
Out of my winter grow varieties, the Barrakpore is already becoming my favorite plant to watch. From the little that I have managed to find out about them through searching it seems like it tends to be heavily prolific. If the first set of buds on this guy is any indication, I will have to agree! I just hope I can keep the temperatures in the greenhouse high enough to see some pods soon!

Untitled by, on Flickr

What are people's opinion of this variety? I have a few dried ones but I didn't get a chance to try it fresh. I am still trying to decide if it will become part of my main crop next year.
Mine are like Mill said . Super hot but not the best tasting. Still can make a nice sauce or powder but fresh they are okay. Everyone that has sampled my pods whole have been stricken with nasty stomach pain later . Including myself.
There's two pods left on one of my plants, of fairly decent size but not as elongated as most. Excellent heat and flavor. Yer welcome to them, if ya remind me after all this Christmas thang is all over.
my barrackpore is 2 years old and finally coughed up 1 pod this year, it was hot but the flavour was actually memberable, a nice sweet taste. my plant looks really healthy going into 2013 along with doughlah that i have high hopes for.
Mine are like Mill said . Super hot but not the best tasting. Still can make a nice sauce or powder but fresh they are okay. Everyone that has sampled my pods whole have been stricken with nasty stomach pain later . Including myself.

Thats interesting, i ate a half of pod this summer and it nearly killed my stomach. I was very surprised by that!
got a few barrakpores germinating, nice plant very healthy lookin , most picks of pods are very bhut j,, long lookin thats why i got seeds something diff 7pot, hope i like the flavor of em don mind a little fruty but yellow 7s and fatalis to me go overboard in the citrus frutty and i seem to only use em for seafood, wanna see some pod pic when u get em,
Barrackpores are hot, but I can't stand the taste of em.
really what dose it remind you of and what pepper or level is heat?
Yes. Nothing good about the taste or experience.
are they yuk or just not the best flavor.?Do they remind you more of a red hab, red 7, butch t, or jolokia, or do they have there own not close to any chili flavor,? what is your heat raiting on em i got to try red 7 pot original to me there hoter than buht js out of 1-10 there heat is 11 one pod i ate half instant stomack pain are they any thing like that ?
Lol. They are beyond any superhot I had previously consumed. No fruitiness, no sweetness, just bitter heat. There was pain, in what seemed to be the lateral hypothalamus region of my brain (the part that tells you to stop eating NOW) and an instantly accompanying ringing in my ears. My stomach became distended when the brain pain/ear ringing stopped (about 20 minutes after consumption). It remained distended and aching for about an additional 45 minutes. The following two days, neither my wife nor myself could eat normally - no appetite and extreme lower-GI trauma. My judgement is that it is not meant to be eaten. They are pretty plants and they apparently are prolific, but not all plants are fit for consumption. I can say that I tried it, but I never will again.
Sounds like a badd azz pod id like to see a side by side review
With hb22 vs barrakpore i wonder the shu on this pod are ?
I have a small amount of seeds of it that I got in a trade, I have not grown it before , so I'm actually looking forward to groing it.
I have 7 seeds of it and hopefully will get at least 4 good plants from them. :fireball:
I hear it almost tastes like a bhut i actially enjoy buht flavor ovet the 7 PODS. That i have tased so far, do yall think this is true about it tasting like a buht?cant wait to see how mine will turn out i have a few popin up have any of yall started 2013 grow yet i couldent wait started mine end of january jan 23 3 weeks earlier than last year,

Just saw muskymojo started allready how bout yall ?
I love the Barrackpore! It's a permanent fixture on my grow list, and I think the flavor is great for a superhot. I started 30 seeds a few days ago. :dance:

I agree, they are very hot, very prolific and a very nice taste - kind of like a bhut, but not exactly. Here's a pic from my 2012 harvest:

They are thin-walled like a bhut and the flavor may be enhanced if smoked, dried, and crushed for soups. I have limited space for growing and must be choosy when selecting plants to grow. As I find that I tend to give half of my harvest away to loved ones, I don't believe that they would continue to love me back if I gave them the experience that my wife and I had. I am glad to hear that some of you have better experiences with the Barrackpore than we did. How do you generally use them?
I grew them last year. Mabey a little hint of a fruity taste but friggin HOT!!! I threw them in the mix with other superhots and put them in the smoker.
Nice to see some pods of it, I'll be starting mine in a week or so depending on when my boat comes in then I expect all hell to break loose. :woohoo: