seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

Yes, people were piling on when they didn't even read what happened. He sent one wrong plant and people were saying he was selling bad seeds, and saying what members had wasn't going to grow true because of that issue. How fair is that?? I should have let that continue when I saw it was a plant, not seeds? People see Dale is involved and they jump in with their 2 cents and they don't even have the facts. Period. This section is for vendor reviews, and if you don't want to order from him that's cool, that's why it is here. But you should have the facts before you make that decision. And my comments were related to that issue. Not another members.

Yeah and you never even ordered from him. Which is fine, but a lot of people say PayPal and Google are evil companies and other people are fine with them. It's all up to you how you want to vet the vendor and if you want to use them.
If he was a scam artist and not sending out orders, or selling mixed up seeds on purpose that would be VERY different. He has some mixed reviews, and remedies the wrongs. Easy. Use him if you want or use another.
millworkman said:
If you have never done business with Bakers then you really shouldn't be posting a review on him should you?
Not intended to be a review, I was comenting on THP statement. Feel free to move/remove as you see fit. I will PM THP with anything further
Ok, I'm quite concerned with doing business with a vendor that IGNORES emails from its customers.  I have tried to contact Dale THREE TIMES regarding an order of mine (that I have already paid for) that was supposed to ship two weeks ago and have not received any kind of response.  I was a repeat customer, but I will likely not be doing business again with him at all.  I'm hoping to either receive my order or get a refund because I really don't want to have to contact the Florida Bureau of Business and Professional Regulation regarding this.
My main concern is the ignoring of emails, I can understand shipments being postponed...anyone who actual understands how to operate a business might realize that sending their customers notices of delayed shipping is pretty important.  I was planning on doing a lot more business with him and now I think I'll buy my items from another vendor.  That's one of the dangers of poor customer service to the "little guy" purchases, you don't know who could potentially be making courtesy buys.  I just want my order or a refund and can't get a response either way.  I just don't understand.
ikeepfish said:
Ok, I'm quite concerned with doing business with a vendor that IGNORES emails from its customers.  I have tried to contact Dale THREE TIMES regarding an order of mine (that I have already paid for) that was supposed to ship two weeks ago and have not received any kind of response.  I was a repeat customer, but I will likely not be doing business again with him at all.  I'm hoping to either receive my order or get a refund because I really don't want to have to contact the Florida Bureau of Business and Professional Regulation regarding this.
I'm terribly sorry that this has happened. I have not got an email from you at all. Please send me a message here or gimme a call or a text at 8134460101...Again terribly sorry your order slipped thru the cracks, and please let me know in your message here how I can rectify the situation.

Dale Jr
PM Sent.....
Full refund issued! TERRIBLY sorry for the mix up!!

We are going to ship your order out FREE of charge!!

