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movies BEST and Worst movies....lately.

imaguitargod said:
Halloween (Rob Zombie's)....horrible!

That's what I heard. I haven't bothered to see it. Too bad, I thought The Devil's Rejects was pretty good. This never sounded like a good idea...enough with the remakes already!

I had heard he was going to do a non-horror movie after DRs. I guess the Weinstein rats waved enough money under his nose to make this crap.
chuk hell said:
That's what I heard. I haven't bothered to see it. Too bad, I thought The Devil's Rejects was pretty good. This never sounded like a good idea...enough with the remakes already!

I had heard he was going to do a non-horror movie after DRs. I guess the Weinstein rats waved enough money under his nose to make this crap.

haven't seen it yet either. yea, the remakes are getting old. seems like we're in the age of unoriginality. remakes of movies, cars, ha well i guess that is all i can think of..but it is late and i've been drinking rum. :lol:
Retard-O-Tron......Fantastic mixed video tape(DVD) of some really bizzare going on's

Superchick...Ok, not so bad, but in a red headed step child kind of way. You'll have to love bad(as in good/bad) movies to like this one.

Delta Farce....OMG :lol:... BAD...NO :hotsauce:, HORRIBLE,....NO :mad:, GOD FORSAKENLY UNFORGIVEABLE.. MAY THE MAKERS BE DRAWN & QUARTERED.. TARRED & FEATHERED... MAY I BE YOUR HUMAN TOILET... kind of bad..............YEA this movie sucked, BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shocked:
Sickmont said:
Nothing tops "The Big Lebowski". Period. To me anyways.

I actually look like the dude right now too. I was going to go as that but decided to go as "Resurected Jesus" (or Zombie Jesus as I like to call him...what? He died and come back, that's a zombie in my book :) ). I'm having my costumer ex-roommate Melannie make me a custom costume for that.

As for ass-tastic movies right now....I just saw Transformer. What a steaming pile of bantha poodo! Horrible script, horrible directing (Bay's moviees are so formulaic. I shaw the same scenes in The Rock that I did in Transformers...ugh), lame lame joke....luckally, I didn't have to pay for it. We watched it at work.
HA! I just got done with a bad movie marathon I've been punishing myself and friends with all week.

Stay far away from these piles of crap:
Island of Death
Wild Zero
Mad Foxes
The Intruder (Rambu)
Night of the Howling Beast
Night of the Demon (the sasquatch one)
Strike Commando
enix2093 said:
HA! I just got done with a bad movie marathon I've been punishing myself and friends with all week.

Stay far away from these piles of crap:
Island of Death
Wild Zero
Mad Foxes
The Intruder (Rambu)
Night of the Howling Beast
Night of the Demon (the sasquatch one)
Strike Commando

Oh dude how....just HOW can you call Wild Zero & Mad Foxes P.O.S.'s, they are quite possably among the best movies ever produced!!!!:)

Best lately: Sex Psycho
Worst: Robo Vampire(although I did enjoy it)
Just saw AMERICAN GANGSTER and thought it wass quite good; one of the better crime/gangster films I've seen. Maybe not on a par with The Godfather I/II or Goodfellas but easily as good as Casino and probably better than The Departed or Scarface( Pacino).

Worth seeing for amazing period detail alone. The "true story" aspect makes it more interesting as well.
chuk hell said:
Just saw AMERICAN GANGSTER and thought it wass quite good; one of the better crime/gangster films I've seen. Maybe not on a par with The Godfather I/II or Goodfellas but easily as good as Casino and probably better than The Departed or Scarface( Pacino).

Worth seeing for amazing period detail alone. The "true story" aspect makes it more interesting as well.
Better than The Departed, WOW, I chalked this one up as a rent but maybe I'll have to go to the theatre. I've read that it has a very Blaxploitation vibe going on(which intrigues me to no end) did you sense that?
Best: Basket Case 2

Worst: Malibu High, although I did enjoy it:lol:
Yeah, I really liked it Chris but there seems to be some divided opinion. Check the thread over at 'maniacs...your millage may vary.

I would say the film was too high budget/profile to have a real blaxploitation vibe but it does a great job of capturing the look and feel of early 70s Harlem/New York/New Jersey.
Saw a couple recent flicks via netflix:

KNOCKED UP- VERY funny comedy from some of the people who did 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. Nice to see something so funny that's actually kind of sweet and not mean-spirited.

- Strange movie about a poor slob born into poverty in 18th century France who has the most sensitive nose in the world. He sets out to make the ultimate perfume ...unfortunatly he hass to kill young women to do it. Some strange goings on in this. Good period detail. Allan Rickman and Dustin Hoffman in decent supprt roles. Not for everyone.
Best: Horrors Of Malformed Men
Fantastic Japanese horror about a madman who surgically alters human beings into monsters. Fantastic 10/10

Worst: Hellcats
Gawd knows I love Bikersploitation films, & this film falls into that catagory, but WOW what a dog this film is. Still fun in a She Devils On Wheels kind of way. 5/10
SUPERBAD I just about laughed myself silly with this one. My wife was slightly offended at some of the humour but boy did I find this funny. Best highschool sex comedy since "Porkys".

RESCUE DAWN Werner Herzog has already told the story of Dieter Dengler in the documentary "Little Dieter Needs to Fly". Here we hava a narrative film of the story of Dengler who was shot down over Laos in 1965 and escaped the POW camp six months later. I think this had the largest budget Herzog has ever worked with and it shows in great production values. Christian Bale is excellent ( as usual) in the role of Dengler. Highly recommended.
Best films out at the moment are Tarantino's Death Proof and Planet Terror.

Time Bandits, Amadeus and Sexy Beast will always be up there for me!

The worst film I ever saw was The Straight Story by David Lynch! I nearly asked for my money back!
Saw 'Bee Movie' and I liked it a lot.
Also it reminded me of 'Goodfellas' (You need to see it, if you want it to make sense), also a wonderful movie (actually one of my favorite).
I always liked The Toxic Avenger