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Beautiful Naganero...

This plant is a Naga Morich crossed with either a Red Savina or Caribbean Red.

Gonna try one this weekend! Cant wait to see what its like :onfire:

Is it a plant from seed last year or did it cross pollinate this year? kinda funky with some naga looking pods and some and a hab looking - either way it will be a fiery one :mouthonfire:
The cross pollination would've happened last year and been expressed this year in the plants.

You're pods look pretty badass SJ! So shiny it's almost as if you've been polishing them with armoral :lol:
Is it a plant from seed last year or did it cross pollinate this year? kinda funky with some naga looking pods and some and a hab looking - either way it will be a fiery one :mouthonfire:

It actually would have occurred 4 years ago. I got a couple Naga Morich pods from a fellow forum member.
I've been growing Naga's from this same seed batch for the last 3 years and never produced anything
other than regular Naga Morich.

This year I sprouted 3 Naga's but what I ended up with was 2 Naga's and this guy here. It was a surprise volunteer.

The person I got the pods from 4 years ago grew his Naga's right alongside Caribbean Reds and Red Savina's
and I expect that one of his Habs pollinated the Naga that produced the pods I got my seeds from.

I always grow Caribbean Reds and Nagas every year. Interestingly, this hybrid started setting fruit at the same time as the other two naga's, but the hybrid grew faster and has a buttload of fully ripe pods, but none of my other plants (Hab or Naga) have yet to produce
a ripe pod. These pods are redder than the naga's I usually get and smoother and glossier. But they are also tapered to a point like the naga's
and its absolutely a Naga plant. the shape of the plant, the time it set fruit, and the leaves and flowers are all identical to the other two Naga plants.

Its fun. I've been enjoying watching this guy to see what it does. the true test of course comes this weekend when I eat one :hell:

I'm also curious to see if the seeds will be viable next year. It would be cool if I could continue this strain.
Great pic Skyjerk! Look absolutly yummy! Looks like your plant is very happy and producing great pods! Congrats and best of luck this grow season! ;)
yeah not quite sure how I got into it. Date postings....go figure lol
Justaguy is trying to revive old threads like I do dead plants :rofl:

BTW, Skyjerk's Nagas were from my seeds, I too experienced the same Naganero syndrome which is why I killed off my Naga collection. Dog gone cross pollination will always be a factor in my garden. My favorite cross was a Jamaican Scotch Bonnet and I think Scorpion or Naga, the pods were super huge, fugly looking with the bumps and all, and very nasty tasting :)
Justaguy is trying to revive old threads like I do dead plants :rofl:

BTW, Skyjerk's Nagas were from my seeds, I too experienced the same Naganero syndrome which is why I killed off my Naga collection. Dog gone cross pollination will always be a factor in my garden. My favorite cross was a Jamaican Scotch Bonnet and I think Scorpion or Naga, the pods were super huge, fugly looking with the bumps and all, and very nasty tasting :)

Your favorite was the Nasty tasting one???
BTW you need to come try these red Fatalii's. Obviously crossed with something.
Your favorite was the Nasty tasting one???
BTW you need to come try these red Fatalii's. Obviously crossed with something.
Heck yeah I love the nasty stuff! :)

Don't be too quick to assume you have a cross as the Red Fatalii's are well known and pretty decent peppers. I grew the red variety one year but I preferred the yellow as they had more of the citrus flavor I fell in love with so I've stuck with them. Linky
Not writing them off. Some of my sauces will just have a red tint now. :D

another BTW. The newest is almost ready. You have to give it a try. Will let you know when.