seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

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I have remained patient for nearly two years involving a business loan of $ 5,000  that has not be repaid in part or whole from BakersPeppers in late March 2012

Here are the facts, and email timeline history.  I have contacted Dale, He has responded, first making excuses, then a promise to pay 1000$ of the loan by December 15, 2013.  It is now December 20th, and I sent a polite reminder to him last week.  It was not responded to.
The time line starts early in 2011.  At the time Dale had recently posted a video or two of a large number of healthy super hot peppers in his nursery.  I made contact, long story short, I provided Dale a certified bank pepper loan of $ 5,000 top help him expand his business. 

What follows below is a summary of emails over the next 20 months to the present.  I will let the emails tell the story, word for word. First see the certified check made out to and cashed by him in March 2012.  I want to add that this was a no interest loan, you can't do better than that from any bank.
Before I get to the email history, I just wanted to mention that if Mr Bakers were strapped for cash, how could he take his spouse and two kids on vacation recently for two weeks ?  At best it would seem a poor business decision on his part.
Everything I stated here is true.  I have original emails with IP and Domain name trace if needed.
As you you can see, Mr Bakers has made excuses and a promise for partial payment of $ 1,000 on 12/15/13 which has not been kept.
I have been more than fair and patient in this matter.  The next step is up to you...  A man is only as good as his word, in the end nothing else matters.
Admins, please do not let this thread spin out of control, no flamers who cannot back their claims with times, dates and facts.
This is not about character assassination, it is about good business practice.

[SIZE=10pt]    I really appreciate this my friend...really! You have no idea how much it means to me that u will do this for me! Like i will take quite some time to get it back to you but it WILL get back to you over time :)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Dale E. Baker Jr[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]3408 Colwell Ave[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Tampa, Fl 33614[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I dont have a home phone as these days its more cost effective to have an unlmited data/calls/texts plan on my cell phone....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
          [SIZE=10pt]******************************************************************************************************************************************************[/SIZE]       [SIZE=10pt]8/13/12[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Hey I stated to u at the time u did loan me the $5k I told u I
had no clue when I could even begin to repay you...and you werequite ok
with that at the time....I now am in a huge crisis with the USPS &UPS!
They owe me over $2k in insurance claims and i may not get it! But i had
to refund that money to my now my father is leaving
me! He backing it up and calling it quits! I can't run the place myself
and having to hire help when my bank account is in the negative is going
to be hard to do...the summer has SLOWED my crop speed WAY down to a
crawl! I am lowering prices to compete with others and I barely have any
inventory as it is due to the slow summers high heat...I told you that i
would get you the $$ back ASAP...could be a while I said...I remember
trying to be very clear I had no clue when i could start getting you
some back to you....and right now is not a good time at all....I hate to
say that...honestly I u truly were there for me when i needed
it...I'm sorry my pepper biz is starting so me...I need $$
very bad myself...I can't even pay this months electric bill...first
time that's happened here my dad says in 45 years....Im struggling
myself....and i don't know what to say.....I'm sorry Dave...I hoped u
wouldn't "need' it anytime soon like I tried to tell you at the time...I
feel horrible....[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Dale Jr[/SIZE]


I have been patient and as my next to last email to you states, I am simply requesting you repay the business loan I made to you on 3/36/2012. I put my hard earned money on you to help you succeed when you needed more equipment for your pepper business. It has been almost a year and a half since you cashed the check.  Not once have you contacted me by phone, text or email to settle this matter.  I have contacted you at least three times to try to negotiate payment and every time you have had excuses. The next step is up to you.
I hope you are a man of your word, because a man's reputation is like gold in the niche hot pepper business.
Dave Williams

[SIZE=10pt]Hey Dave....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I wanted to say i have not been ducking u at all. I have been real busy working on peppers and having another child at the same time. I told u i have every intention of paying u back in full! December 15th i will send u a check for $1,000....its a start...i can make a payment every now and then but all at once just isnt realistic as i never have that type of $$ all at once....hope this helps...let me know :) [/SIZE]


That is a start, please send a bank check with the note section as follows:  payment $ 1,000 pepper business loan, balance due of $ 4,000, this will serve as our receipt.



That is a start, please send a bank check with the note section as follows:  payment $ 1,000 pepper business loan, balance due of $ 4,000, this will serve as our receipt.


Just a reminder you said above that you agreed to sending a bank check $ 1,000 (post marked ) by Dec 15th.   I hope you are a man of your word.

To all,
Let's keep this thread civil, if Bakers pays off the debt I will remove the thread right away.  I dont see how I can be more fair than that.  It would be good for his business reputation.  He knows that.
Please note:  I have updated the second 11/11/13 post above where Dale agreed to pay me $ 1,000 by 12/15/13.  I failed to post it in the original post.
I'm just an outsider looking in, but some observations:
I do not know Rhody, or Dale.  I have recently purchased product from Baker's, before knowing of this thread.  The product I got was great, some of the best I have seen.
Now, obviously a great product does not excuse a man from repaying what is owed to someone else.  To hold onto money that does not belong to you is pretty childish.  Dale, you know you owe Rhody money, so pay the man.  Quit beating around the bush, and settle your debt.  Bringing up all these petty things like "i lost your address" or "delete these posts" is skirting the fact that you owe someone $4k.
I wish I could tell my credit union I can't make any more payments on my car because I lost their address.
The only problem I see with Rhody's situation (I am not an expert on debt collection), is that he did not provide a deadline for when all debts must be repaid.  Yes, you could take Dale to court, but unfortunately I feel the court will say that "Yes, Dale owes you this" and that's it.  I believe it is on the person loaning the money to set the terms for repayment, and if that is not done you essentially have to bite the bullet.  Again, I am not an expert on this (I pay my debts).
This is a sad situation for both parties involved.  Rhody, I feel for you.  Dale, from my personal experience only, you provide a great product, your business with year round sales could be set-up for massive success, unfortunately I feel the only thing that will hold you back from maximizing your growth is yourself.  
Guns_N_Pods said:
I'm just an outsider looking in, but some observations:
I do not know Rhody, or Dale.  I have recently purchased product from Baker's, before knowing of this thread.  The product I got was great, some of the best I have seen.
Now, obviously a great product does not excuse a man from repaying what is owed to someone else.  To hold onto money that does not belong to you is pretty childish.  Dale, you know you owe Rhody money, so pay the man.  Quit beating around the bush, and settle your debt.  Bringing up all these petty things like "i lost your address" or "delete these posts" is skirting the fact that you owe someone $4k.
I wish I could tell my credit union I can't make any more payments on my car because I lost their address.
The only problem I see with Rhody's situation (I am not an expert on debt collection), is that he did not provide a deadline for when all debts must be repaid.  Yes, you could take Dale to court, but unfortunately I feel the court will say that "Yes, Dale owes you this" and that's it.  I believe it is on the person loaning the money to set the terms for repayment, and if that is not done you essentially have to bite the bullet.  Again, I am not an expert on this (I pay my debts).
This is a sad situation for both parties involved.  Rhody, I feel for you.  Dale, from my personal experience only, you provide a great product, your business with year round sales could be set-up for massive success, unfortunately I feel the only thing that will hold you back from maximizing your growth is yourself.  
I would say that you, sir, are quite lucky, since the number of people who are satisfied by Dale's products isn't a substantial fraction of all the customers who have ever purchased from him. I'm not one of those satisfied customers, but will spare the details as I've already stated them in other threads more than once. It certainly seems so on places such as Facebook that Dale has a great reputation, but as I mentioned before, that's because he has control of and deletes comments he finds are critical of him and his business. Plus, I'm sure others like Ed Currie, PepperLover, SicMan and others would have little problem posting up some of the responses they've gotten from Dale, since I personally have seen statements by Dale at various times, accusing them of lying, theft, personally attacking him, and the list goes on, which is no way for Dale to conduct a business, and as I've mentioned in other threads, there are only so many bridges Dale can burn before he finds himself ostracized from the pepper growing business.
And I fully agree with your statement that it's quite petty and childish for Dale to fail to pay his debt to Rhody, and to attempt to blackmail him into removing posts and comments made by others (which Rhody has absolutely no control over) before Dale will send any payment. And in Rhody's defense, I'm sure he saw the loan simply as trying to get a fellow pepper enthusiast at the time on his feet business-wise and selling, which was likely why Rhody was so generous in providing no set repayment terms. The attitude shown in the response Dale sent to Rhody (and which Rhody posted this morning) displays the schoolyard bully mentality that's been typical on the part of Dale, even for something as the basic responsibility to pay their debts or provide good customer service to those who have received moldy/rotting pods, incorrect plants, and his repeatedly hiding behind his own Terms & Conditions when people ask for refunds/replacements.
elcap1999 said:
I would say that you, sir, are quite lucky, since the number of people who are satisfied by Dale's products isn't a substantial fraction of all the customers who have ever purchased from him. I'm not one of those satisfied customers, but will spare the details as I've already stated them in other threads more than once. It certainly seems so on places such as Facebook that Dale has a great reputation, but as I mentioned before, that's because he has control of and deletes comments he finds are critical of him and his business. Plus, I'm sure others like Ed Currie, PepperLover, SicMan and others would have little problem posting up some of the responses they've gotten from Dale, since I personally have seen statements by Dale at various times, accusing them of lying, theft, personally attacking him, and the list goes on, which is no way for Dale to conduct a business, and as I've mentioned in other threads, there are only so many bridges Dale can burn before he finds himself ostracized from the pepper growing business.
And I fully agree with your statement that it's quite petty and childish for Dale to fail to pay his debt to Rhody, and to attempt to blackmail him into removing posts and comments made by others (which Rhody has absolutely no control over) before Dale will send any payment. And in Rhody's defense, I'm sure he saw the loan simply as trying to get a fellow pepper enthusiast at the time on his feet business-wise and selling, which was likely why Rhody was so generous in providing no set repayment terms. The attitude shown in the response Dale sent to Rhody (and which Rhody posted this morning) displays the schoolyard bully mentality that's been typical on the part of Dale, even for something as the basic responsibility to pay their debts or provide good customer service to those who have received moldy/rotting pods, incorrect plants, and his repeatedly hiding behind his own Terms & Conditions when people ask for refunds/replacements.
+10 !!
What a worm. Yeah Dale, let's erase all the history of your dealings. That fixes it all. Let's remove the bad reviews. Let's demand people remove them, and you'll send them pods that aren't rotten. Let's stick it to the guy that loaned you $5K out of the goodness of his heart. Let's build sheds and go on vacation on his dime again, and then delete it, like it never happened! This is a great plan. Erase it all and Dale is a great guy! Hooray for Dale! No, he's not shady, that post was deleted! I'm gonna go order a box of pods right now!
Great plan Dale. Keep it shady. The hole just gets bigger.
Dale: Pay the man! You don't start over by trying to erase all you've done. You own up to it. Are you a man, or a worm?
Rhody: I'd suggest court at this point. You have all you need right here. And it's not going anywhere.
magicpepper said:
+1 dash2
alleged  (of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality.[/size]
there is plenty of proof that this is not alleged, and both parties especially the debtor admits to owing the "then $5,000" now $4,000. [/size]
i could say so many bad things about the debtor but i will let all of his posts and actions speak for themselves.
Yes, but this isn't a court of law, and it's a bit juvenile on top of it all.

Every forum that I've ever owned and/or moderated, would have seen this one sent to the shit bin. It's an open invitation to a flame fest, and/or legal hassles.

It's also the sort of thread that makes you feel a little embarrassed for all parties.
The Hot Pepper said:
What a worm. Yeah Dale, let's erase all the history of your dealings. That fixes it all. Let's remove the bad reviews. Let's demand people remove them, and you'll send them pods that aren't rotten. Let's stick it to the guy that loaned you $5K out of the goodness of his heart. Let's build sheds and go on vacation on his dime again, and then delete it, like it never happened! This is a great plan. Erase it all and Dale is a great guy! Hooray for Dale! No, he's not shady, that post was deleted! I'm gonna go order a box of pods right now!
Great plan Dale. Keep it shady. The hole just gets bigger.
Dale: Pay the man! You don't start over by trying to erase all you've done. You own up to it. Are you a man, or a worm?
Rhody: I'd suggest court at this point. You have all you need right here. And it's not going anywhere.
THP, I realize this is your forum, and far be it for me to tell you what to do on here as it is completely your call to make. After seeing all you've seen from Dale's end, why not just ban Dale and let us all be rid of him on here. Keep his posts, threads and replies on here as a reminder of what NOT to do on here and how NOT to conduct business on this site.
solid7 said:
Yes, but this isn't a court of law, and it's a bit juvenile on top of it all.

Every forum that I've ever owned and/or moderated, would have seen this one sent to the shit bin. It's an open invitation to a flame fest, and/or legal hassles.

It's also the sort of thread that makes you feel a little embarrassed for all parties.
that maybe, but it still is not alleged. whether it be in court or in a forum the word still has the same meaning.
but at any rate yes it is childish, yes it is embarrassing,  and i dont disagree at all. but when you have a guy that is deleting all bad things and negative feed back, denying everything and carrying on like nothing is wrong, what other way is there to get his shady dealings and actions out there, you may have had a great business transaction with him, but there are far more people who have not, but you never see the bad with this guy, its all the good. to quote him "99.9% of all my transactions and feed back are good"   thats a plain right out lie, and to sell a product that is intended for human consumption and advertise as such, and then do not tell anybody that it is clearly labelled "not fit for human consumption" and the customer only realizes this when they receive the package is at the very least shady!  then hide behind all of his terms and conditions at the same time as trying to bypass all legal aspects of his business. what do you call that?
this thread might be a little much, but this and the many other threads about baker's peppers  are the only real truth behind bakers peppers. so to be honest i am glad that these threads exists because how else would any self respecting human know the horrible experience, customer service and garbage product they may or may not get from him when he deletes all negative things about him 
EDIT: there is always going to be negative feed back for any company or business, how bad that negative feed back is depends on the business and how they handle it. there is no business in this world (other then bakerspeppers) that does not have negative feed back.
whether it be some thing simple and easy to fix, or something down right out ridiculous.  i will never trust a company that does not have negative feed back because that shows right there they are hiding something!!!
magicpepper said:
that maybe, but it still is not alleged. whether it be in court or in a forum the word still has the same meaning.
but at any rate yes it is childish, yes it is embarrassing,  and i dont disagree at all. but when you have a guy that is deleting all bad things and negative feed back, denying everything and carrying on like nothing is wrong, what other way is there to get his shady dealings and actions out there, you may have had a great business transaction with him, but there are far more people who have not, but you never see the bad with this guy, its all the good. to quote him "99.9% of all my transactions and feed back are good"   thats a plain right out lie, and to sell a product that is intended for human consumption and advertise as such, and then do not tell anybody that it is clearly labelled "not fit for human consumption" and the customer only realizes this when they receive the package is at the very least shady!  then hide behind all of his terms and conditions at the same time as trying to bypass all legal aspects of his business. what do you call that?
this thread might be a little much, but this and the many other threads about baker's peppers  are the only real truth behind bakers peppers. so to be honest i am glad that these threads exists because how else would any self respecting human know the horrible experience, customer service and garbage product they may or may not get from him when he deletes all negative things about him 
EDIT: there is always going to be negative feed back for any company or business, how bad that negative feed back is depends on the business and how they handle it. there is no business in this world (other then bakerspeppers) that does not have negative feed back.
whether it be some thing simple and easy to fix, or something down right out ridiculous.  i will never trust a company that does not have negative feed back because that shows right there they are hiding something!!!
Clearly what I said goes clean over the heads of the overwhelmingly emotional, rather than logical/rational types, present here. I guess those who understand what I'm saying, get it, and those who don't, never will...
mx5inpa said:
Well I can see Baker took this advice to heart. /sarcasm
And accusing Rhody of somehow being behind all negative comments/threads/etc., and requesting that they be deleted prior to Dale sending payment is such sound business practice on Dale's part, and in no way constitutes blackmail.... /sarcasm
solid7 said:
Hey, I'll keep on laughing and cringing... On the contrary, keep the love fires burning - as long as it lasts, anyway.  :D
wait what?
ok seriously you dont really make any sense,  first you insult the boss man, and his decision to keep this thread open, then you come way out of left field with the 
"Clearly what I said goes clean over the heads of the overwhelmingly emotional, rather than logical/rational types, present here. I guess those who understand what I'm saying, get it, and those who don't, never will..."   comment, and now this comment that makes absolutely no sense.  seriously if your trollin on me to get into an argument or start one, it aint going to happen. everybody here except for you has made valid points against dale and his shady dealings.
are you trying to get this thread closed for dale?cause i dont think that will happen
and this site you speak of moderating it wouldnt happen to be the Vacavillians Superhot Pepper group would it? the same group that deletes any negative comments towards dale?
your trolling will not work here, it will not work with me, and if you think it is, you are sadly mistaken. and like i said, move on
anyway. lets move forward shall we. sorry rhody for kind of highjacking your thread.  feel free to delete my posts as you see fit.
solid7 said:
Yes, but this isn't a court of law, and it's a bit juvenile on top of it all.

Every forum that I've ever owned and/or moderated, would have seen this one sent to the shit bin. It's an open invitation to a flame fest, and/or legal hassles.

It's also the sort of thread that makes you feel a little embarrassed for all parties.
solid7 said:
Clearly what I said goes clean over the heads of the overwhelmingly emotional, rather than logical/rational types, present here. I guess those who understand what I'm saying, get it, and those who don't, never will...
You are probably right. I had been thinking the same thing for the last week or so.
But that still didnt stop me from bashing what is obviously a shitty person and someone I knew stole from a friend.
OK, steering this back on topic here...
Dale, pay your debt to Rhody. No tricks, no gimmicks, no threats, no blackmail. Just cut the checks to pay the debt off to him. Did it ever even occur to you that if you had just paid it off in the last 6 months, none of us would even have a reason to say anything? And, if as you claim, you sell such a large volume of peppers combined with your prices, then there should be no reason not to pay it off as you would have more than enough money to do so. And trying to blackmail Rhody for something he has absolutely no control over, virtually assures that he won't see the money, and shows to all of us that you simply do not wish to pay it, since as I said, we all did this on our own accord, to make sure you do the right thing for Rhody and for all of us on this forum.
elcap1999 said:
OK, steering this back on topic here...
Dale, pay your debt to Rhody. No tricks, no gimmicks, no threats, no blackmail. Just cut the checks to pay the debt off to him. Did it ever even occur to you that if you had just paid it off in the last 6 months, none of us would even have a reason to say anything? And, if as you claim, you sell such a large volume of peppers combined with your prices, then there should be no reason not to pay it off as you would have more than enough money to do so. And trying to blackmail Rhody for something he has absolutely no control over, virtually assures that he won't see the money, and shows to all of us that you simply do not wish to pay it, since as I said, we all did this on our own accord, to make sure you do the right thing for Rhody and for all of us on this forum.
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