I always chose Flat Rate padded envelope when shipping boxes with 1 - 4 bottles because they fit well and cost me $5.70, a savings I can pass on to the customer
But a few times last week I shipped things out and the clerk rang them up as "Flat Rate envelopes" - which were slightly less expensive, but when the packages arrived, they withheld them from the customer demanding the difference in cost. Something 2 people called me on, and we settled it. But the others may not have been as forgiving.
Make sure if you use PayPal, USPS online or even the Post Office in person, ensure you are paying the "Flat Rate PADDED Envelope" rate! The Clerk didn't realize this and it could have had some impact on repeat sales.
But a few times last week I shipped things out and the clerk rang them up as "Flat Rate envelopes" - which were slightly less expensive, but when the packages arrived, they withheld them from the customer demanding the difference in cost. Something 2 people called me on, and we settled it. But the others may not have been as forgiving.
Make sure if you use PayPal, USPS online or even the Post Office in person, ensure you are paying the "Flat Rate PADDED Envelope" rate! The Clerk didn't realize this and it could have had some impact on repeat sales.