beer Being Crafty


t0mato said:

Revision is churning out some awesome beers. This is one of my favorites.
Revision is solid overall, a lot of their hazy beers are very similar in profile though. And they drink more like a hybrid west coast/east coast hazy to me Their west coast beers are legit though. What's funny is the brewer made a name for himself at Knee Deep with his big west coast ipas, and since starting Revision has been on a NE Style run. I do have to say they do a pretty good job at ensuring their distribution is timely and far reaching. Pretty nice being able to find their entire canned line at local grocery stores or liquor stores.
The real question is why aren't you drinking Great Notion beers!?!? Easily the best beers coming out of your state right now.
NorCaliente916 said:
Revision is solid overall, a lot of their hazy beers are very similar in profile though. And they drink more like a hybrid west coast/east coast hazy to me Their west coast beers are legit though. What's funny is the brewer made a name for himself at Knee Deep with his big west coast ipas, and since starting Revision has been on a NE Style run. I do have to say they do a pretty good job at ensuring their distribution is timely and far reaching. Pretty nice being able to find their entire canned line at local grocery stores or liquor stores.
The real question is why aren't you drinking Great Notion beers!?!? Easily the best beers coming out of your state right now.
Great Notion is canning now too! I've heard their beer is delicious.
I'm working on a 5 gallon batch of hot sauce right now. It's almost done, I'm just putting the finishing flavor and acidity adjustments on it.

Hot filling, and cap sealing 128 woozys will be super fun...

This tasty sour is quelling my burning mouth and stomach from taste testing this sauce for the past few hours.


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When the CA heat goes up, so does the fluid intake! Fieldwork, The Bruery, and a little Answer Crowler sprinkled in for good measure.


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Thegreenchilemonster said:
I've heard it's one of the best from Tree House.
Dude, it has to be. Honestly. I'm telling you, that Hurricane one is freakin' up there (for me) too. It doesn't get talked about much though.

I really didn't think I'd ever find one (from Tree House) that I liked better than Haze, but I'm pleasantly surprised. Still wanna try Very Hazy too ;)
Doublegänger. If you go way, way back, it's actually built off of Julius

Alter Ego: same base beer as Julius, but the dry hop is "altered tremendously"

Doppelgänger: Imperial version of Alter Ego

Doublegänger: Doppelgänger base beer, but both kettle hopping and dry hopping were increased

Coming in at #7 (another 4.68) on Tree House's ranked BA list


No doubt, a killer beer, but I still like Very Green and Hurricane (and maybe even Haze) better