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Beehunters Grow log - Now with Awkward video update.

Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice.
Happy growing!

The Beehunter

Good work, Britt! Every time I look at your pics, I am more impressed
by the scope and quality of your grow compared to the space you are using!
The plants are healthy and happy looking thanks to your care.

I shudder :shocked: to think what you might produce if you lived in Florida and
had two acres!

Continued success to you, bro! Enjoy those chiles!

THanks for the pod pics, plants look great, Bee! Hopefully the weather will turn around soon, temps dropped here also but the plants seems too like the lower temps for now.
Good work, Britt! Every time I look at your pics, I am more impressed
by the scope and quality of your grow compared to the space you are using!
The plants are healthy and happy looking thanks to your care.

I shudder :shocked: to think what you might produce if you lived in Florida and
had two acres!

Continued success to you, bro! Enjoy those chiles!


Ha! if i had a few Acres i wouldnt know what to do with myself! I think i might work better with limitations. With Limited options it forces me to have a strong game. if i had my plants in the ground in a large space i might be tempted into laziness. Plus im not near old enough to be allowed to live in florida ;).

Love the balcony, I'd be tempted to make room in the middle, curl up and fall asleep next to all those peppers, lol.

Hey thanks. If there was room to curl up in the middle i might give it a try :) I know my wife would be happier if there was at least standing room out there.

THanks for the pod pics, plants look great, Bee! Hopefully the weather will turn around soon, temps dropped here also but the plants seems too like the lower temps for now.

I wish my plants liked the cooler temps. All the cooler temps do for me is add to flower drop i think. But i cant complain too much.
Ok its been a while. I was out of town for a week. Had to make a trip state side for a friends wedding. Was nice to catch up with friends from back home. While i was gone my wife was in charge of well everything including my peppers. I come back and... well they look great! Seems while i was gone summer finally got here and with it came some warmer night time temps. The warmer temps have been great for pot set on my plants! I think the cooler nights were causing the flower drop because now that its a bit warmer at night they seem to be holding pods better. Ive also giving two of my plants away to friends. They were duplicates of plants i have growing and i figure for overall plant health i needed more room out there. Anyway they will be missed :) Ok on to some pod pics!

here are a few yellow 7 pot pics. just cause they are so wicked looking!



Here is a funny bhut. It was the first pod to set on this plant and was very stunted. The newer pods on it are much more bhut looking.

Another more bhuty bhut

and the Scorps are finally setting some pods!!!

the the workhorse hab is still doing its thing

and the Mulatos are getting just huge!

Till next time. Thanks for stoppin by.
What's up Bee?.... Did you have any seperation anxiety whilst away? Your yellow 7's are looking just like mine. Those pods are one of my favorite so far in my season. Glad your weather is picking up.
Bumpy 7's....evil grin.....and just like that....you're a pod porn star :onfire: .
I have a week yet before I'll see mine again, I'm am podless now...on last jar of :fireball: sauce....things could get ugly fast....... :shh:
What's up Bee?.... Did you have any seperation anxiety whilst away? Your yellow 7's are looking just like mine. Those pods are one of my favorite so far in my season. Glad your weather is picking up.

Man me too! had to wait for it long enough... still only in the 50's overnight but that seems to be a big help from the 40's we were having. I dont know if i had anxiety, but i did think on them quit a bit :).

Hi Bee, nice looking chiles. Glad to hear your summer is finally kicking in. Good luck

Hey thanks man. Your plants are lookin awesome too!

Bumpy 7's....evil grin.....and just like that....you're a pod porn star :onfire: .
I have a week yet before I'll see mine again, I'm am podless now...on last jar of :fireball: sauce....things could get ugly fast....... :shh:

Yea i cant believe the wife thinks there ugly! i think there a beautiful thing :) Good luck while your out there. You might wanna rashin that hot sauce. Im sure your gonna be covered up in pods when you get back!
Awesome! Pods looking great. I've got two of those mulatos planted - I hope they get like yours. That looks beautiful. Well done! Chili rellenos in the future?
Awesome! Pods looking great. I've got two of those mulatos planted - I hope they get like yours. That looks beautiful. Well done! Chili rellenos in the future?

Man thats exactly why im growing them. My wife loves chili rellenos and im a fan myself. Also looking forward to just stuffing them and taking them to the park for some BBQs. Thanks for stoppin in.
Holy moly Britt your plants have all grown up. Where has the time been? That yellow 7 is wicked looking. Can't wait to watch you do a review of that bumpy bad boy. :party:


HA! i dont know about that. i gotta step my game up before i start eating fresh pods. i cut up a hab and had in on my pizza for lunch today and i got the hiccups but bad! But if i munch one you better believe ill film it. Cause it might be a one time deal :)
Ok its been a while. I was out of town for a week. Had to make a trip state side for a friends wedding. Was nice to catch up with friends from back home. While i was gone my wife was in charge of well everything including my peppers. I come back and... well they look great! Seems while i was gone summer finally got here and with it came some warmer night time temps. The warmer temps have been great for pot set on my plants! I think the cooler nights were causing the flower drop because now that its a bit warmer at night they seem to be holding pods better. Ive also giving two of my plants away to friends. They were duplicates of plants i have growing and i figure for overall plant health i needed more room out there. Anyway they will be missed :) Ok on to some pod pics!

here are a few yellow 7 pot pics. just cause they are so wicked looking!



Here is a funny bhut. It was the first pod to set on this plant and was very stunted. The newer pods on it are much more bhut looking.

Another more bhuty bhut

and the Scorps are finally setting some pods!!!

the the workhorse hab is still doing its thing

and the Mulatos are getting just huge!

Till next time. Thanks for stoppin by.

wow your pods are all wicked looking especially those 7-pots very nice chopped them up put them in a stew :drooling: :drooling:
Man thats exactly why im growing them. My wife loves chili rellenos and im a fan myself. Also looking forward to just stuffing them and taking them to the park for some BBQs. Thanks for stoppin in.

Cool - I just discovered those this year and love them. When you make some, you know the rule about pictures ;)
man we just had a storm blow threw and it layed all my plants out sideways!! broke some of my stakes. was crazy. gonna have to assess the damage in the morning. fingers crossed.


Thanks man. yea im looking forward to figuring out the best things to do with the super hots. never really had that problem before!

woah.... scared str8 after seeing your pods.... make your wife eat one of them yellow 7s....make her..lol... keep it up Britt
Ha! you make her :) now i dont know what would be funnier her eating one. or you attempting to make her :) Thanks for stoppin by man.

Cool - I just discovered those this year and love them. When you make some, you know the rule about pictures ;)

I also only learned about them this year. im looking forward to cooking with them.
Well was an interesting week for my plants. we had our three hottest days of the year mixed in with two of the worst storms of the year. Last week was a week of mostly sun around here and my plants were loving it. they put on new growth and a few even had some pods ripen. But on sunday morning we had one hell of a crazy hale storm come threw. Ive always heard people say golf ball sized hale but ive never actually seen it cover a street in july and turn it white. It was impressive. Luckily my plants are mostly protected by the balcony about us but nothing could completely protect them from something like that. So here is a few of the carnage pics and a pic of a nice ripe bhut. Happy monday everybody.



