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Barrackpore 7 Pot

The seller of these is actually the one and only Neil from the world famous Hippy Seed Company.
The site addy may be because www.yellow7pot.com was already taken. If you look at the site he describes them as 7 pod/7pot.

Edit: Actually if one looks for the above site it comes up as 7pod.com as well, go figure!
Novacastrian said:
The seller of these is actually the one and only Neil from the world famous Hippy Seed Company.
The site addy may be because www.yellow7pot.com was already taken. If you look at the site he describes them as 7 pod/7pot.

Edit: Actually if one looks for the above site it comes up as 7pod.com as well, go figure!

That is expensive! 7 usdollars for 10 seeds +shipping. He only takes paypal and p.p. Sucks! (someone at paypal stole my credit card info and tried to use it. I was buying seeds from peppergal)BIGGGGGGG investigation, I was lucky! I willnot ever use paypal again!!!!
hey guys.......its been a while since i checked back........i think we may have a problem with the second batch of seeds - shipment wise..........its been like 3 weeks since i posted them and no one from the second batch hasn't received packages......i usually guage the USA folks receive within one week to one and a half weeks and the australian folks a week later than them.....but no one from the shipment on the 4th july 2009 has given any feedback as to if they have received........i suspect the worse for this shipment.... :(

i have packaged the 3rd batch of seeds all sealed and ready to go.......i am off from work on tuesday.......so i will have these mailed (at a different post office from where i sent the second batch).....

i picked about 20 pods this morning all ripened and ready to do some damage (see pics that follow)....i have an excess amount of seeds and if no one has received anything from the 2nd batch by the end of this week i will resend to you guys......

here's the updated table:

Those pods look mean. I'm still waiting for the postman to visit me with my seeds. I'm still hopeful that they will arrive safely and that nothing bad has happened to them like you are thinking. That would suck if they were lost in the mail :(
Nice pods trini. I'm still waiting on the postwoman too. My girlfriend keeps asking me what I bought now since I watch the mailbox, and she thinks I'm just checking out the mail lady.
^excellent news joe........glad to hear they're germinating......i didn't yet get around to doing my own quality checks of the different batches........but glad to know we got LIFE!