harvesting bent Harvest 7th_Jan_08

bentalphanerd said:

The habs are getting smaller, the Siam are kicking in, you know the rest. Ones in centre are unknown, gift from biker neighbour last year...I made em grow & they gave me this.

I'll eat one tomorrow, but anyone want to take a guess?

What are the yellow ones??
bentalphanerd said:

Orange Habs in the middle (camera flash makes em look more yellow)
Few freaked out Siam on the left, have 100+ green still on the plants.
Top Left is mystery Asian #2,
Top: Drought Serrano,
Top Right: mystery asian #3 {got the plant from Bunnings last year called 'Inferno'lol} grew 5 of them and get a handful of pods every week. Very spicy flavor, o.k heat.
mid-Right: 2nd generation Bird/Habs.
Bottom Right: Unworthy
One at the bottom I have no Idea, plant grew on its own.

I've never seen Bird pepper that big in Trinidad.
the long yellow ones are called 'Siam' ...well thats the name they ahd at the big box store. They're like a Thai Dragon but yellow. Produce all year, loads of pods, very mild at the tip & get hotter as you hit the placenta.
Very fruity.
bentalphanerd said:
Im not that kind of nerd Pam...I have no idea from one to another. The plant itself looks like a hab or a naga, big leaves, pods hang down.

You don't need to be that kind of nerd, just post pictures of the flowers here for us to see.

When my neighbour gave it to me it was in the base of a coke bottle in crap soil & no holes for drainage. He said he'd had it for ages & it wouldn't grow :lol: I put it in the ground 18 months ago & despite one dog-digging exercise its a good 4' high & I got 2 ripe pods now with many more to come. It looks a lot like the Broome pepper but the wrong colour.

Well, I'm still interested in your opinion after you taste it.

By the way the unworthy/Siam is putting out bulk pods with loads of seed...I think this might be something you'll enjoy. Its a perfect popper pepper only longer & a little sharper on the taste.

I start planting the rest of my pepper seeds next week, so before long I'll be able to check it out for myself!
Harvest 2_04_08


Orange Habs, Yellow Siam, a few asian mystery on the lower left {something ate all the leaves off the plant}, above that is Takanotsume {from japan}, top is drought serrano, top right is 'birdhabiam' lol, and one more solitary Birdhab.
Harvest 22_04_08


Top left: pile of Orange Habs & Siam
Mid-left: Tukanotsume
Low left: Drought Serrano
Centre: unworthy lol
Top Right: Asian Birdseye (no more monsters :(
Three little piles at lower right: birdhabiam (left), birdhab (centre), malawi birdseye (right) (yay it came back to life)


looks like its been another good year for you Bent...I hope the northern hemisphere is as good as the southern hemispere was this year...
nice mix of healthy looking pods bent! if I go out to the garden and bring back 5 or 6 pods I'm pretty stoked. you must be cheering.
Hey Bent,

Looks like you had the luck with your habs that I did last year. Man I had a bumper crop along with Serrano and Jalapeño. Hope to get a good batch again this year.Lots of work but well worth it.

Thanks. I thought it was all over after all the rain we had early on. probably lost the first 2 pickings.
The Malawi looked like it died after the rain - all turned to sticks. Few weeks ago it put out a couple of green leaves & now a single pod.
I've just counted 15 green pods on mine, mature size, now just waiting on some colour change. I also picked 5 off it three days ago.