powder-flake Best grinder for powdering chili

My mortar and pestle works like a charm if the peppers are thoroughly dried. I have made a ton of batches this way. If they're not dry enough (brittle to the touch..easily crumble) then it doesn't really work. You guys with your high techness...sheesh!  :P
I use an 20 year old Braun coffee grinder.  Nothing fancy, just on and off.  I can put whole dried peppers in there and the blades will turn it to powder in about 2-3 min of running.  Now, I wouldn't want to do high volume amounts with it like you would for selling powders commercially, but for home use its perfect and cheap.

Hey that's what I use! Got it for free too! And yeah it powders quite well.
yep cofee grinder for now.. one day when ill process tons ill buy a real machine that grind one truck per minutes
until then old coffee grinder bough in a garage sale that i use only for powders