contest BEGIN! Can You Win A—Throwdown?

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Jay I think you had it goin' on until you added cherries.
Spam's getting a good workout this TD. Looking good, JayT! Scovie, I forgot to post it, but the cheese I was looking for was WSU's Cougar Gold. Not a single place outside of Pullman carried it, and a 14 hour road trip to WSU and back was out of the question. Can you imagine if I could of gotten that? OMG! For those that don't know, WSU was contacted by the military back in the '50's to find a way to package cheese so it could withstand travel around the world. They came up with a way to pack it in steel cans, and have been making and selling cheddar cheeses in metal cans for 60+ years. And YES! it is YUMMY!
Jay I think you had it goin' on until you added cherries.

Not sure why I did that, other than the ham and cherries thing. It actually works. I was afraid the thing was going to really taste like sh#t, but believe it or not it is good. The vinegar in the canned green chiles balances out the sweetness of the fruit. Only thing I wish I had done different was use the regular crust rather than thin. The toppings are too much weight for it to support. This was fun. Shopping was an adventure. Next time we have to do JARRED!!!!
Coolio on the pizza. Admittedly, I was a bit surprised by the cherries, but after ruminating on it a bit, I'm thinking they could be that just-right addition. Like you said, likely would go well with Spam.
Yeah they are black cherries, my main thinking was that the thing would be too salty with that processed cheese dip and the Spam. I figured a little sweetness might help cancel that out. That and they look so purty.
LunchBox's All-AmeriCAN Chili-Cheese-Fry-Pie

1 can each of the following:

Ranch Style Beans with jalapenos
San Marcos Red Jalapenos
Wolf Brand Chili (no beans)
Rico Nacho Cheese (that's the ballpark cheese they use)
Red Gold petite deiced maters n chiles (hot)
Medium black olives
Potato Sticks/Shoe String taters

Warm up chili, beans, and cheese sauce and add 1/3 of the maters/chiles to each. Dump tater sticks on a plate, top with chili, queso mixture, red japs, and dice up a handful of olives to go on top as well. Scoop out beans, add queso, red japs, and olives. Pretend you're still in college, and gobble up. Go have cholesterol checked on Monday.

Yes...I realize this wasn't fully within the spirit of this make something appearing to be a bit more "gormet"...but damn it sounded good (since they don't make Fritos in a can)...and it was delightful!


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Hey Lunchie, were those taters in a can? I don't care I want to eat that right now. with my FACE!

Where the hael is LDHS? Did he have a hot date and he's still handcuffed to the bed?
Someone should call local authorities.

Everyone... please. Just making sure.
You da man finding them in da can.
Just for clarification, my pol kinda got cut off, you can tell it is there, but if I need to redo it I can.
JayT CAN redo it.... :lol: My PoL is in the ingredients pic. Kinda light on the participation this time. I'm surprised about that. OH, and Scovie just let me know he'd posted the Cougar Gold cheese in the discussion thread. I haven't been following that, totally missed it. Here I thought I was on to something no one else knew about, turns out the whole forum knew of the "secret" canned cheese. :lol:
You can see 97 of my cents in my pic, if anyone doubts me, I will take a pic with the leftovers, but trust me, this is the one and ONLY time I am making this meal.
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