beer Being Crafty

DD growler is a wrap. Surprised it took that long but this damn plumber was supposed to come at 9 am and came at 5 pm... on an "emergency" call LOL, I will spare the details but this dude was slow as molasses and pretty sure smoked up... "I'll be there at 10...11...12...1...uhhh.. in 40 minutes... heyy mannnnnnn traffic was slooowww" LOL I can't make this shit up. Then I caught him staring at the wall for awhile... lol... has to actually come back tomorrow when this was like a 45 minute job...
Time for a Simcoe can (Grant's fave hop) lol
So I took a quick trip to OH after work. I got their a little after 5 and the closet sized room was packed. I had hoped to have a few beers, but it was uncomfortably crowded. I filled up my 3 growlers that happen to fit perfectly in my bag.

Nummy Nug Nug does not disappoint. No wonder this sold out last release. Really enjoying it.
