Beautiful purple pods

Very cool dude. You got that breeding down for sure. Great specimens there! I love looking at purple peppers, what you planning on using to throw some flavor and longevity into that hybrid?
With this cross right now I'm just trying to stabilize what I've got and I have no immediate intention on breeding it for flavor. Hopefully in the f3 generation there will be more variety of 5 color types to choose from, and hopefully some longer pods like the whippet tail mother.
Those are so awesome. I'd be proud to own one of those plants. Good job and good luck with the furture of this cross.
man now I'm all excited for my first attempts at crosses to get the pods ripened up so I can plant them for a late season pod harvest of F1s, so next year I can start the F2s.. those are some awesome plants, can't wait to see all the F3 plants this year
Patowie, that could be the most awesome looking pepper I've seen yet! I hope you don't mind but I used it as my wallpapper for my phone. I could erase it if not. But way cool :cool: