seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

It was wasn't a glowing review. It was a comment in his defense, based on his reputation at that time, which led me to become a customer, until, "You have not "made your point," you have really made an ass of yourself and probably lost your pepper business."

I still do not agree with someone telling him how to run his business. And I agree with THP's comment.
By the way my comment was not name calling, just to clarify.

make an ass of yourself (slang)
to behave in a way that makes you or an organization look foolish

I believe it was appropriate for what has transpired.

That is all.
THP, the name was not the issue, the point about customer service was. He can be the biggest arse in the industry or on the planet for all I care. (I do not believe he is BTW!). :) As you wrote, the customer is ALWAYS right, and that is all I was trying to point out, after having defended Dale in another post because of his reputation on this site. I believe in supporting the businesses here because everyone keeps it honest.

Somehow, defending Dale as a potential customer based on his reputation, and then being concerned about customer service as a new customer and seeing something so insignificant blow up the way it did, offends some folks here.

Yes, your comment was appropriate, however, you do not need my validation. :neutral:
One mistake and everyone runs with it....I've said sorry...refunded $$....and still the bashing continues.....u guys expect me to just sit here and take it?? No one would just "Take it".... Wow.....I never thought ONE transaction would be so blown up! This Is crazy......
My thoughts are different, no on develops a "reputation" in a few months, it takes time. But one can lose a reputation in an instant.

Oh well, we all interpret things in our own way.

perspective... aint it a B***H...

One mistake and everyone runs with it....I've said sorry...refunded $$....and still the bashing continues.....u guys expect me to just sit here and take it?? No one would just "Take it".... Wow.....I never thought ONE transaction would be so blown up! This Is crazy......

it didnt have to be this way... you couldve made right without the insults...
I had a bad experience with this vendor. There's a previous discussion on this category. I did more reading and saw this post....pissed me off even more.


Please proofread before you post. Calling a paying customer "seed" is not professional

I offered $50 because you put in your post to "make you a reasonable offer" because they "gotta go.". My guess is because you had lots that were ripening. IMO

This really shows that's why I got 95% odd looking pod brains and were orange by the time they got to me(2days) because I paid $50 rather than $75!!
Here is. His post

My yellow or should I say orange brainstrain. Mind you this is two days after shipment
You know after the three posts and the past thirty minutes of reading all of this, i've been trying to come up with a comment but basicly all i have to say is

I'm appalled at the way this whole situation has transpired. KiNG I feel sorry for this to happen to you, I wish dale the best but he needs some manners or a business class in my opinion.
You know after the three posts and the past thirty minutes of reading all of this, i've been trying to come up with a comment but basicly all i have to say is

I'm appalled at the way this whole situation has transpired. KiNG I feel sorry for this to happen to you, I wish dale the best but he needs some manners or a business class in my opinion.

Hello all. Just been catching up on all the latest drama. I am in florida and close to dales nursery. I have been a customer of his for a while now. I have plants from him. I also have picked pods from the nursery myself. Dale is a stand up guy! He has always been more than generous with me and many of the THP community. I am sad to see unhappy customers of his. He has thousands of plants. Some of the seeds i would imagine would have to be some what differnt. When Dale sees something that isnt what its "suppose" to be or "suppose" to look like he throws them out. I then take the scraps home lol ;) He has great plants And great pods.

Anywho, i stopped by the nursery today to get a few pods for a morning radio show challenge. Snapped a few quick picks. I am no photographer by any means by the way. Also i itend to go again soon and make a video of his plants showing the varieation of pods.

My homegrown infinity

Bakers Brains



Bakers long Bhut

Bakers White 7

Baker Choc Scorp

My Peach bhut

Bakers ISO scorp

Bakers Butch T

Bakers Moruga
it's easy to pick the best looking pods and post them on here brewmasta. I got one of 22 pods that even looked close to a brain strain. Wtf is a brain strain anyway? Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. As far as flavor goes that tasted nothing like the first ones i ordered. Very happy with my refund but i will not be paying 30 bucks for 22 pods ever again.

