seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

The seeds you received are hybrids?

Wonder what the yellow ones in the top right are.

The seeds I bought are:

The other two dried pods are a Brain Strain Yellow and a Purple UFO, which I appreciate.

I am not familiar enough w/ the differences between the super hots to know what's in the mix tbh ... I'll do a little research before I ask for help ID'ing (since I'm collecting seeds for future rounds) ...
After going through all of this and reading what transpired. I agree that you didn't handle the situation like a business professional. Regardless of what other people are saying, you are only accountable for you. If you would have conducted yourself in the proper manner and given a little credence to what KingDenniz was saying, you would have come out on top and I believe would have acquired a lot more business from it. If you look at his pictures of the pods you sent him, you can clearly see that they are not Yellow Brain Strains....I don't care what you say. The fact that members on this forum have eaten them and the heat/flavor is said to not be "BS" then you have to throw in the towel and say you are wrong...even if you don't know how it happened. You said you are a two man operation and that you are doing all the work yourselves. You said you were really should have stopped and thought..."Maybe I made a mistake" even if you still really think you didn' doesn't matter. If you would have went with the motto "The customer is always right" You could have sent him another box of pods and it wouldn't have really dented your pocket at all! You have tons of much in fact you had to sell a 4lb box of "Over ripe" pods. The fact is, sending him a new box would have made him happy, it would have kept him as your customer for future purchases....and it would have shown everyone else on this site that you respect them and want to make sure they are happy.

Like has been said before, this is a huge learning experience for you. I know you are close with a lot of us, so it is a little different when someone has a complaint...It hurts a little more...I can also see that you are prob. working 70+ hours a week trying to provide for you and your family. I also believe that you have a lot of pride in yourself and the way you do business...which is fine but you did just start growing peppers commercially....and I'm sure this is your first time seeing a lot of these pepper yourself. This isn't just peppers, it's your lively hood. I know the anger and frustration is there...but in business, you can not show that. Especially on a public are not better than all of the members you are preaching in front of (and I don't think you think you are, but you sure as hell sounded like you did. That comes from anger and pride.) Pepperlover was just in her actions at first. I believe she kept going with it because she was dealing with the same issue you are, pride in her company and it's her lively hood. She has just as much at stake as you do. She could also use a little etiquette as well She was fortunate enough to be on the right side of the line, so people didn't look at it the way you were. (which you are right, she should have handled herself differently as well)

In the end, the best thing you can do, is look into what has gone on...take a serious look at how you handled it....and SINCERELY let everyone know you screwed the pooch on this one. In the end....we all love peppers and we all love this community. I am here to say that I'm sure you care about your customers, you just had an off day and didn't know how to get it back under control....sometimes the fireman need a little help from the community when the wild fire spreads....take peoples comments of how you should have handled the situation to heart and let us all get past this and move on.

Hope everything works out well for you Dale. KD, I feel for you, glad things worked out in the end.

So being a family business for 60+ yrs, and you're still in the process of 'learning' not to be a jerk to your customer/s and or future customers?? I'm pretty sure since you hand pick every order ( like juan valdez picks every coffee bean :liar: ) you know most chili heads don't like or love peppers for just the NAME..but for the shape, texture, taste, heat lvl etc etc each strain has.

You would think, by now, you would know NOT to flood a box with peppers that are supposed to be (LOOK like and taste like) brain strains, with those 'scratch n dent things'......same plant or not!! You are not stupid and you know not only the heat and flavor of the BS are crowd pleasers...but the look of the pepper as well. That is why for 'popular' strains, you jack the prices up! You got so tied up in all the legal mumbo jumbo u have to 'boast', that u erased 60+ yrs of family business rep that may or MAY NOT have been there.

I sold a kitten I had to a friend when I was a kid, so if I went into business of selling kittens now, I could say 'been selling kittens since 1989! BUT, that doesn't mean I'm a super fantastic kitten seller....... or should be selling kittens.

