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Best exotic pets ?

About Snakes, Spiders, scorpions, Tortoise, and other exotics. Was thinking of buying more Tarantulas, Scorpion, Snake, and maybe a Tortoise. As for Toroise the only one I know is the Red footed tortoise. But many kinds are for sale here. Lots are giants, to big for us. So interested in knowing good types of Tortoise for ease of care and good looks.

Are for the Tarantula, Scopion would be good to give the bugs around the house too. As for Snakes I just like them, have had and do have lots. I have seen many other exotics, like suger gliders, Heghogs, and so forth
I had a hedgehog when I was younger. You can train them like cats depending on the particular hedgehog's personality. The con's about them would be the fact that they need a solid based wheel which in effect covers their feet in their own crap so washing of feet is constantly needed. Also, they bite, but not in a bad way. It's a self defense mechanism called self-annointing, they taste something, froth at the mouth and spread their froth on their spines. If you don't want them biting you'd need to stick to a particular scented soap and use it before handling.

They are fun, but if I were to get another pet it would a be a dog which I actually play with or a reptile which I can somewhat leave unattended or fish.
One of our cats, named Gorilla, just loves to masturbate. He has a stuffed
yellow chicken and that is his tool of choice. Sometimes he'll stand and
hump on chicken much like a dog on a human leg. Other times he'll lay on
his side and use a front paw to move chicken around on his genitalia.

Gorilla is neither shy nor quiet when he gets in the mood. Sometimes I'll
go put on a Barry White LP to help with the sexy ambiance. It is very dif-
ficult to get a good picture of Gorilla and chicken as he will cease his
activities when one of us approaches. Here's a couple blurry cellular tele-
phone shots:



Oh... how embarrassing. I thought you typed Best Erotic Pets. My bad.
One of our cats, named Gorilla, just loves to masturbate. He has a stuffed
yellow chicken and that is his tool of choice. Sometimes he'll stand and
hump on chicken much like a dog on a human leg. Other times he'll lay on
his side and use a front paw to move chicken around on his genitalia.

Gorilla is neither shy nor quiet when he gets in the mood. Sometimes I'll
go put on a Barry White LP to help with the sexy ambiance. It is very dif-
ficult to get a good picture of Gorilla and chicken as he will cease his
activities when one of us approaches. Here's a couple blurry cellular tele-
phone shots:



Oh... how embarrassing. I thought you typed Best Erotic Pets. My bad.

My cat humps a stuffed parrot on a regular basis. He also makes a loud low pitch sound while doing so. And he usually waits until we have company over to do it. He's been humping that parrot since he was a kitten, and is now 5 years old. I kinda want to take it away from him, but I feel bad. And yes, he is neutered. Oh, and he bites the parrot while he's humping it and always licks the spot he was humping when he's finished. :crazy:
I vote for tarantulas or scorpions. They are about the most hassle free pet there is. Like fish only you don't have to do any cleaning. You can feed them once a week or once a month. Give them a small water dish or spray the side of the tank once a week. No cleaning of poo or pee (they don't pee). They have no smell, won't barf on your floors, come in many different colors and sizes, don't bark, meow, or squawk and keep you up nights, won't hump your leg or make you clean out their littler box. All price ranges, live only a couple of years or 20+, never a licensing fee and you never have to take them to the vet. When they pass you don't need to dig a hole, pay for cremation or drop them down the toilet and hope they don't plug it up. They can go right into the trash. Going on vacation? No need to find some one to care for it or pay millions to have it boarded. Just fill up the water bowl and give 'em a kiss bye bye. They'll be there when you get back. Quite possibly in the same smooching position you left them in!

If you want any more info send me a PM. Heck I'll even give you a starter tarantula to get you going in the hobby.
Always wanted to grow a megafish. something like Arapaima, Giant Barb (that I would eventually eat! :lol:) or some of the cooler predator ones like Goliath Tigerfish. :D
LOL yes I like the raise and eat your fish Omri. As for Tarantulas and scorpions, i used to farm them and sell the babys so know them very well. And yes for the most part your rite Patrick. And thanks again for the seeds a year ago. So many cool ones. I mostly mess with Avicularia's LOL Avicularidae sub family if getting picky about def. They don't really last much over 5 to 10 years if girls. Here there are so many to pick from but I've got senitve to the hair of Brachs as working with to many for to long. But still Avic don't bug me yet. Yes I know Hap's here are great, but are hard to see and most don't look so good,,, yes as well can be un friendly...

Was thinking Toroise as easy to care for here. But don't really know enough to try. The only ones I really know are Red foot, Hermans, (wood turtle, Can't get that one here.) Yellow foot heard is just like red foot.. There are a lot of hedgehogs here, but had thoughs as well, could be great for eating bugs. I'd love to get ant eater lizzards here as could really use them.
I vote centipedes and mantids, both top predators and fairly easy to keep. Downside is that centipedes are not easy to breed because it's very hard to tell the sex :)
At the moment I don't have any invertebrates (and it's hard to keep it that way). I do have several rodents and Persian Jirds are awesome :)
LOL I have to becareful of the giant centipedes here when gardening. Scorpions are harded to find if not the asian vinageroon. Mantids are so cool as only had one or two types in Canada as most are not aloud to have. Have seen lots here so I just let them free to eat in the garden.
Here's my Baby,, Karma.. he's a Jungle Python Hand raised from a Baby he's Nearly 4 feet now


And here is Big Harry,, he's 1 and 1/2 and a Jungle Python too but Bigger and more stupid.


They do F**k all, feed Once a Week and keep water there,, Harry is So Stupid that Have to Hand feed as use Dead rats.. if put down, he Just looks at it for 30 min Soooooooo,, open Door and hold the Rat , Hand Out and WHACK Fastest thing and Gets the Adrenaline Pumping..

Id go a Snake... yeaa i want More :D
Right now have over 100 snakes. about 26 or so types that are no venom.. Yes snakes are great but as for bringing some of them here my parner needs to know they pull in the same or more money.