contest BEGIN! The "Meltdown"

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The Hot Pepper

This is the MELTS TD!
What is a melt? It's a sandwich with melted cheese and other "stuff" on it... otherwise it's just a grilled cheese. Tuna melt, patty melt, yes, grilled cheese with bacon... those are some old school melts but let's get original here! And no open-faced.
It does not have to be a pressed or grilled sandwich, but the cheese must be melted by some means, and the bread must have a maillard  reaction (toasted/grilled etc.) and it must be ooey gooey melty and not just a slice. Come on now! It's about the melted cheeeeeeeeeeze!
If it is a sandwich (bread on each end that is toasted, grilled, or pressed) with "stuff" and the cheese is melted, it is a melt. Starts Friday!
NO tortillas or flat breads, or anything resembling a qeusadilla. Different animal.
NO soups sides or anything else in the pics, it's all about the sammie.
Suggestion: At least one "cut open" pic, and if you can get the ooey gooey cheese connection shot as you pull apart the sandwich halves... BONUS!!!!!!!!!!
READ: The 5 Rules for an eligible entry
PoL: $20.14
ENDS: Sunday 10:00 PM EST

That's right! $20.14 PoL! ;)

Anyone wanna go in on it with me? It is the middle of a Methow winter.

I can't just go dig up my pickle jug... the ground is frozen!

Jay, you got $10.07 ?

Here ya go, Scovie..... Oh. Er. Uh. Can't get it through the monitor - oh well, you're on your own! :dance:
No problem Scovie, its in the mail.  Ought to be there by Monday or so.  
Note:  Boss did say that if anyone doesn't have a $20, they could just write $20 on a piece of paper for this one and put 14 cents with it.
sicman's hot mushroom melt
quarter of shrooms
6 slices of kraft cheese
butter each slice of wheat bread with butter
butter side down cheese in the middle
fry that $hit in the frying pan
lots of triple death super hot chili powder
let cool for 6 minutes

That sucks :mope:
But rules are rules. I'll see if I can manage to get to the internet and post pictures.
I'll be making a jalapeno bread
spreading mayonnaise on the outside, butter on the inside
filling it with a mix of handmade(homemade) mozzarella cheese, shredded parmesan, roasted poblanos, and crumbled bacon.
Halbrust said:
That sucks :mope:
But rules are rules. I'll see if I can manage to get to the internet and post pictures.
Are you posting this phonetically?

Think I might get in on this one. Got some leftover turporkey in the fridge, thinking I might slap some of that on some bread, smother it in cheese, add some peppers and grill it up. 
MeatHead1313 said:
Think I might get in on this one. Got some leftover turporkey in the fridge, thinking I might slap some of that on some bread, smother it in cheese, add some peppers and grill it up.
I see Booma and DTS lurking.... Your Ozzy mates. Oz is fixin to kill the melt TD I just know it.
Scoville DeVille said:
I see Booma and DTS lurking.... Your Ozzy mates. Oz is fixin to kill the melt TD I just know it.
Those stinkin' Aussie's!
They kick ever 'body's ass.
SoFlo is our only hope!
I can't wait to see what kind of Shinola The TB and his thumb ring come up with for this TD.  Hippy Melt FTW!!!!!!
texas blues said:
SL you got it all wrong.
CJ ain't a "chica".
She's a "chula".
Thanks TB - :blushing: You know how I roll. 
But...... No SHEET folks....I GOT This! I've been skooled,  been edumacated, even been shock-n-awed. But I GOT this!
All I need from my friends is a li'l prompting for Scovie to skool me on the posting bits. I promise I will AMAZE!!! hahahahahahaha
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