Brainstrain has nothing to do with Dale or Bakers peppers other then the fact that he grows them. The Breeder for that particular strain is a member here. But that has nothing to do with what went on with Bakers peppers so probably best just do a search for brainstrain on THP and you should see plenty of posts regarding them.
it's easy to pick the best looking pods and post them on here brewmasta. I got one of 22 pods that even looked close to a brain strain. Wtf is a brain strain anyway? Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. As far as flavor goes that tasted nothing like the first ones i ordered. Very happy with my refund but i will not be paying 30 bucks for 22 pods ever again.

Brainstrain has nothing to do with Dale or Bakers peppers other then the fact that he grows them. The Breeder for that particular strain is a member here. But that has nothing to do with what went on with Bakers peppers so probably best just do a search for brainstrain on THP and you should see plenty of posts regarding them.
He grew them so it has everything to do with the strain. You can't sell a Mercedes and sell someone a Volvo! Until it gets proven by science we may never know what a supposed "Brain Strain" is anyway. Im guessing some plants got crossed some how or it's not even real.
it's easy to pick the best looking pods and post them on here brewmasta. I got one of 22 pods that even looked close to a brain strain. Wtf is a brain strain anyway? Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. As far as flavor goes that tasted nothing like the first ones i ordered. Very happy with my refund but i will not be paying 30 bucks for 22 pods ever again.

Brainstrain has nothing to do with Dale or Bakers peppers other then the fact that he grows them. The Breeder for that particular strain is a member here. But that has nothing to do with what went on with Bakers peppers so probably best just do a search for brainstrain on THP and you should see plenty of posts regarding them.
He grew them so it has everything to do with the strain. You can't sell a Mercedes and sell someone a Volvo! Until it gets proven by science we may never know what a supposed "Brain Strain" is anyway. Im guessing some plants got crossed some how or it's not even real.
The problem you had was with bakers peppers not the breeding lineage of brainstrain as a whole so i think its a completely different issue . As far as I can see you could have bought 22 butch T's or 22 fatalii's or 22 "insert any chilli here" my point is what you ordered was not your issue, your issue was you didn't get what you paid for whatever you ordered.
it's easy to pick the best looking pods and post them on here brewmasta. I got one of 22 pods that even looked close to a brain strain. Wtf is a brain strain anyway? Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. As far as flavor goes that tasted nothing like the first ones i ordered. Very happy with my refund but i will not be paying 30 bucks for 22 pods ever again.

Brainstrain has nothing to do with Dale or Bakers peppers other then the fact that he grows them. The Breeder for that particular strain is a member here. But that has nothing to do with what went on with Bakers peppers so probably best just do a search for brainstrain on THP and you should see plenty of posts regarding them.
He grew them so it has everything to do with the strain. You can't sell a Mercedes and sell someone a Volvo! Until it gets proven by science we may never know what a supposed "Brain Strain" is anyway. Im guessing some plants got crossed some how or it's not even real.
The problem you had was with bakers peppers not the breeding lineage of brainstrain as a whole so i think its a completely different issue . As far as I can see you could have bought 22 butch T's or 22 fatalii's or 22 "insert any chilli here" my point is what you ordered was not your issue, your issue was you didn't get what you paid for whatever you ordered.
true they were nothing close to what i got the first time i ordered a box. If your going to label something one thing you should make sure it's the same every time with the product.
unboxed a mixed box from baker's peppers a moment ago, our first super hot's:


and seperated, perhaps incorrectly ... i'm new:


I'll have to look around and see what these are later on ... I imagine there are scorpions in the upper left, jolokia in the bottom right, and i'm not sure what the large number of red and yellow's are tbh. i'm going to run to the store to get some accompaniment and we're going to cook some up later.

i'd mentioned i was going to pull seeds to grow some better stuff after Hirt's sent random shit as scorpions and fatalli, and Dale threw in a couple of dried pods along w/ the hab seeds he's selling at present ... it's a nice gesture and I appreciate it.

we're pretty excited.
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