seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

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I have remained patient for nearly two years involving a business loan of $ 5,000  that has not be repaid in part or whole from BakersPeppers in late March 2012

Here are the facts, and email timeline history.  I have contacted Dale, He has responded, first making excuses, then a promise to pay 1000$ of the loan by December 15, 2013.  It is now December 20th, and I sent a polite reminder to him last week.  It was not responded to.
The time line starts early in 2011.  At the time Dale had recently posted a video or two of a large number of healthy super hot peppers in his nursery.  I made contact, long story short, I provided Dale a certified bank pepper loan of $ 5,000 top help him expand his business. 

What follows below is a summary of emails over the next 20 months to the present.  I will let the emails tell the story, word for word. First see the certified check made out to and cashed by him in March 2012.  I want to add that this was a no interest loan, you can't do better than that from any bank.
Before I get to the email history, I just wanted to mention that if Mr Bakers were strapped for cash, how could he take his spouse and two kids on vacation recently for two weeks ?  At best it would seem a poor business decision on his part.
Everything I stated here is true.  I have original emails with IP and Domain name trace if needed.
As you you can see, Mr Bakers has made excuses and a promise for partial payment of $ 1,000 on 12/15/13 which has not been kept.
I have been more than fair and patient in this matter.  The next step is up to you...  A man is only as good as his word, in the end nothing else matters.
Admins, please do not let this thread spin out of control, no flamers who cannot back their claims with times, dates and facts.
This is not about character assassination, it is about good business practice.

[SIZE=10pt]    I really appreciate this my friend...really! You have no idea how much it means to me that u will do this for me! Like i will take quite some time to get it back to you but it WILL get back to you over time :)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Dale E. Baker Jr[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]3408 Colwell Ave[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Tampa, Fl 33614[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I dont have a home phone as these days its more cost effective to have an unlmited data/calls/texts plan on my cell phone....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
          [SIZE=10pt]******************************************************************************************************************************************************[/SIZE]       [SIZE=10pt]8/13/12[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Hey I stated to u at the time u did loan me the $5k I told u I
had no clue when I could even begin to repay you...and you werequite ok
with that at the time....I now am in a huge crisis with the USPS &UPS!
They owe me over $2k in insurance claims and i may not get it! But i had
to refund that money to my now my father is leaving
me! He backing it up and calling it quits! I can't run the place myself
and having to hire help when my bank account is in the negative is going
to be hard to do...the summer has SLOWED my crop speed WAY down to a
crawl! I am lowering prices to compete with others and I barely have any
inventory as it is due to the slow summers high heat...I told you that i
would get you the $$ back ASAP...could be a while I said...I remember
trying to be very clear I had no clue when i could start getting you
some back to you....and right now is not a good time at all....I hate to
say that...honestly I u truly were there for me when i needed
it...I'm sorry my pepper biz is starting so me...I need $$
very bad myself...I can't even pay this months electric bill...first
time that's happened here my dad says in 45 years....Im struggling
myself....and i don't know what to say.....I'm sorry Dave...I hoped u
wouldn't "need' it anytime soon like I tried to tell you at the time...I
feel horrible....[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Dale Jr[/SIZE]


I have been patient and as my next to last email to you states, I am simply requesting you repay the business loan I made to you on 3/36/2012. I put my hard earned money on you to help you succeed when you needed more equipment for your pepper business. It has been almost a year and a half since you cashed the check.  Not once have you contacted me by phone, text or email to settle this matter.  I have contacted you at least three times to try to negotiate payment and every time you have had excuses. The next step is up to you.
I hope you are a man of your word, because a man's reputation is like gold in the niche hot pepper business.
Dave Williams

[SIZE=10pt]Hey Dave....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I wanted to say i have not been ducking u at all. I have been real busy working on peppers and having another child at the same time. I told u i have every intention of paying u back in full! December 15th i will send u a check for $1,000....its a start...i can make a payment every now and then but all at once just isnt realistic as i never have that type of $$ all at once....hope this helps...let me know :) [/SIZE]


That is a start, please send a bank check with the note section as follows:  payment $ 1,000 pepper business loan, balance due of $ 4,000, this will serve as our receipt.