Dale Jr
I appreciate you fixing the situation, we all make mistakes sometimes, whether intentional or not...what makes the difference is if we learn from them. Thank you for finally contacting me.
Unfortunately, my first post on this forum has to be a complaint about "Dirtbag" Dale Baker at Baker's Peppers.  I really wish I had found this forum before I ordered from this guy.  This guy is a real piece of work.  A flat-out LIAR.  I have been buying things online for 15 years and he has managed to provide the worst experience I have ever had.  I really wish that were an exaggeration but you just cannot get any worse than this.  Here is the timeline:
4/10 I order the Baker's Burning Bundle (10 packs of 10 seeds) for $34.99.  An automated email informs me that I will receive a confirmation e-mail providing shipping details when the order is shipped.  He only ships on Mondays so I expect to hear something on 4/14
4/14 No confirmation of shipment.  Ok, I'll just wait for the seeds to show up.  Nothing shows up all week.  Ok, looks like he is waiting until the next Monday, 4/21
4/21 No seeds in the mailbox and still no confirmation of shipment.  Starting to get annoyed
4/25 Still no seeds.  It is now clear that he has not even shipped them out. I send the following email:
"Where are my seeds? I ordered the Baker's Burning Bundle on 4/10 and still have not received even a shipping confirmation??? It has been over 2 weeks!  I am working with a short growing season... very disappointing..."
Dirtbag Dale replies on 4/25:
"Sir, those seeds shipped Monday.  If they don't arrive by tomorrow I will send FREE replacement packs Monday.  Email me if they don't arrive tomorrow... terribly sorry USPS is taking forever.  We don't send seed orders out with tracking, but I will Monday if yours don't make it...let me know..."
4/27 I get an automated email from paypal letting me know he marked the 4/10 order as "shipped".  Wtf?  Shouldn't I have received this notice on 4/21, the day he claims he sent the order?
4/28 Nothing has arrived.  I let Dale know.  No response.
4/29 I still have not received a tracking number.  I send the following email:
"Dale, please, I need an update.  Did you send out the replacement packs?  This means I will eventually be receiving two packs, correct?  The original that 'USPS is taking forever on' and the new ones you sent out yesterday?  I still have nothing, and the days are ticking on by.  Let me know.  Also please send me a tracking number if you have it.  Thanks."
That brings us to today, where I have received:
1.  No seeds
2.  No tracking number
3.  No response from Dirtbag Dale  
Conclusion:  This man is a LIAR and a scam artist.  He claims he sent my original order on 4/21.  Why didn't he send my order on 4/14?  There was no message on the website about delayed shipping, no email to me about an extra week before shipping.  The delay would be bad enough, but he did not even send them out on 4/21!  He said he did, and he did NOT, and that makes him a LIAR.  The bottom line is I would have received the order by now if he sent it on 4/21. Unless of course there is some grand conspiracy at the post office where they steal orders from Baker's Peppers.  It's all the post office's fault, right Dale?  "Terribly sorry USPS is taking forever... let me know if they don't arrive"  what a freakin' joke... kinda hard for the post office to deliver a package that NEVER GOT SENT.
Sorry to hear this happened.  When I read their defenses of their business practices in this thread I am confused, because from a customer perspective, what you and others have described is really indefensible.  I had a similar experience with Bakers back in January.  I wasn't able to start some of my plants this year because the order arrived so late relative to my zone's grow season.  We're not talking about an order on the magnitude of a custom built Mercedes shipped directly from Germany - just a couple of packs of pepper seeds.  If you follow up enough through email, they'll send them... eventually.  They threw in a couple of freebies in an attempt to make up for it too.  Here's the deal: order seeds from - they arrived incredibly fast and threw in more freebbies for providing flawless customer service than Bakers did for providing poor customer service. If you read through previous threads, it seems like there are also plenty of other quality vendors out there to give your business to without having to go through the aggravation.
Good luck in the future and let the buyer beware
Wesker95 said:
We're not talking about an order on the magnitude of a custom built Mercedes shipped directly from Germany - just a couple of packs of pepper seeds.
Exactly this... I could have ordered the seeds directly from South America and received them by now.. and then lying about it is just sad.  Being located in Florida he seems to have no concept of growing seasons and how much he can really mess up customer's plans with his crappy service.  I have since had members sending PM's offering free seeds... some very kind and generous people on this forum!  And yea, seems to be the way to go... great selection and a good reputation.
FireBreath said:
Unfortunately, my first post on this forum has to be a complaint about "Dirtbag" Dale Baker at Baker's Peppers.  I really wish I had found this forum before I ordered from this guy.  This guy is a real piece of work.  A flat-out LIAR.  I have been buying things online for 15 years and he has managed to provide the worst experience I have ever had.  I really wish that were an exaggeration but you just cannot get any worse than this.  Here is the timeline:
4/10 I order the Baker's Burning Bundle (10 packs of 10 seeds) for $34.99.  An automated email informs me that I will receive a confirmation e-mail providing shipping details when the order is shipped.  He only ships on Mondays so I expect to hear something on 4/14
4/14 No confirmation of shipment.  Ok, I'll just wait for the seeds to show up.  Nothing shows up all week.  Ok, looks like he is waiting until the next Monday, 4/21
4/21 No seeds in the mailbox and still no confirmation of shipment.  Starting to get annoyed
4/25 Still no seeds.  It is now clear that he has not even shipped them out. I send the following email:
"Where are my seeds? I ordered the Baker's Burning Bundle on 4/10 and still have not received even a shipping confirmation??? It has been over 2 weeks!  I am working with a short growing season... very disappointing..."
Dirtbag Dale replies on 4/25:
"Sir, those seeds shipped Monday.  If they don't arrive by tomorrow I will send FREE replacement packs Monday.  Email me if they don't arrive tomorrow... terribly sorry USPS is taking forever.  We don't send seed orders out with tracking, but I will Monday if yours don't make it...let me know..."
4/27 I get an automated email from paypal letting me know he marked the 4/10 order as "shipped".  Wtf?  Shouldn't I have received this notice on 4/21, the day he claims he sent the order?
4/28 Nothing has arrived.  I let Dale know.  No response.
4/29 I still have not received a tracking number.  I send the following email:
"Dale, please, I need an update.  Did you send out the replacement packs?  This means I will eventually be receiving two packs, correct?  The original that 'USPS is taking forever on' and the new ones you sent out yesterday?  I still have nothing, and the days are ticking on by.  Let me know.  Also please send me a tracking number if you have it.  Thanks."
That brings us to today, where I have received:
1.  No seeds
