seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

Because I think we need a good laugh.
Sorry mods

What's done is done. I'm over it. He's sending me and Jedi some pods. And along with those upset a chance to get in on some peppers. Just enjoy.
Nothing more to be said.

Only add to this topic if there is NEW feedback or issues with Bakers.

Lets get back to the peppers,


Smart man.

Tacos for EVERYONE!!!!!!

i love tacos!!

I see this as taunting the mod. Please respect his post. This section is for reviewing vendors. Some of you guys wonder why you get warning points and then you directly defy a mod's post. Not smart.

This is a friendly message to get back on track.
Is this the proper place to beg THP to change that avatar? The egg boobs were funny, the current one is waaaaay too creepy! I know, not related to Baker's but damn, had to be said somewhere. :shocked:

As for Dale, he delivered a big box o' heat. Thanks again Dale. :mouthonfire: I wish you success.
I am new to THP as of April, I was just stumbling around and found this thread. Part of me wants to not say anything and let it die, but then another part of me wants to tell you this...

Shit happens! I feel that if right now I was to order a box of pods from you I would get what I paid for. That's for damn sure. The way I see it, you are trying to prove your self and the last thing you want is another screw up.

So my point is: I, a new potential customer, am not worried about your service. Further more, the fact that you even show your face on this website tells me you care.
Keep your head up, work hard as I'm sure you are, and you will be fine!

Sorry to the people that got burnt, and good luck with your biss Dale.
I ordered some more seeds from Baker's Peppers ... the bhut jolokia chocolate, trinidad scorpion moruga, and fatalii yellow ...

Here's what I received:


Along w/ all the auction peppers I received today as well, I'm a happy boy ...
Spent hundreds and got 1 packet of seeds as a freebie- sadly couldn't find my vouchers to redeem- seems to be looking after Today's big spenders only- lucky you.
Bootsieb......first of all....I specifically told everyone with "vouchers" that the MUST hold on to them for redemption....I cant be held responsible if you lost them.....second of all...your "vouchers" were sent to your friends in Hawaii...where u had me send the boxes that contained the "vouchers" last christmas...all of the vouchers had #'s on them and also the "terms" of them as well....with my recent issues in customer service I want to make good on them for you, but I have NO way to know what vouchers ur redeeming and which #'s to remove from my list of #'s I keep on record of "vouchers" that are still unclaimed...long story short....I HAVE to get voucher #'s from the customer in order to redeem them....I made that clear at the time of the ur on here trying to make it look like u got the shaft and I dont care about your valued business.... That couldn't be further from the I said...I really WANT to make good on them for u....but u MUST have the physical voucher to redeem it....that doesn't make me value your business less than just means fair is fair, for everyone....if your friend in hawaii wants to redeem them, or he sends them to you so u can redeem them...let me know when u have them and i will GLADLY honor them for problem :)
If you had the receipts- you'd know what you sent and could do it for me. I'm sure that you wouldn't make the mistake of redeeming twice, as you have the details there it seems. Judy sends stuff all year round,I don't ask, that's customer service, she must have a database, and that's why I spend money with her. Redhawk, THSC, JR, etc, also give wonderful service too, via a comparison. Actually, I asked to be honest, my bad, but I think you missed another operability opportunity here.
Bootsie, if Bakers handed out vouchers (which I know he did because I have one in my possession) and upon giving them out stated that you must have them to redeem their value, than you should have the coupon. If you don't, it's no one's fault but your own. You don't go into a store and tell them you had a coupon for their store but can't find it and expect them to be like "oh, ok, let me just honor that for you anyway" you need the coupon....if you don't have it, that's your problem. Bakers was nice enough to give out the coupon, it's your responsibility to keep track of it. Don't try and use Baker's recent misfortune as a stepping stone to pawn off your responsibility.
Bootsie, if Bakers handed out vouchers (which I know he did because I have one in my possession) and upon giving them out stated that you must have them to redeem their value, than you should have the coupon. If you don't, it's no one's fault but your own. You don't go into a store and tell them you had a coupon for their store but can't find it and expect them to be like "oh, ok, let me just honor that for you anyway" you need the coupon....if you don't have it, that's your problem. Bakers was nice enough to give out the coupon, it's your responsibility to keep track of it. Don't try and use Baker's recent misfortune as a stepping stone to pawn off your responsibility.
It's up to him, I only asked because they have been misplaced.He's making the most of his misfortune by the looks of it, I see it here, there and everywhere, everyday almost. I have a right to ask and he can say no. He created the situation- mismanagement. I believe the misfortune was not his, not yours. I think you piped on about customer service at that time.
Spent hundreds and got 1 packet of seeds as a freebie- sadly couldn't find my vouchers to redeem- seems to be looking after Today's big spenders only- lucky you.

Gotta agree with Dale and 3/5 on this one. The terms of the voucher were clearly stated. You cannot get mad at a vendor if you don't live up to the terms yourself.

Also, are you complaining that you spent a lot of money and only got 1 pack of seeds as a freebie? That seems rather unfair. Be glad that you got anything free at all. Why would you feel entitled to free stuff? If I'm misreading what you posted then please accept my apologies.
Well, just as all of us have a right to BHUT in the bizz of a customer and a 'seller', the customer has a right to post/ask etc whatever he wants, no? What a boring world this would be if everyone had the same opinion about everything :/ I take it not so much that bakers cant/wont give bootsieb a discount, but it's more about the one little packet of seeds. More than that has been given by bakers and others and is pretty much a 'norm' with people that sell on here. Why would anyone 'expect feebies'? Well, because that is what most on here do.

lol@ 'if this were a store'...well, it isn't, so nice point?? :/ If this were the moon, we wouldn't have internet, if this were the inside of a volcano, we wouldn't be able to type...... :D

Just my sideline opinion/view..back to my glass of wine :beer:
-never mind- Don't want to get involved.

Seems like you guys want to debate every move Dale makes.

Voucher lost. Rules are cannot redeem. He can follow his own rules and not make exceptions, or work with customer to redeem. Either would be fine and not really debatable.
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