That is a start, please send a bank check with the note section as follows:  payment $ 1,000 pepper business loan, balance due of $ 4,000, this will serve as our receipt.


Just a reminder you said above that you agreed to sending a bank check $ 1,000 (post marked ) by Dec 15th.   I hope you are a man of your word.

To all,
Let's keep this thread civil, if Bakers pays off the debt I will remove the thread right away.  I dont see how I can be more fair than that.  It would be good for his business reputation.  He knows that.
Please note:  I have updated the second 11/11/13 post above where Dale agreed to pay me $ 1,000 by 12/15/13.  I failed to post it in the original post.
Rhody said:
I don't need many words to express my true self, I will make this brief, "you need mental help my friend". 
You can rant on to your hearts content, I am done with you and this thread.
Let the chips fall where they may...
Notice Dave didnt contest one thing i just whos the LIAR?!?! U Tell half the story to keep the public display going.... and make me out to look like i dont want to pay you. The facts i just listed in my last post PROVE that to be FALSE SIR!
DONE HERE! You want your $$ you know what to an email away Dave!
Dale Jr
Rhody said:
To all,
Let's keep this thread civil, if Bakers pays off the debt I will remove the thread right away.  I dont see how I can be more fair than that.  It would be good for his business reputation.  He knows that.
Please note:  I have updated the second 11/11/13 post above where Dale agreed to pay me $ 1,000 by 12/15/13.  I failed to post it in the original post.
Just a little something from the OP.
Hmmm... Maybe the issue here is Dale just can't understand what everyone's saying without a little HELP.
I'll try to help you out Dale.
Hey DALE! You want to BURY this thread FOREVER? So NONE of your future UNHAPPY customers will EVER find out you're such a SHADY WORM? Well, I bet if you PAY your FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR DEBT and make a formal APOLOGY to the man who picked you out of the DIRT and plopped you on this IMAGINARY PEPPER THRONE, then NOBODY would have ANYTHING to SAY!! Ya hear me LOUD and CLEAR? And while your at it, keep that POSITIVE thread ALIVE, and try FIXING more than ONE customer ISSUE and calling it a day.
Apologies to the rest of you who had to read that, I merely attempted to communicate with the beast in his native tongue.
AaronRiot said:
Hmmm... Maybe the issue here is Dale just can't understand what everyone's saying without a little HELP.
I'll try to help you out Dale.
Hey DALE! You want to BURY this thread FOREVER? So NONE of your future UNHAPPY customers will EVER find out you're such a SHADY WORM? Well, I bet if you PAY your FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR DEBT and make a formal APOLOGY to the man who picked you out of the DIRT and plopped you on this IMAGINARY PEPPER THRONE, then NOBODY would have ANYTHING to SAY!! Ya hear me LOUD and CLEAR? And while your at it, keep that POSITIVE thread ALIVE, and try FIXING more than ONE customer ISSUE and calling it a day.
Apologies to the rest of you who had to read that, I merely attempted to communicate with the beast in his native tongue.
I fixed it for you AaronRiot
Rhody said:
Dales response....
I told you that you wil get NOTHING until these public spectacles are GONE...VANISHED....NEVER want your $$??...make them GONE! You want to continue to play games, leave them there...this is my LAST email to you Dave....your $$ depends on YOU! Send me the address you want the payment sent to and DELETE ALL THE THREADS ONLINE.......ater that i will mail you the 2 checks...PERIOD...not open to negotiations....ive let you ride with this long longer! I as well have saved EVERY email i have EVER sent you..i will GLADLY post this online for ALL to see that all i asked was u make the public shit go away...and u will then be YOUR fault i didnt mail u $$!!
Dale Jr
"I've let you ride with this long enough..." "your $$ depends on you..." More blame blame blame. SHOCKER!
What a piece of shit.
How dare you.
Dale, you have outdone yourself. You are the scum that makes people not want to help anyone ever again.
YOU owe, so YOU pay.
BakersPeppers said:
Notice Dave didnt contest one thing i just whos the LIAR?!?! U Tell half the story to keep the public display going.... and make me out to look like i dont want to pay you. The facts i just listed in my last post PROVE that to be FALSE SIR!
DONE HERE! You want your $$ you know what to an email away Dave!
Dale Jr
What is HE supposed to contest? That you DON"T owe him $4000?
You are completely fuquing mental.
Rhody said:
if you settle this quickly I will have the admins delete the thread and I will issue an apololgy to boot.  It is up to you. 
Dale, I will still honor this. If you settle the debt. This thread has no purpose except to get you to pay Rhody. So I will remove it. When SETTLED, as Rhody requested.
  • BakersPeppers
    If not let me know...I have about 50,000 pods on my property right now
  • BakersPeppers
    20,000 or so still process is slow in summer time

  • 10:35 PM
  • Shurbryn
    how much will you make out of those?
  • BakersPeppers
    Wouldn't u love to know!

  • U guys are GREAT!
  •  mx5inpa
    $37980 shurb
  •  mx5inpa
    at 18.99 for an sfrb with 25 peppers
What a scum bag. Dave shouldn't have to do ANYTHING that you might request in order to to get HIS money. Things are this way BECAUSE OF YOU. What it boils right down to is that you're nothing but a crook and don't want to ever pay him.
You really disgust me. It makes me mad seeing a good man and friend of mine getting screwed over by you. It'll be a good thing if we never cross paths.
Go on and take him to court or send him to collections cause that's what it's gonna take.
(yeah I can bold things too)
News just in:


Straight from chat. Thanks Dale, you little cutie.
EDIT: mx beat me to it, but I got pics, because, you know, pics don't lie, people do. That's quite a familiar quote by the way.
BakersPeppers said:
All I can say here is WOW! This place is ABSOLUTELY insane.......
I have read the most recent posts by Dave "Rhody" Williams here in this thread and i've FINALLY HAD ENOUGH!!
Since well BEFORE DAY ONE OF THIS THREAD back in December of 2013, Dave and I had a "payment arrangement" discussed in emails. I was a FEW DAYS LATE GETTING IT POSTMARKED to him in December (due to i physically didnt have the funds available in my account just yet) and this thread was born! Something gave me the feeling that day that Dave was more interested in a public display of me and my business than his $$ (considering his "spicy business venture" FAILED) .
Dave told me if i made the payment back in December he would make this all "go away".  Your words Dave!
So what happened next u may ask? Well, im sure ALL of you out there are well versed on this topic enough to say what happened next...... He got a check from me for $1,000....And this public display continues......Thanks for sticking to your word Dave! And IM the lying asshole here right??? Funny! I even told you at the time that if for some crazy reason i didnt make the next payment in 6 months or so that i would in fact DESERVE this being REPOSTED all about me and what a HORRIBLE person i am....I was in GOOD FAITH trying to repay the loan to you, but asked that it be kept BETWEEN US! What happened next you ask?? The public display continued......!
I got an email in May i believe. It was from Dave asking about the next payment....... i replied "Please contact me around July 1st 2014 and i will mail you out your second payment as that is when i get funds available to pay, around every 6 months.....He was good with that! Our deal from there forward was to make the payments roughly every 6 months till the debt was cleared up.....What happened next you ask?? The public display continued......!
Heres where it gets good everyone...... PAY ATTENTION!!
I recently sent Dave "Rhody" Williams an email which he seems to have LEFT OUT of his most recent public display. Mind you so long as im paying him, this thread shouldnt even exist (in DAVES OWN WORDS)...See the email below....
Entire thread  Print  Previous Next 
 RE: Business Loan
From: <> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 8:14 pm
To: "Dave Williams" <>
 Folder  From  Subject    Date  Size 
Like i said in my last email, you would hear from me around the first of July. Im a tad early. Im making the payment of $1,000 like we discussed. Also, im sending a totally seperate check for the amount of $500. This seperate check will cover the interest on the loan in total. By my calculations, $500 paid to you will be an interest rate of 10% on the original loan amount of $5,000. I could'nt in good mind not pay you some form of interest on this loan, as it did help me tremendously at the time. Consider that a bonus if you want, considering you have made it perfectly clear you didnt expect to ever see a dime from me publicly....This payment will be in the mail ROUGHLY around July 7th or so...give or take a few days, as im waiting on my semi annual contract to process in order to pay you...theres NO SET DATE on my end so dont trip out on me if its not postmarked by that exact date! Its COMING!!
