contest BEGIN! Super Bowl Throwdown

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hot stuff said:
I may have to do that if things don't improve sion.
Last night I was having a lot of trouble with tinypic and opened an account w imgur - took like 40 seconds and I was back posting.
Photophucket seems up but slow...
New England Clam Chowder and Boston Baked Beans with Johnnycakes.
New England is the oldest clearly defined region of what since 1776 is the United States. While New England was originally inhabited by Indigenous peoples, English Pilgrims and especially Puritans, fleeing religious persecution in England, arrived in the 1620-1660 era. They dominated the region; their religion was later called Congregationalism. They and their descendants are called Yankees. Farming, fishing and lumbering prospered, as did whaling, sea trading, and merchandising. The region was the scene of the first Industrial Revolution in the United States, with many textile mills and machine shops operating by 1830.

Johnnycakes are the New England equivalent of tortillas, as they are a cornmeal flat bread.  The simplest recipes call for nothing but cornmeal, boiling water, and a little salt.  The batter should be fairly thin so that when fried on a hot griddle, the batter is no more than a quarter of an inch thick.  Rhode Islanders take their johnnycakes so seriously that they hold baking and eating contests every year.  In Rhode Island, traditionally, the cake is made only from fine white corn that has been ground by a water process.

Some historians think that they were originally called Shawnee cakes and that the colonists slurred the words, pronouncing it as johnnycakes. Historians also think that “janiken,” an American Indian word meant “corn cake,” could possibly be the origin.

The settlers of New England learned how to make johnnycakes from the local Pawtuxet Indians, who showed the starving Pilgrims how to grind and use corn for eating.  When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, most of their wheat brought from England had spoiled on the long voyage.  It is said that Myles Standish (1584-1656), the military leader of the Plymouth Colony, discovered a cache of corn stored by the Indians.

Clam Chowder
Who made the first clam chowder? Impossible to pin on one person, but chowder, any of a variety of soups featuring salted pork fat, thickened with a flour, heavy roux, crumbled ship biscuit or saltine crackers and milk, first materialized with Breton fisherman who migrated south to New England from Newfoundland. They would take much of the offal of their daily catches and combine them with readily available ingredients in large soup pots to feed themselves, each other and their families.

Over time, as it became a culinary staple in the Northeast, the recipe refined and began to be served commercially. This was when large amounts of milk and cream began to be added, giving it its characteristic look and texture we know today. Also, large slices of potato became common in the soup, and in the chowders widely recognized as the best, onions sautéed in the drippings from pork fat are also incorporated into the recipe. To this day there are usually never vegetables besides a select few legumes added to chowders, although some recipes call for thinly sliced strips of carrot to enhance the aesthetic value.

Baked Beans
The beans presently used to make baked beans are all native to South America and were introduced to Europe around 1528 The dish of baked beans is commonly described as having a savory-sweet flavor and a brownish or reddish tinted white bean once baked, stewed, canned or otherwise cooked. According to alternative traditions, sailors brought cassoulet from the south of France or northern France and the Channel Islands where bean stews were popular. Most probably, a number of regional bean recipes coalesced and cross-fertilised in North America and ultimately gave rise to the baked bean culinary tradition familiar today.

While many recipes today are stewed, traditionally beans were slow baked in a ceramic or cast-iron beanpot. A tradition in Maine, of "bean hole" cooking, may have originated with the native Penobscot people and was later practiced in logging camps. A fire would be made in a stone-lined pit, allowed to burn down to hot coals and then a pot with eleven pounds of seasoned beans would be placed in the ashes, covered over with dirt and left to cook overnight or longer. These beans were a staple of Maine's logging camps, served at every meal.
I went with whatever Original Recipes I could find.
Clam Chowder
6oz Brie instead of cream
2 cups Celery
4oz Ham
4oz Baby Clams
4 med pre cooked potatoes, three for cubing and one for mashing to thicken up.
2 Pumpkin Habaneros
1 tbsp seasoning (mostly Onion)
2 cloves Garlic
fresh Thyme
Baked Beans
2lb White Beans, 4 hours soaked, PC cooked for 25min.
7oz Ham
1tbsp Brown Mustard seeds
2tbsp Chipotle
6tbsp Fancy Molases
1/2tsp pink salt
3 cups fresh corn
1/2 cup buttermilk (or milk)

---Fried up precooked Potatoes in coconut oil after cutting up into slices.

--- Cut up Ham and Add all ingredients except the Brie and Baby Clams and boil for 30min, then add Brie and Baby Clams and simmer for a couple hours.


Baked Beans
--- Pre soak Beans for 4 hours, then cook in PC for 25 min.

--- Cut up Ham into small pieces and Add all ingredients and slow cook in crock pot over night, 9 hours for me.

---Add water to it covers the ingredients.

Blitz corn then add Johnnycakes fried up in coconut oil.

Clam Chowder with Johnnycakes :)
Finished of with parsley.

Baked Beans on Johnnycake :)
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