I'm starting to get my AACT together for the season
I've been re-vitalizing my worm box using some forest floor and oak leaves for bedding. They seem more cheerful in it than in plain coir and pumice stones that came with the box.

I've never been a good livestock keeper and I almost lost them to neglect. I'm going to try and feed them more -and more than just table scraps like alfalfa, a little kelp meal, soy meal, odds and ends, even a little rock dust.
I'm brewing small batches at least for a while.
This is my first recipe of the year.

1 t alfalfa
1 t kelp meal
1/4 t rock dust
1/4 t Espoma HollyTone (3-4-3 I believe)
1 T worm poo
a drizzle of molasses (<1 t)
a gal of spring water.
The cloth wasn't big enough to make a sack soI got a different one, but I'm afraid the weave is too tight.

I may swap it out mid-stream if it doesn't get some color in it's cheeks.by the end of day.
To keep me AACTive, I put together a little box of ingredients to mess around with so I don't have to hunt here and there for it when I need something.

It might work
I've been re-vitalizing my worm box using some forest floor and oak leaves for bedding. They seem more cheerful in it than in plain coir and pumice stones that came with the box.

I've never been a good livestock keeper and I almost lost them to neglect. I'm going to try and feed them more -and more than just table scraps like alfalfa, a little kelp meal, soy meal, odds and ends, even a little rock dust.
I'm brewing small batches at least for a while.
This is my first recipe of the year.

1 t alfalfa
1 t kelp meal
1/4 t rock dust
1/4 t Espoma HollyTone (3-4-3 I believe)
1 T worm poo
a drizzle of molasses (<1 t)
a gal of spring water.
The cloth wasn't big enough to make a sack soI got a different one, but I'm afraid the weave is too tight.

I may swap it out mid-stream if it doesn't get some color in it's cheeks.by the end of day.
To keep me AACTive, I put together a little box of ingredients to mess around with so I don't have to hunt here and there for it when I need something.

It might work