Further, theres something i wanted to add here....on that last mentioned topic....
You see, all i ever hear about online is "My debt to "Rhody" seems to be EVERYWHERE i turn.... I have members on all the forums telling me MY business that they have discussed with you! Im not naming names as you DAMN well know who these people are Dave! This STOPS right now! Our business is our business, the threads ALL vanish NOW never seen again and i continue to pay this loan like we have discussed (A payment every 6 months or so of $1,000 until paid off). The public display ends today Dave or you will have to take me to court to EVER see another dime from me....of course to take me to court in YOUR state you will be requred to pay ALL Of my expenses and such upon seeing a judge (i looked into it!), or you can always take a trip to florida to have it out in court down here on YOUR dime as well. Trust me the best route here is to just ERASE all the drama and the threads and let me go about my business, and you ALSO STOP talking about OUR business with the entire WORLD! I read another post about this and that how Dale is screwing "Rhody"/"Dave"......and IM DONE "WILLINGLY" paying you ANYTHING............your call here! IT ENDS NOW!! YOU CALL OFF THE DOGS AND THE TROLLS ON ALL THE WEBSITES RIGHT NOW AND END IT!! Me paying you interest ON TOP OF the loan repayment means THIS THP nonsense ENDS today Dave...You have until July 1st 2014 to make it VANISH like it NEVER happened! This is the email address you have provided for "talks" of this loan. I will consider this email delivered by this before said DATE of July 1st 2014!! If for some reason you DONT get payments like we have discussed, you do as you will as far as making my life HELL again...but for now im doing what i SAID I WOULD and THEN some! IT VANISHES NOW!!
Sizzling Salutations!,
Dale Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers on Twitter
That was the first email exchanged from EITHER party since last talks of a July payment......
The next email was Dave "Rhody" Williams direct response to the above email....reply came in about 30 minutes after my original email....
Subject: Business Loan ( Re: Business Loan ( Re: Business Loan
From: Dave Williams <> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 8:45 pm
To: "BakersPeppers ." <>
 Folder  From  Subject    Date  Size 
To be perfectly honest I haven't made a post on THP in 6 months and I am not bad mouthing you with members.  I pretty much have let things ride and appreciate the interest check of 500 $ plus the payment of 1000 $  I havent said a bad word about you since you made the first payment, once I receive the two checks and they clear I will have Dan pull the thread as a sign of good faith.  I live a calm and peaceful life and hope you can find it yourself in your own way and in your own time.
Until then, peace...
Now.....what do I do with that?? Dave has left this public display right here for ALL to see since DAY ONE guys....after one payment made and the next one WILLINGLY being made, I contact him EARLY and let him know whats going on, and IM GOING TO PAY INTEREST on the loan OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF MY HEART as it was NEVER discussed in the original loan talks......All i ask in return is THIS PUBLIC DISPLAY GO AWAY once and for ALL!! Like he originally promised after the first payment was made....and now hes telling me AGAIN to make the payment and it will go away?? How long has Dale been asking for this very thing?? And "NOW" im supposed to trust that you will hold YOUR word Dave after i have MORE than shown MY GOOD FAITH and its GOT ME NOWHERE with this publicly???? My email reply is as follows....
Subject:   RE: Second payment: Pepper Loan
From: <> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 9:47 pm
To: "Dave Williams" <>
