beer Being Crafty

I'll join you for a Triple. This all citra hits the spot!!! IDK how much more citra you could possibly squeeze into a beer. It's like they milked the hops fresh off of the plant, for all of their essential oils.


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MikeUSMC said:
It's funny...... when I first joined THP (almost a year ago, to the day, now that I'm thinking about it), Boss' avatar was something like a Rolling Stones tongue / Sizzler pic, and I never understood it. Then, after my back surgery last year, I had a lot of down time on my hands. Read this entire thread, front to back. Picked up on some inside jokes that'd gone over my head. Lots of "#-gates", hahaha. TC's "Rigatoni-gate" (or whatever it was), about the box of pasta on the kitchen counter, for weeks, stands out.

Drunk, rambling. My point is, this thread is awesome, and a great read, if you get the chance

Cheers, boys
Glad I helped you through your recovery.
NEIPAs are like gourmet food trucks. They pop up out of nowhere and flood the market and everyone wonders if it's a trend or here to stay. Eventually you see less and less trucks and seek them out less, but the food is still worthy and you still hit them up when you see them. I predict a similar fate. It's hard to say it's a fad because of how good they are, but the same was for food trucks. In a couple years these breweries will have one NEIPA on tap, and the other new thing and the staples.
A good quality NEIPA isn't even comparable to a WC style IPA. That's also the reason they created a separate category for them in the home brew competitions this year. WC style IPAs aren't even the same type of beer as NEIPAs any more.

I don't see sours becoming a "thing" any time soon, even though they are becoming much more accepted. Every brewery is barrel aging everything now too, but that takes a lot of prep time to appease the masses.

We are lucky living in the NE, and surrounded by so many delicious NEIPAs. Most people in the US, even folk who would consider themselves beer lovers, have never even tasted anything close to a legit NEIPA.

I think NEIPAs are here to stay for quite a while.
I am suprised that people are still "chasing" the NEIPAs and waiting on lines. They are very enjoyable, but after having a bunch of them, not really worth the effort for me. They are great for breweries because they keep tweaking the recipes so they can market different beers. I am kind of agree with Pooks, except I think they will have a core four or five NEIPAs with different hops. I think right now it is still so new that the brewers are still experimenting.
If I could go to Wegmans and buy an Aslin, Treehouse, Other Half, Bissell, The Veil, etc. I definitely would in a heart beat.

The problem is that I can't buy a single beer at my local beer shop that even compares to beers from the breweries I just listed. They don't distribute, and the only way to get their beer is to line sit, or drive to their brewery after the line has cleared to buy whatever hasn't sold out.