I aa worm and not a man.  I am going to place an order today so I can see for myself how your products are. 
No reason to be sorry at all man. You had a legitimate question about his product being labeled not for human consumption. I would say that's a very valid question to ask about something you are wanting to buy to consume. You saved people alot of money man. Just because I know I'd be pissed if I had bought dried pods for myself or for someone else only to find out they weren't made to eat or cook with. So no, don't apologize just because it turned into an argument or whatever you want to call this and people got butt - hurt over it.
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