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Beehunters Grow log - Now with Awkward video update.

Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice.
Happy growing!

The Beehunter

Hey Sandra and Denniz thanks for checking in. Yea i been really bad about keeping updated the last month or so. Its been crazy around here. With travel (not always for pleasure) and the baby and all these chillies to deal with :). Not bad really, the past few weeks have been great to my plants. We have had very consistent weather. Good sun warm day temps and warm nights. As a result ive been learning what it means to have to deal with pods :) Im figuring out how im gonna keep the heat for the off season. Some of em have been dehydrated and some are frozen. Some got turned into salsa and canned or frozed. others are Hotsauces. I think this weekend ima make more hotsauce. Need to Make one with the bhuts and scorps i think. :) Man but ill tell you what. Making hotsauce and living in an apartment building is not a good way to make friends with your neighbors :) Anyhow here is a few pod shots from today. i need to get the time for a harvest again. hopefully tomorrow. Hope everybody is well.


Mystery Pods. (were supposed to be Bhuts but the unripe pods are a totaly different green that the unripe pods of my other bhut plants)

TS Red

color of the unripe TS red

funny shaped bhut on a plant full of more regular pods

Yellow 7s ripe and unripe. that plan gets producer of the year forsure.

Those yellow 7s make one beautiful and tasty sauce!
Pods looks good and that sauce looks really good. It's awesome the weather finally has come around, although we still have some pretty rain for time to time over here.
Man Britt that is so kick ass!Pods look sweet. And that yellow sauce looks super tasty like Stefan said. Only problem I noticed is I did not see a step by step process on how to make it ;) Great grow bro! :onfire:
Looking really good Britt. That sauce looks delicious. Glad to see things going well

Hey thanks Sanarda! After watching your vids i feel im the one trying to keep up with you!

Pods looks good and that sauce looks really good. It's awesome the weather finally has come around, although we still have some pretty rain for time to time over here.

Yea we get our share of rain as well. but the past few weeks the days it has rained havent been all day rains. So that is good. I found my plants actually love it to rain in the morning if there is sun in the afternoon. Thanks for stopping in.
Man Britt that is so kick ass!Pods look sweet. And that yellow sauce looks super tasty like Stefan said. Only problem I noticed is I did not see a step by step process on how to make it ;) Great grow bro! :onfire:

Yo Jamie thanks for poppin in. Ha! Im such a beginner that when you say "step by step" you about covered all of them :). Im Gonna make another sauce next week the same way except using Scorps and bhuts and ill do a more step by step photo shoot of that one.

Hey Compmodder
Thanks for checking out my grow. I Been seeing some reviews you been posting on Youtube. Great stuff. Good luck with your thirteen days. Naga Morich huh? Its possible i guess. i got no clue as to what they are. I just hope they taste good. Havent had any ripen yet. They win the slowest ripening award.

Nice haul, those yellow pods make amazing colored sauces. I hope my yellows produce outside the Lemon Drop.

I hear great things amount the lemon drops but have never tried them. But i for sure plan to add more yellows to my list for next year.

The Yellow/7 sauce has a nice fresh color to it. Did you add any other solid ingredients to it?

Greg Always an honor sir. Only other Solid in there is the garlic cloves. I add them to pretty much anything i do. Just something about heat and garlic that i think go great together! This being my first year im trying to keep it all pretty simple. Keep working my way up to you old pros!
Hey Compmodder
Thanks for check out my grow. I Been seeing some reviews you been posting on Youtube. Great stuff. Good luck with your thirteen days. Naga Morich huh? Its possible i guess. i got no clue as to what they are. I just hope they taste good. Havent had any ripen yet. They when the slowest ripening award.

Thanks for checking out my reviews and thanks for the compliments. I truly appreciate it.

I've seen a lot of growers that sell Naga Morich as Bhut Jolokia. They are closely related and have a very similar heat/flavor so I can see how some people would switch them around. Does it have a lot of pods on the plant? I'm growing 2 Naga Morich plants and they are loaded down with pods. But mine have ripened quickly.
Britton, your growing and kitchen skills are really on display!
Things are looking great over there, my friend. How's that
yellow sauce taste? Did you put some on that pod and eat
it whole :rofl: ?

Dont know if you can tell by the picture above but it looks like my season is coming to an end. that is construction scaffolding on my building and as of today or tomorrow i must remove all of my plants from it. Not sure how long they would have to be removed but too long for me to just keep them inside thats for sure. So now i will have to move them into the parking lot behind our building and hope for the best. IE no one steals them, or no kids destroy them. I honestly dont hold out much hope and i am battling with myself as too if i should just throw out the plants so i can make sure no one take my pots.... hard to say since all my plants are still covered in green pods. Either way it has be an amazing season. i have been really blessed with the amount of pods i have been able to put in my short and rookie season. But decisions must be made. i will take fair well pics of the plants soon no matter what i decide.

On a Lighter note. I made sauce! This time a Mango Alpine Honey sauce with my mystery pods (possibly Naga Morich)

1 Mango
8 Pods
5 Cloves Garlic
Alpine Honey
Apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper


It turned out simple and delicious! Not as hot as i thought but still a very very hot sauce! if i made it again though i think i could cook the mangos down more next time so i could use more mango to bring there flavor out more. Ok Till next time.
Yea my plan is too avoid making it till the last minute!! If i can manage a few more days i will have alot more pods ripen i think. then i wouldnt mind over wintering a few plants and scraping the rest. Thanks for stopping in.
I see some empty "balcony" syndrome in your future. You have done well this year Britt,and next year I'm sure you will tweak things to make it that much better. I enjoy watching the newer growers like myself. Fun watching each other learn,and succeed.
That is a real shame about your plants Britt. Eats me up inside. I am not sure what I would do. :confused:

But it looks like you have a nice stash of sauce saved and hopefully a freezer stocked for making more yummy stuff :party:

One thing I would do is try to keep one or two of your favorite plants possibly inside by a window sill if wife and space is ample :fireball:

Keep us updated. :woohoo:
I'm so sorry to hear about your dilemma. I would pull them in doors let them ripen and then choose the peppers I like the best. A community garden would do you great right about now
Looks good, Britt. Would send you some pods if they weren't crushed or molded by the time you get them. You got any experience with sending fresh pods outside Switzerland?

Dont know if you can tell by the picture above but it looks like my season is coming to an end. that is construction scaffolding on my building and as of today or tomorrow i must remove all of my plants from it. Not sure how long they would have to be removed but too long for me to just keep them inside thats for sure. So now i will have to move them into the parking lot behind our building and hope for the best. IE no one steals them, or no kids destroy them. I honestly dont hold out much hope and i am battling with myself as too if i should just throw out the plants so i can make sure no one take my pots.... hard to say since all my plants are still covered in green pods. Either way it has be an amazing season. i have been really blessed with the amount of pods i have been able to put in my short and rookie season. But decisions must be made. i will take fair well pics of the plants soon no matter what i decide.

On a Lighter note. I made sauce! This time a Mango Alpine Honey sauce with my mystery pods (possibly Naga Morich)

1 Mango
8 Pods
5 Cloves Garlic
Alpine Honey
Apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper


It turned out simple and delicious! Not as hot as i thought but still a very very hot sauce! if i made it again though i think i could cook the mangos down more next time so i could use more mango to bring there flavor out more. Ok Till next time.

nice.....how much alpine honey... can i use agave nectar.. how much vinegar..??/ and whats the breakdown of your yellow 7 sauce...?? hope all goes well for you
I see some empty "balcony" syndrome in your future. You have done well this year Britt,and next year I'm sure you will tweak things to make it that much better. I enjoy watching the newer growers like myself. Fun watching each other learn,and succeed.
haha. i see that syndrome coming on pretty soon as well. Ive also enjoyed watching everybody develope as chilli growers and learning. the grow logs are for sure the best part of this site for me. yea im already planning next year and looking into community gardens.
That is a real shame about your plants Britt. Eats me up inside. I am not sure what I would do. :confused:

But it looks like you have a nice stash of sauce saved and hopefully a freezer stocked for making more yummy stuff :party:

One thing I would do is try to keep one or two of your favorite plants possibly inside by a window sill if wife and space is ample :fireball:

Keep us updated. :woohoo:
True the sauces are stacking up and i got plenty of pods to make more sauces with. We will see about keeping one or two plants. The problem with that is the scaffolding blocks a lot of the sun from coming the house. but im very happy with how things have gone!

I'm so sorry to hear about your dilemma. I would pull them in doors let them ripen and then choose the peppers I like the best. A community garden would do you great right about now
Community garden is the plan for next year! wish i had the room to bring them inside but thats not possible. But getting a new balcony isnt a bad idea :)

Man Bee, I'm sorry to hear that. Those bastards...rub chilies all over the balcony, so if they touch it, they pay the price!

Ha i think id be the one who paid the price cause im sure i would forget about where i had rubbed them.


I used a table spoon and a half of honey. Im sure you could use agave nectar instead. why not? i really know nothing about making sauces. im just makin it up as i go :) The yellow 7 sauce is easy. its just yellow 7s garlic apple cider vinegar and salt and pepper. easy and awesome! I think the yellow 7 flavor is so good it doesnt need any help.

Thanks everybody for stopping in!