The Hot Pepper said:
You really go by scores? Beer it too subjective and personal. The scores to me mean, it's not horrible. But if it's great, that's really your own taste.
I totally agree. I don't really "go" by them, unless it's a beer I've never seen/bought before. I'm more likely to purchase a new beer based on score (unless only like one dude reviewed it, haha). If it's got like 1,000 reviews, and the consensus is 'it tastes like shit,' chances are I'm gonna pass on buying it if I only have $20 in my pocket. Not saying I'm not open to trying the "bad" ones, and scores aren't gonna determine whether I ultimately like the beer or not.
Like Sip of Sunshine; I think it's ranked somewhere around the Top 40 beers ever, which is a crock of shit. Every single beer from Aslin, Triple Crossing, Collective Arts, Trillium, or Tree House (except maybe Lights On and Sap) blows SOS out of the water. I only posted the score cuz TGCM said he heard it's one of the best TH produces. After having it, I'd without a doubt vouch for that. And, yeah, I know taste/preference are totally subjective
I guess I just use scores (sometimes) as a jumping off point to see if there might be something "better" in front of me in the store. I'll give any beer a shot, at least once
The Hot Pepper said:
Oops I forgot you're from CT, looking for those ivy league beers.
You guys know me well enough by now that I refuse to drink any "swill" that scores less than an acceptable Ivy League GPA