2.  No tracking number
3.  No response from Dirtbag Dale  
Conclusion:  This man is a LIAR and a scam artist.  He claims he sent my original order on 4/21.  Why didn't he send my order on 4/14?  There was no message on the website about delayed shipping, no email to me about an extra week before shipping.  The delay would be bad enough, but he did not even send them out on 4/21!  He said he did, and he did NOT, and that makes him a LIAR.  The bottom line is I would have received the order by now if he sent it on 4/21. Unless of course there is some grand conspiracy at the post office where they steal orders from Baker's Peppers.  It's all the post office's fault, right Dale?  "Terribly sorry USPS is taking forever... let me know if they don't arrive"  what a freakin' joke... kinda hard for the post office to deliver a package that NEVER GOT SENT.
First off, let me start by saying welcome to the site!
Well, I have been debating on if i should or not make it "public information" on what i have been personally going through in the last few months. With recent posts like this one above, its only right and fair to let the people know whats going on.
I take FULL responsibility for ALL issues EVERY customer has had in recent months. In these last few months i have had to undergo 4 seperate fully I.V. sedated oral surgeries. I have been in and out of office visits and surgeries for months now, seeing dentists, oral surgeons, endodontists, the list goes on......Barely able to even keep the plants at the nursery alive. In this time my WIFE has been responsible for all emails, website, facebook...EVERYTHING! She is not at all well versed in ANY of these when it comes to the business which is why some of the customers orders and emails and such have gone unread. My wife has tried her hardest to make sure she has done everything she can with these things while i have been physically unable to. During all of this, my 8 month old daughter has had R.S.V. and my 3 year old daughter has had 2 upper respiratory wife has been BUSY needless to say, trying to take care of my 2 daughters, me AND the business........ We DEEPLY apologize for ANY inconvenience this may have caused our customers. I am in NO WAY SAYING THIS IS RIGHT or that the customer is to blame, I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ISSUES!
With that being said its not AT ALL RIGHT that our customers are the ones suffering too. The past few months of my families illnesses and my surgeries is not the customers fault. I only thought it was right that the people out there get the REAL reason why things have been crazy around here lately and why things are a bit confused as far as orders/emails and such go. Im back to almost 100% and my focus is BACK on work and no longer my overall health :) We hope the customers understand, AND again we are DEEPLY sorry about the delays..........
Customers that are familiar with us KNOW that we make things right if ever we make a mistake............we are NOT scam artists!
There, now my past few months of personal issues are ALL out in the open......I hope in the process I didnt cause TOO much inconvenience to anyone and again, I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for ALL of the problems we are experiencing, it is in NO WAY an attempt to place blame on my wife OR anyone else involved, it is 100% MY FAULT and IM MAKING  IT RIGHT as best i know how!! Please bare with me.....
Dale Jr
So you had your wisdom teeth out and your kid has a cold... boo hoo. :tear:  If you consider that to be true hardship then I'd love to see you live my life.  You're a real fighter, eh?  They should make a Dateline special about the guy with a sore mouth who struggles each day to water his pepper plants and send emails.  I'm not really sure where you're going with that story.  Even if that's all true I still don't feel sorry for you at all.  It would take 5 minutes to update your website and say "orders may take a month to arrive" but then nobody would order, right?  And if your wife has been the one emailing me then apparently she's well versed in the Baker method of excessive capitalization, ellipses, and being "terribly sorry".  I'm not buying it.  In all that mess you wrote... you didn't happen to mention how exactly you plan to "make this right"?  I think a full refund is in order.  You already wasted weeks of my time that I can never get back.  Again I live in an area where there is a SHORT GROWING SEASON.  Do you understand that concept?  Every day counts at this point.
FireBreath said:
So you had your wisdom teeth out and your kid has a cold... boo hoo. :tear:  If you consider that to be true hardship then I'd love to see you live my life.  You're a real fighter, eh?  They should make a Dateline special about the guy with a sore mouth who struggles each day to water his pepper plants and send emails.  I'm not really sure where you're going with that story.  Even if that's all true I still don't feel sorry for you at all.  It would take 5 minutes to update your website and say "orders may take a month to arrive" but then nobody would order, right?  And if your wife has been the one emailing me then apparently she's well versed in the Baker method of excessive capitalization, ellipses, and being "terribly sorry".  I'm not buying it.  In all that mess you wrote... you didn't happen to mention how exactly you plan to "make this right"?  I think a full refund is in order.  You already wasted weeks of my time that I can never get back.  Again I live in an area where there is a SHORT GROWING SEASON.  Do you understand that concept?  Every day counts at this point.
Lets try this again....
That information was never intended to make anyone "feel sorry" for was posted so YOU the guy who felt screwed knew what was gong on over here and why there was a delay in you getting your order...PERIOD!
Now, on to the guy who only "had some wisdom teeth removed"..... I in TOTAL over the last few months have had the following surgeries performed on me with TREATMENT DOCUMENTATION & RECEIPTS to prove it totaling close to $20,000!
4 Root Canals
2 Temporary Bridges
2 Permanent Bridges
3 Tooth Extractions
1 Implant
4 Caps
5 Crowns
11 Fills
Im sure theres a few procedures in there im forgetting, but im sure you MUST get the point wasnt just a MINOR thing!! Its been MONTHS of TREMENDOUS pain, office visits, surgeries, follow up visits, and all kinds of CRAP! Again, that wasnt all posted to get you to feel sorry for me, just posted to be informative to you and to OTHERS about why we have had a rough couple of months over here....Sorry you didnt get your order in timely fashion, sorry my wife was confused in emails and talks with you. Its all been a crazy past few months.......THAT was the point here......
Please email me your order # and Paypal shipping info in the body of the email so i can refund you IN FULL! (Thats the part where im doing something to make it right!)
Dale Jr
P.S.- ATTENTION CUSTOMERS...I dont post here or answer PM's regularly, so any further problems please EMAIL ME!!
BakersPeppers said:
I in TOTAL over the last few months have had the following surgeries performed on me with TREATMENT DOCUMENTATION & RECEIPTS to prove it totaling close to $20,000!
4 Root Canals
2 Temporary Bridges
2 Permanent Bridges
3 Tooth Extractions
1 Implant
4 Caps
5 Crowns
11 Fills
Im sure theres a few procedures in there im forgetting, but im sure you MUST get the point wasnt just a MINOR thing!! Its been MONTHS of TREMENDOUS pain, office visits, surgeries, follow up visits, and all kinds of CRAP!

