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movies BEST and Worst movies....lately.

Blade Runner The super dupper 5 disc briefcase collection. One of my all time favorite movies FINALLY gets a worthy special edition.

Mr. Beans Holiday Not that it was really a bad movie, just not my bag.
Chris Kewley said:
Mr. Beans Holiday Not that it was really a bad movie, just not my bag.

I saw that too, once you've seen Mr. bean on TV so many times it's just not funny anymore. Last week I saw The Golden Compass, not very impressed but it wasn't my choice to see it. I know a lot of people liked Happy Feet but I was disappointed. The Chronicles Of Narnia was good, and Peter Pan was alright. I fell asleep during Brother Bear years back so I can't comment on that really. Maybe I should go for films over a PG rating :confused:
rainbowberry said:
Last week I saw The Golden Compass, not very impressed but it wasn't my choice to see it.

Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I've been referring to my Australian Shepherd as my daemon ever since. I wanted to go see Beowulf, but it was in 3D, and I can't see 3D...no depth perception.

My company and I watched the first 4 Harry Potter movies over the holiday, too. That was good fun.
rainbowberry said:
I saw that too, once you've seen Mr. bean on TV so many times it's just not funny anymore. Last week I saw The Golden Compass, not very impressed but it wasn't my choice to see it. I know a lot of people liked Happy Feet but I was disappointed. The Chronicles Of Narnia was good, and Peter Pan was alright. I fell asleep during Brother Bear years back so I can't comment on that really. Maybe I should go for films over a PG rating :confused:

My 3 year old and 5 year old enjoyed it thoroughly and still mention it.....enough said!

I would like to see the Golden Compass with my 5 year old, but I heard it was horrible.(hard to tell if it is the jesus freaks putting out bad press or the real deal)

(p.s. No offense meant to sensible Christians by "jesus freaks" the ones I mean are the ones who went to "The Last Temptation" with picket signs.)
Pam said:
Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I've been referring to my Australian Shepherd as my daemon ever since.

The second half of The Golden Compass was the best bit for me, I found it a little slow going at first. Also even at my age I was still in a bit of a sulk as I wanted to see Enchanted, but the 11 year old I took with me said he'd rather die a slow, painful death than sit through that. Here's my untamed Daemon Pam.

He enjoyed it but his concentration isn't brilliant, especially with a large bag of Skittles (colourings and a hyper kid :() He said he didn't understand certain parts of it but then he was whispering to me through the vital bits. He likes easy things like Mr. Bean and Scooby Doo.
Probably not good for my 5 year old then. The ads look good. Any one who missed my post on the MIST here it is again. The best Stephen King movie since the Shining. And by that I mean that almost everything since the Shining has sucked horribly!(possible exception The Green Mile)
It is the only King film I have seen that is true to the story.
cheezydemon said:
Probably not good for my 5 year old then. The ads look good. Any one who missed my post on the MIST here it is again. The best Stephen King movie since the Shining. And by that I mean that almost everything since the Shining has sucked horribly!(possible exception The Green Mile)
It is the only King film I have seen that is true to the story.
I'm not a huge SK fan, but come on man THE DEAD ZONE was pure brilliance!!!:)

BEST:Emanuelle & The White Slave Trade not as good as some of the other titles in the series, but still allot of fun.

Worst: Balls Of Fury One or two funny scenes & a hap-hazzard hommage to Enter The Dragon. Not even the mighty Christopher Walken could save this filck
Well I went with my 6 year old to see the Bee Movie, Im pleased to say I now have a better understanding of how they operate, it was a treat to watch:), found myself laughing out loud when noone else was, often :oops:
billyboy said:
Well I went with my 6 year old to see the Bee Movie, Im pleased to say I now have a better understanding of how they operate, it was a treat to watch:), found myself laughing out loud when noone else was, often :oops:
Don't worry, you're not alone. :lol:
cheezydemon said:
The best Stephen King movie since the Shining. And by that I mean that almost everything since the Shining has sucked horriblyQUOTE]

Someone with a big hollywood budget should really get a big production going with some of King's movies. I for one am a huge King fan and know that with some actual money behind it, some of his work could make for excellent movies such as The Stand, or The Langoliers. Both were great books but adapted to the screen horribly. Only good movies made from King books are :The Shining, Storm Of The Century, and The Green Mile.
Just finished reading the Dark Tower novels by SK, all 8. Guess it would have to be a mini series to keep the story close to the original theme.
perfect stranger, was a really good movie. great story line/plot, kept you guessing trying to figure things out. its worth renting it!
anyone see that new aliens vs predator movie? i was looking to see if it was playing near me, but i think i missed it. there's only one movie theater in town, and it only has 3 movies at a time.
Sauceman51 said:
Just finished reading the Dark Tower novels by SK, all 8. Guess it would have to be a mini series to keep the story close to the original theme.

I loved those books....right up intil #6 or so.


When they started hurling "Harry Potter" brand weapons, and the book shop owner brougt his "prized" rare error edition books through and one of them was Salem's Lot and the old guy from Salem's Lot starts reading about himself......... I put it down and never looked back. I like almost everything he has ever written, but that was some seriously stupid sh*t!
xgrafcorex said:
anyone see that new aliens vs predator movie? i was looking to see if it was playing near me, but i think i missed it. there's only one movie theater in town, and it only has 3 movies at a time.

I heard it was super violent and gorey, but not as good as the last AP movie..... If that is true, It is like saying Mcdonalds has come out with a new super greasy burger, but that it isn't even as good as the crap they used to serve.

Sorry! I thought that the last AP movie sucked. the only thing the least bit intrigueing was how the predator befriended the human chick.