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Banned from facebook

For spamming people to join a group I've set up for people with the same name as me.

"It's against our terms and conditions". Dude, I'm a freaking lawyer, and I can tell you without a glimmer of a shadow of a possibility of a doubt that no one reads that sh1t!
Ah, but IS it spam: If you had a fairly unusual name, and someone mailed you to say "we've got the same name! Join the group!", is that spam?
In my book, no.

But I look forward to getting death threats and miscellaneous unhappy (and no doubt badly spelt and poorly structured) complaints from my nomenclature-identical cousins.
Shooty* said:
Ah, but IS it spam: If you had a fairly unusual name, and someone mailed you to say "we've got the same name! Join the group!", is that spam?

Oh yeah, that's spam.
Keeping in mind the Monty Python skit.......

Reasons I don't think it was spam:

1. each message was individually written, rather than the same message sent to 3 trillion people
2. I did not try to sell viagra, v!@gra, or any similar product
3. I did not pretend to be a nigerian banker entrusted with £7 trillion which I needed to invest
4. I was not selling degrees
5. I was not pretending to be Ebay or a bank requesting you to enter your security details into a suspiciously named website

On your rationale, does any friend request made through facebook to someone you have never met, yet with whom you share similar interests, amount to spam? If not, why not?
shooty - I dont know what facebook is ? but I assume its a place where alot of people visit to chat & share info.
by the sounds of what you did, IMO thats NOT spam!

you want to hear something really strange, well ok its not truely strange but it falls into "what are the odds of this happening" kinda like your odd/rare name.
a buddy googled his own name for the heck of it one day, & to his surprise theres another guy in the UK with the same name & doing the same line of work in construction in the UK & he's (the buddy) in MN of USA :shocked: my buddy checked out that guys website & even sent him a Email, but that guy never sent one back :D what a F'ing A-hole I mean what are the odds of this happening & the guy wasnt even curious or say hi & wow that is strange/odd or chat about the methods of the work in each area or the prices.

as for spam the food, thats some great eating, spam on crackers w/cheese & hot sauce ;) the breakfast of champions :lol:
Chili Man Chimes in:

Not spam if it's indiviually written to a select few who share a commonallity. It may be unwanted to some, but they can ignore and it will go away. Was found by a long lost cousin in Austria that way!

Spam, the food, is GREAT!!! Should be tattood' on my person.....hmmmmmmmm?!

Hey, would spam for Spam come to your mailbox like "Get SP@M 4 less!" (I think that's Spam squared!)
I hate to admit it, but i dig Spam(the food) quite a bit myself. Hell, i like it so much, i even got a couple of t-shirts of it.
Shooty* said:
Reasons I don't think it was spam:

1. each message was individually written, rather than the same message sent to 3 trillion people
2. I did not try to sell viagra, v!@gra, or any similar product
3. I did not pretend to be a nigerian banker entrusted with £7 trillion which I needed to invest
4. I was not selling degrees
5. I was not pretending to be Ebay or a bank requesting you to enter your security details into a suspiciously named website

You did, however, send unsolicited email to strangers that contained a solicitation. And you did it over and over.

Not only is it spam, it's just so, well, gauche.

"Hey, I don't think you're worth the effort of getting to know here on your site, but why don't you drop what you're doing and dash over to my obviously more interesting site and join. Bye now, I can't be arsed to spend any more time on you."

On your rationale, does any friend request made through facebook to someone you have never met, yet with whom you share similar interests, amount to spam? If not, why not?

I don't do FaceBook or MySpace, and perhaps that sort of behavior is the norm there. If you had sent me a private message on, for example, this forum with no prior interaction between us, and that message was a solicitation to join some other group, I would have been...er...less than lady-like in my reply and complained to a moderator.

Look, it's like walking uninvited into someone's home, handing them a slightly wilted flower, urinating on the carpet, and hollaring "We have so much in common, you should come over to my house!", as you walk out the door.
So Pam, what you are saying is "peeing on people's carpet is bad"? Oopsie!

Good point on the "if you had no prior interaction and PM'ed a solicitation" point, but it is still such a particular request (i.e. same name) that I can still see it being fair. He still wasn't trying to sell them stuff. Anyhow, it's easy for us to say one way or the other as we "know" shooty and he seems like a nice guy, I imagine we could beat this point soidly into the ground and still never get all in line. Here's something we can all get in on together, hot sauce is good!

NO peeing...huh. I gotta go, apology notes will be sent forthwith.
chiliman said:
So Pam, what you are saying is "peeing on people's carpet is bad"? Oopsie!
"They peed on your rug?"
"They peed on my f*ckin rug, man."
"They peed on your f*cking rug."
"Who peed on your rug, Dude?"
"Shut the f*ck up, Donny."