Check this out.  These are called dental hygiene products.  Completely safe to use and they should run you less than $10 altogether.  Much cheaper than 20 grand and no pain at all.  In order from left to right: dental floss, toothpaste, and toothbrush.  There should be some good instructional videos on youtube if you need any help.  Good luck man!  I hope you and your family get well soon  :)
For what it's worth I received my order today. It was 3 bubblegum plants however there were multiples in the cells. It looks like a total of 8 plants if I can successfully separate them. They're in ok shape considering they've been in a box for multiple days.

Whatever's going on with you Baker good luck.
FireBreath said:

Check this out. These are called dental hygiene products. Completely safe to use and they should run you less than $10 altogether. Much cheaper than 20 grand and no pain at all. In order from left to right: dental floss, toothpaste, and toothbrush. There should be some good instructional videos on youtube if you need any help. Good luck man! I hope you and your family get well soon :)
Hey, you made your complaint, and Dale responded in an attempt to make things right by you. He didn't have to explain his health issues to you, but he did. There's no need to further fuel the flame of controversy by egging him on. Play nice, or don't play at all
FireBreath said:

Check this out.  These are called dental hygiene products.  Completely safe to use and they should run you less than $10 altogether.  Much cheaper than 20 grand and no pain at all.  In order from left to right: dental floss, toothpaste, and toothbrush.  There should be some good instructional videos on youtube if you need any help.  Good luck man!  I hope you and your family get well soon  :)
Wow, i have no words from this one at all. Some things medically cannot be helped with $20 worth of toothpaste, floss, etc. Other things are genetic, i.e. wisdom teeth, maxillary issue, Oralmaxillary issues which the surgeries from are very VERY painful. Maybe one day you yourself will have to have some type of surgery of the maxillary region and truly see how it is. 