Having lived in Brandon for a few years of my life, I could have been like the person who is singing ur praises and posting beautiful, posed pics of flawless ( selected) going to your 'nursery'/PROPERTY and hand selecting the best of the best, and I'd be happy to. MOST of the people who buy or have bought from you, do not have that luxury!

As far as Pepperlover, I don't think she solely relies on her business to 'survive', and SHE does not have that used car salesman mentality!!

My advice is....put down the 'get rich quick' books and change that VERY grey return policy from 'if u feel like it, u will..if u dont, u wont', to something along the lines of 'the customer is number one' and offer a satisfaction guaranteed......without ur googled 'how to sell crappy products, and get away with it' internet lawyer crap. You may not have that 3rd timeshare in a week, but you will build a more widespread customer base..other than locals who can avoid ur 'scratch n dents'.

I'm a little peeved to, because on a fourm unrelated to peppers, I directed a couple of folks this way with ur name. Glad I saw this in time to stop them. Still makes me a little embarrassed though.
"Our" harsh words. Take some reponsibility, YOU said some harsh things. You are Baker Peppers on here, do not pawn off the blame.

It is funny, give away a few chilis and let bygones be bygones. Remember, reputations are built over time.......
Your a litle late roper, that part has been handled, after the huge backlash on the board. The part I think is funny, read all the earlier comments by Dale. I sent good pods, you are ruining my reputaion, I am the biggest grower. All I, I, I, me, now it is our, more first person.

It shows that he still feels he was right and subconsiously he is still distancing himself from his own words.

My thoughts only.
No more from me, I just thought using first person during the attacks and rants and second person during the reconciliation is hilarious.

Carry on and enjoy the giveaway.

I think I've become convinced he's THAT busy ... which doesn't make it right, but it makes it pretty easy to forgive. I saw that because he didn't respond individually to any emails or a PM I sent here, however, clearly read them because he threw in some extra dried pods w/ seeds because I'd mentioned that that was why I was buying a mixed box. The only business owner who doesn't respond to positive emails is the one who's buried in work, because talking to happy customers is one of very FEW pleasures in owning a small business these days, I think. Actually, it irks me he doesn't respond to emails to be honest, but I think it's an indication he's working like a fool. I hope.

I think there are two divergent customers - the people who just wants hot pods and have no access to them, and the people who want particular hot pods (or a lot of them) and have access to peppers in general. The latter will be discerning, the former will not. Being the former type myself, I am happy w/ being able to buy any fresh super's by mail - especially during this period while i'm increasingly financially committed to growing them and still a ways off from filling bags w/ pods =)

A little better sale copy would be more effective than an updated disclaimer etc (which nobody reads) ...
Your a litle late roper, that part has been handled, after the huge backlash on the board. The part I think is funny, read all the earlier comments by Dale. I sent good pods, you are ruining my reputaion, I am the biggest grower. All I, I, I, me, now it is our, more first person.

It shows that he still feels he was right and subconsiously he is still distancing himself from his own words.

My thoughts only.

I'm late as usual. :P I didn't know he made amends. Must have missed those pages.
The part I think is funny, read all the earlier comments by Dale. I sent good pods, you are ruining my reputaion, I am the biggest grower. All I, I, I, me, now it is our, more first person.

It shows that he still feels he was right and subconsiously he is still distancing himself from his own words.

That was quite a fast 180 from the direction he WAS running. I won't lie, if I saw potential dollars going over the horizon due to my being an..............well, not making my customers 'happy', I'd 'change directions'.......reeeal quick. I'd maybe even hang a sign out 'under new management' :beer: :cool:
Sic...ease off the sauce. I see you edited your post. My that the whole community came down on him and said he should do things differently. Handle his business like a business. That's what he is doing and he has made apologies. If you guys had beef, whatever. Point being Treat people how you expect to be treated. You guys are doing the same thing that you said he did wrong. Shit talking. Grow up and act like a man. Or just keep having childish outbursts........seriously, get over it and move on.
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