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harvesting bent Harvest 7th_Jan_08


Orange Habs in the middle (camera flash makes em look more yellow)
Few freaked out Siam on the left, have 100+ green still on the plants.
Top Left is mystery Asian #2,
Top: Drought Serrano,
Top Right: mystery asian #3 {got the plant from Bunnings last year called 'Inferno'lol} grew 5 of them and get a handful of pods every week. Very spicy flavor, o.k heat.
mid-Right: 2nd generation Bird/Habs.
Bottom Right: Unworthy
One at the bottom I have no Idea, plant grew on its own.
Bent...Great pic. Mystery Asian #3 got my mouth watering. Call it the "Oddjob" pepper. Looks like those chile's could take your head off! On another note...I have never felt that I should stash sauce until yours. It takes all of my will not to eat the last bottle you sent me all in one sitting. Call it hot sex in a bottle bro. Cheers, TB.
Omri said:
Nice harvest, those habs look great.

Thanks, Thats about 1/3 of them. I lost a few to the hole-driller & about 1/2 dozen were bloated & cracked from all the rain. The rest are still growing & ripening.
i do have one there thats 2" long and 4 1/2" around :mouthonfire:

texas blues said:
Bent...Great pic. Mystery Asian #3 got my mouth watering. Call it the "Oddjob" pepper. Looks like those chile's could take your head off! On another note...I have never felt that I should stash sauce until yours. It takes all of my will not to eat the last bottle you sent me all in one sitting. Call it hot sex in a bottle bro. Cheers, TB.

I'll pencil you in for some #3 seeds if you want. they grew really easily. fast to produce. put out 'hands' of pods sticking straight up. They taste like they'll be hot, but are not really that hot. I do 3 to a sandwich. Crispy & thin walled. Very tasty.

*you can pace yourself on the sauce by just taking the cap off & sniffing the aroma lol....when that fails & you guzzle it,the new batch is already made. Glad you like it.
Ah, more pepper porn! Those are good looking peppers. Are the "drought Serranos" ones that are growing in partial shade with no water? I think you talked about them once.

And, for those of us who mostly subsist on unworthy peppers, what are they?
Pam said:
Ah, more pepper porn! Those are good looking peppers. Are the "drought Serranos" ones that are growing in partial shade with no water? I think you talked about them once.

lol, i think i mentioned them somewhere :think: Of course 18 months of hard work went down the can when it rained for 12 days straight, but I know the seed from this plant will survive almost anything. Oh & they are really really hot too in a Serrano kind of way.

Pam said:
And, for those of us who mostly subsist on unworthy peppers, what are they?

Now i didn't plant the unworthies, they were here when I bought the place. I thought 'Oh good chilli plants growing everywhere' had always liked chilli's sometimes couldn't buy them, the shops were out. I had no idea. I waited for them to ripen, ate one & was disappointed. that was when I went to Bunnings (big box store) with my head held high & demanded that someone sell me a worthy pepper plant.
I went home with a Orange Habanero, the father of the bonsai hab in my avatar and grandfather of the drought hab that produced 1/4 of the pods in my harvest pic. My love of chilli started decades ago but this was the beginning my chilli growing experience.

The unworthy peppers who once covered this garden are now reduced to only one who vigilantly stands guard at the door of my greenhouse to collect any plant munchers who venture through the gate.

Mmmyeah, so The Noble Habanero and Adventures in Chile Growing aside, is the unworthy pepper a sweet pepper, or does it have some small, unworthy bit of tingle to it?
If i were to eat it raw on its own theres a tinge. If I cook it or put in on a sandwich its a capsicum (bell pepper).
Its easily overpowered, so therefore unworthy lol
sweet harvest :cool: I cant wait til our season begins.
that 1 chile you have no clue about, have you ever thought it might be one of your bird/habs ? kinda looks the same but a tad bigger.
bentalphanerd said:
If i were to eat it raw on its own theres a tinge. If I cook it or put in on a sandwich its a capsicum (bell pepper).
Its easily overpowered, so therefore unworthy lol
Does it taste good at least?
I like a lot some of the bells around here.

chilehunter said:
that 1 chile you have no clue about, have you ever thought it might be one of your bird/habs ? kinda looks the same but a tad bigger.
You're right, it kinda does.
it tastes like a glass of water to me, it's almost all seeds inside. If I'm after flavour like that I get bullhorn peppers from the supermarket...I use bullhorns in my Thai curries. Don't want to grow them here for fear of cross pollinating their unworthiness into my superhots !

The 'no clue' chilli is 3-4 times the mass of the bird/habs and doesnt have those little hab dimples. I think it's a different animal. I'll eat it soon & try to guess lol
bentalphanerd said:
it tastes like a glass of water to me, it's almost all seeds inside. If I'm after flavour like that I get bullhorn peppers from the supermarket...I use bullhorns in my Thai curries. Don't want to grow them here for fear of cross pollinating their unworthiness into my superhots !

You're lucky you can get Corno Di Toros in a grocery store. I have to grow mine if I want them. And, oh do I want them! Their flavor is so much better than a bell pepper's.
I throw them [sliced into rings] into my Thai curries maybe 90 seconds before I turn the stove off. Just enough to warm them but keep them crunchy. they're like little oasis' of water in a coconut cream ocean of birdseye & coriander.
Just made myself hungry again lol
bent - I really dont know, only you can tell. but to totally write them off as not being a bird/hab is wrong, maybe ? in that pic they do kinda look the same only that one is a little bigger.

just because they dont have dimples as your known bird/habs doesnt mean they cant be the same. does every chile on a plant have the same characteristics or do they always grow to the same size ? no! this is a hybrid anyways so you dont really know what to expect, right ?

I dont know if some seeds where placed there by accident but I dont think its to far fetched, you are growing them & by a chance maybe that one is just a bigger version of your smaller bird/habs ?

did you throw seeds out in that location ? did a bird or ? eat some of those bird/hab chiles & crapped them out in that location ?

I think its worth saving those seeds, if the heat & flavour is what you're looking for.
chilehunter said:
bent - I really dont know, only you can tell.

Right, and I keep a close watch on all the bird/habs - it's a pet project.

chilehunter said:
did you throw seeds out in that location ? did a bird or ? eat some of those bird/hab chiles & crapped them out in that location ?

I think its worth saving those seeds, if the heat & flavour is what you're looking for.

Its in a small pot, deliberately grown at some time but forgotten up amongst the longer grass near a fence. Kids have removed the nametag. Just another Dr Moraeu style mutant experiment :lol:

I'll eat it today :cool:

More Orange Habs :)
Left: Mystery Asian #3
Mid top: drought Serrano
Top Right: Mystery Asian #2
Right: Siam
bellow is a Siam/Unworthy {cant wait to try that}
more unworthies bottom right!

apologies for the blurry pic