 Folder  From  Subject    Date  Size 
I told you that you wil get NOTHING until these public spectacles are GONE...VANISHED....NEVER want your $$??...make them GONE! You want to continue to play games, leave them there...this is my LAST email to you Dave....your $$ depends on YOU! Send me the address you want the payment sent to and DELETE ALL THE THREADS ONLINE.......ater that i will mail you the 2 checks...PERIOD...not open to negotiations....ive let you ride with this long longer! I as well have saved EVERY email i have EVER sent you..i will GLADLY post this online for ALL to see that all i asked was u make the public shit go away...and u will then be YOUR fault i didnt mail u $$!!
Dale Jr
So what happened next you ask?? The public display continued.......Dave comes in here and posts WRONG information, leaves out my WHOLE email of me contacting him early and me telling him of the interest and all that....Posts HIS version of our conversation, leaves out my side of it and totally tries to make me look like IM NOT TRYING TO PAY THE HIM!! Havent i shown by NOW that im not only paying you as we discussed, but im also adding interest, and IM THE ONE CHASING YOU DOWN TO discuss it with YOU!! Isnt that me TRYING TO PAY YOU???? See the common thing there?? The public display continued! I coulda SWORE i mentioned somewhere in the beginning of this post that i HAD A FELLING THAT A PUBLIC DISPLAY WAS MORE INTERESTING to Dave than his MONEY! Man...... I SURE make a STRONG arguement dont I???? Read back thru my post here...NOTHING BUT FACTS!! I invite DAVE to point out where i have LIED about ANYTHING in this post, hell i CHALLENGE him to do so!!
So to recap.....
1. Dave got $1,000 from me on a $5,000 loan.
2. I asked Dave to hold true to HIS word that this GO didnt!
3. Half a year passed and i contact Dave EARLY to inform him on the specifics of this next payment, PLUS I inform him of the INTEREST im going to pay him of $500 (10%)! That im NOT REQUIRED TO PAY HIM, but i am as a personal choice as it only seemed RIGHT!
4. I ask that the public display FINALLY END before i mail these next 2 checks out, as a sign of good faith HE DOES IN FACT INTEND TO FINALLY ERASE THIS PUBLIC DISPLAY! Considering ive heard In the past it will end, ive now heard it again that it will end......BUT ALL I SEE IS THIS PUBLIC DISPLAY FROM DAVE "RHODY" WILLIAMS!! Its hard to make me believe he will FINALLY hold true to his word on SOME point in time me paying $1,000 already and arranging to continue to make further payments, PLUS interest, HAS to show im TRYING to pay Dave, but he HAS NO INTEREST IN $$$!! How do i know this you ask?? Are you still reading this thread?? Then Dave has chosen to continue the public display over getting these 2 checks!! I have MORE than agreed to pay the guy, PLUS interest.........and here we are..............talking about "how i wont pay him".....the checks are right here Dave......ready to drop in the mail in a week or so.......
Seems to me Dave has made his choice and prefers the PUBLIC DISPLAY option over his MONEY!!!!
Dave HAS SPOKEN folks! And for that matter so have I!!
I have purposely stopped talking publicly here on this website, due to people just flat out causing me to almost have a heart attack at 33! I have not responded to customers, haters, or ANYONE on this website! I work ENTIRELY too hard 8 days a week to stress myself this much! You want to contact me its email, text, or PHONE CALL, and has been for SOME TIME now! But this right here.....this SHIT of a thread right here.........makes me come back in this place and TELL THE TRUE STORY! I have no choice when someone tries SO HARD to put me and my BUSINESS ON SUCH A PUBLIC DISPLAY!!
FACTS shine through folks.....what I have stated here is 110% FACT!
You want your $$$ Dave you know what to your words my man.....THE EASY WAY OR THE HARD WAY?!?!
Email me when its done, and i will forward the payment info......yes its REALLY that simple Dave, STOP making it so complicated!! PRIVATELY handled between 2 MEN! Like we ORIGINALLY discussed!
