So being a family business for 60+ yrs, and you're still in the process of 'learning' not to be a jerk to your customer/s and or future customers?? I'm pretty sure since you hand pick every order ( like juan valdez picks every coffee bean

: ) you know most chili heads don't like or love peppers for just the NAME..but for the shape, texture, taste, heat lvl etc etc each strain has.
You would think, by now, you would know NOT to flood a box with peppers that are supposed to be (LOOK like and taste like) brain strains, with those 'scratch n dent things'......same plant or not!! You are not stupid and you know not only the heat and flavor of the BS are crowd pleasers...but the look of the pepper as well. That is why for 'popular' strains, you jack the prices up! You got so tied up in all the legal mumbo jumbo u have to 'boast', that u erased 60+ yrs of family business rep that may or MAY NOT have been there.
I sold a kitten I had to a friend when I was a kid, so if I went into business of selling kittens now, I could say 'been selling kittens since 1989! BUT, that doesn't mean I'm a super fantastic kitten seller....... or should be selling kittens.
Having lived in Brandon for a few years of my life, I could have been like the person who is singing ur praises and posting beautiful, posed pics of flawless ( selected) going to your 'nursery'/PROPERTY and hand selecting the best of the best, and I'd be happy to. MOST of the people who buy or have bought from you, do not have that luxury!
As far as Pepperlover, I don't think she solely relies on her business to 'survive', and SHE does not have that used car salesman mentality!!
My advice is....put down the 'get rich quick' books and change that VERY grey return policy from 'if u feel like it, u will..if u dont, u wont', to something along the lines of 'the customer is number one' and offer a satisfaction guaranteed......without ur googled 'how to sell crappy products, and get away with it' internet lawyer crap. You may not have that 3rd timeshare in a week, but you will build a more widespread customer base..other than locals who can avoid ur 'scratch n dents'.
I'm a little peeved to, because on a fourm unrelated to peppers, I directed a couple of folks this way with ur name. Glad I saw this in time to stop them. Still makes me a little embarrassed though.