He's trying to make it right with you, but you rather be a smart ass with him. Good job. 
Edit: Sorry Firebreath that was a little harsh on my part, had a patient pass on me today so I took it out on you, yet again sorry.
LawrenceJ2007 said:
Wow, i have no words from this one at all. Some things medically cannot be helped with $20 worth of toothpaste, floss, etc. Other things are genetic, i.e. wisdom teeth, maxillary issue, Oralmaxillary issues which the surgeries from are very VERY painful. Maybe one day you yourself will have to have some type of surgery of the maxillary region and truly see how it is. 

He's trying to make it right with you, but you rather be a smart ass with him. Good job. 
Edit: Sorry Firebreath that was a little harsh on my part, had a patient pass on me today so I took it out on you, yet again sorry.
You seem to be assuming that I have never had oral surgery. That would be incorrect. I have, and it was during a time when I was doing hard manual labor. I did not take any days off or have any trouble using my computer. With that said I do realize that different people have different pain tolerances, so I do apologize for making light of the matter. I am not really sure why you posted here since you aren't Dale Baker, though? Unless you're affiliated with him somehow then I don't really think your post was necessary. Regardless, I am sorry to hear about your patient. I am sure that is a very stressful job.
To the rest, my experience with Baker's Peppers came to a close on May 3 when I received my refund. I realize I may have come off a little strong with my previous posts, so I will just summarize the experience here. I ask only that the reader consider things from my perspective before coming to the conclusion that I am a bad person. I fully expected at least some backlash by calling him on the health issues. That's the thing about health issues; if the other person calls you on it, then they will end up looking like the bad guy whether it is true or not. I ask that you read the following and draw your own conclusions. If you still choose to believe that Dale had two lifetimes worth of dental work in a span of a couple months, then that is your right. Who am I to argue? It is every person's right to believe anything they wish. Heck, you can believe that man never landed on the moon, or that using a Shakeweight will turn you into a ripped bodybuilder after 3 weeks. Knock yourself out. Without further ado:
1. I ordered my seeds on 4/10.  Keep in mind, this is my first time getting into "superhot" peppers and my first ever order. I am very excited.
2. I check my mail every day with great anticipation, finding nothing for the next two weeks.
3. I email Dale on 4/25, he responds that he sent my seeds on 4/21 and apologizes that "USPS is taking forever".  He says he will send a free replacement the following Monday (4/28)
4. I check my mail the next few days with even greater anticipation. It has now been confirmed by the man himself that these seeds have been sent. Surely they will arrive soon. Nothing shows up.
5. I post here after not receiving any seeds or any replies to my emails. Dale says his wife has been in charge and that she's overwhelmed. He says she has been the one emailing me and must have been "confused". The emails in question are written with his exact writing style and signed Dale Jr
6. During this time I received no email or notice about his issues or possible delays. There was nothing posted on his website.
7. I ordered on 4/10 and the bundle cost $34.99. Sometime between 4/10 and my first post here on 4/30, the price was raised to $35.99 on his website. Somehow he or his wife had time to raise prices, but no time to answer emails or notify customers of possible delays.
8. Dale offers a refund and tells me to email him. I do, and he does not reply or refund me until a couple days later when I file a complaint with Paypal. At this point I immediately receive a full refund.
9. To date, I have received nothing in the mail from Baker's Peppers. This confirms that the seeds were never sent (original or replacement). This entire transaction essentially amounted to an interest-free, 1 month loan in the amount of $34.99 from me to Dale Baker. Note: I did find seeds in my mailbox today... but they were from They shipped the morning after my order, arrived in 3 business days, and came loaded with free seeds.
I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my previous posts, but that's not who I am. Those posts were a reflection of my state of mind at the time. I felt that I got lied to. In my lifetime I have found that liars do not deserve second chances, because they will just do it again. It's a character flaw. I may be sarcastic, or a "smartass", but one thing I am not and never will be is a liar. I hope that by posting my experience here it will help get Dale more focused on the service aspect of his business. I do not wish bad things for him at all and I consider this issue closed.
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