MODS....Please for F sake do your jobs!! Ask me for a little response privately or to confirm FACTS before you post adding on how horrible of a person i am in ANY RANDOM THREAD on here....I mean arent you here to "control" things in here?? Im trying SOOOOO hard these days to conduct myself in an orderly professional business fashion, but when you guys JUMP IN before talking to me its NOT VERY PROFESSIONAL!! And EVERYONE sees it!! Your maknig my job HARDER than it should be, and i work TOO hard as it is.........!
Im busy ALL DAY EVERY DAY... NOT CHECKING THESE THREADS EVERY 10 minutes!! Email, call, OR text me to get in touch with me!! NOT HERE!
Bakers Peppers OUT!!!
Where do I begin...
From reading those e-mails, it's sounding like you're admitting to trying to force Rhody into making all this go away before you send him any money that YOU owe HIM... There was a "B" word thrown around earlier.. what was it? Oh yes, blackmail! That sounds like blackmail to me. And the interest rate you quoted? 500 on a 5,000 dollar loan, over 2.5 years is, let me do the math here... 4% interest per year, not the 10% you quoted. If it was in fact 10% simple non-compounding APY interest, then you would owe him $1250 in interest, not $500 (Here's a breakdown in case you're confused Dale: Year 1 (2012): $500 Year 2 (2013): $500 Six months into year 3 (Jan-Jun 2014): $250). Whatever Rhody agreed to monetarily with you is between the two of you, so if he considers $500 a fair interest payment, then it's his call, as it's his money.
And as Rhody said in an earlier post on this very thread, this one thread would go away after he was paid back in full, not before. That was what we all read on the post here, in black and white, but you chose to make it mean something different to you, so I'm wondering how there could have been any confusion there. So until you pay him back his loan as the two of you agreed, this thread will remain up for all to see. And I think waiting two years, Rhody was exceedingly patient and generous with you, far more than I would have been under the same circumstances, and I give him all the respect in the world for that. He waited two whole years before uttering a single word. And what you wrote, any sane person would certainly agree that it seems to say that you want every single negative thing said about you by anyone and everyone on the entire THP forum to go away before Rhody gets the rest of his money back.
Two years, Dale, you had to pay him back, and you didn't even pay back one single penny on a loan until he posted this, and even then, it wasn't the full loan repayment. Seriously, how high are your overhead costs with the calculations magicpepper made, that on $5,500-$6,500 a week, you can't pay a $5,000 loan back in two years? In 104 weeks, that comes to between $572,000-$676,000 you made in two years according to your own quoted volume and prices, and you couldn't even be bothered to pay less than 1% of that total back to Rhody? And that amount's not even including things like selling seeds, and whatever contract grows you happen to have.
You sir, are your own worst enemy on this forum. Read your own posts, and think "How would I feel if someone else wrote that to me?" Would you want to buy from someone like that? I wouldn't. And the "sales" you've posted up in recent weeks, smack of desperation to me. The "sale prices" you quote are what most everyone else's regular prices are, and yet you expect us to believe something like a chocolate reaper coming from a single plant, when even your own ad on your own site clearly states you may not get what is pictured? We're not idiots, Dale, and you seem to be the only person who thinks we are.
Rhody, I would completely understand if after this whole thing is over, you never loan a single penny out to another person again. Any sane person, under similar circumstances, would do the same. 
Shurbryn said:
News just in:


Straight from chat. Thanks Dale, you little cutie.
EDIT: mx beat me to it, but I got pics, because, you know, pics don't lie, people do. That's quite a familiar quote by the way.
elcap1999 said:
Where do I begin...
From reading those e-mails, it's sounding like you're admitting to trying to force Rhody into making all this go away before you send him any money that YOU owe HIM... There was a "B" word thrown around earlier.. what was it? Oh yes, blackmail! That sounds like blackmail to me. And the interest rate you quoted? 500 on a 5,000 dollar loan, over 2.5 years is, let me do the math here... 4% interest per year, not the 10% you quoted. If it was in fact 10% simple non-compounding APY interest, then you would owe him $1250 in interest, not $500 (Here's a breakdown in case you're confused Dale: Year 1 (2012): $500 Year 2 (2013): $500 Six months into year 3 (Jan-Jun 2014): $250). Whatever Rhody agreed to monetarily with you is between the two of you, so if he considers $500 a fair interest payment, then it's his call, as it's his money.
And as Rhody said in an earlier post on this very thread, this one thread would go away after he was paid back in full, not before. That was what we all read on the post here, in black and white, but you chose to make it mean something different to you, so I'm wondering how there could have been any confusion there. So until you pay him back his loan as the two of you agreed, this thread will remain up for all to see. And I think waiting two years, Rhody was exceedingly patient and generous with you, far more than I would have been under the same circumstances, and I give him all the respect in the world for that. He waited two whole years before uttering a single word. And what you wrote, any sane person would certainly agree that it seems to say that you want every single negative thing said about you by anyone and everyone on the entire THP forum to go away before Rhody gets the rest of his money back.
Two years, Dale, you had to pay him back, and you didn't even pay back one single penny on a loan until he posted this, and even then, it wasn't the full loan repayment. Seriously, how high are your overhead costs with the calculations magicpepper made, that on $5,500-$6,500 a week, you can't pay a $5,000 loan back in two years? In 104 weeks, that comes to between $572,000-$676,000 you made in two years according to your own quoted volume and prices, and you couldn't even be bothered to pay less than 1% of that total back to Rhody? And that amount's not even including things like selling seeds, and whatever contract grows you happen to have.
You sir, are your own worst enemy on this forum. Read your own posts, and think "How would I feel if someone else wrote that to me?" Would you want to buy from someone like that? I wouldn't. And the "sales" you've posted up in recent weeks, smack of desperation to me. The "sale prices" you quote are what most everyone else's regular prices are, and yet you expect us to believe something like a chocolate reaper coming from a single plant, when even your own ad on your own site clearly states you may not get what is pictured? We're not idiots, Dale, and you seem to be the only person who thinks we are.
Rhody, I would completely understand if after this whole thing is over, you never loan a single penny out to another person again. Any sane person, under similar circumstances, would do the same. 
+1 and yes all i calculated was the prices of the boxes, i went to bakers website and got the prices, all are 29.99 except the "not carolina reapers" are 34.99
and at his quote of i sell 200+ boxes a week. that like elcap said does not include, dry pods 11.99 and up , seeds 7.99 and up to 44.99, or plants 29.99 and up. so as you can see i only calculated a fraction of your income per week, and elcap calculated that up to an annual of $572,000-$676,000 FOR POSSIBLY ONLY 1/4 OF YOUR YEARLY INCOME 

mx5inpa said:
  • BakersPeppers
    If not let me know...I have about 50,000 pods on my property right now
  • BakersPeppers
    20,000 or so still process is slow in summer time

  • 10:35 PM
  • Shurbryn
    how much will you make out of those?
  • BakersPeppers
    Wouldn't u love to know!

  • U guys are GREAT!
  •  mx5inpa
    $37980 shurb
  •  mx5inpa
    at 18.99 for an sfrb with 25 peppers
and i missed this post, but that is a substantial amount of money, and that was only calculated for fresh pods and at $11 cheaper then your website quotes the prices 
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