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seeds Best lighting setup for germination

I need to figure out what the most efficient/cost effective setup would be for germinating my seedlings. This year I had 10% germination which is BS. I'm not going to go through that again. That being said, I am setting up an area in my garage for just this purpose. I ve got about a 4'(w)x 3'(d)x 6'(h) area that I want to dedicate to this. Maybe germinate 2 trays at a time? Any and all help/insight into this matter would be appreciated! Thanks ahead of time!

Hay PB your seeds do not need light to germ, but they do need heat and to stay moist not wet, You Know how warm and moist can make thing grow right.:rolleyes: :lol:
In addition to the warmth and moisture, I've seen huge differences in germ rates depending on the media used. I've tried different types ($$ Store el-cheapo stuff), couple types of Miracle Grow, Fafards and Ferti-lome. The cheaper the mix (usually means it is courser and has more pine bark in it) the lower the rates. I've also had great luck with the Oasis Medium Cut horticubes.

I was just planning on using the setup as a heat source as well as to get them started. I use promix ATM. Is that suitable for them to germ/start in ? The ones I started were in miracle grow potting mix (GARBAGE) that might attribute to the lack of plants that made it..
Well let's change it a little. What is the best cost efficient lighting system (four foot) to use AFTER the germination.
I was just planning on using the setup as a heat source as well as to get them started. I use promix ATM. Is that suitable for them to germ/start in ? The ones I started were in miracle grow potting mix (GARBAGE) that might attribute to the lack of plants that made it..

+5 on that! A couple of times, I had seeds I needed to sow and couldn't get Ferti-lome so I settled for Miracle Grow. Horrible, horrible germination rates.

Well let's change it a little. What is the best cost efficient lighting system (four foot) to use AFTER the germination.

That's sort of like asking what's the best Pepsi instead of the best beverage!

My former landlord gave me so fluros he was using in the office - 4-bulb, 4' fixtures. He was using cool white bulbs in it. When I measured the lux, it was about 2500. I replaced the bulbs with new, GE Daylight and am now getting 6700 lux at the same distance, maybe a bit higher.

I use cheap shoplights after germination, and they work good for up to 2 months. Even the cheapest bulbs work fairly well
In my opinion medium usually doesn't affect germination much unless the pH is way off, or too much/not enough moisture or heat, or too much nutrients. Its after germination that the medium really makes a difference. I get 90%+ germination from all mediums I've tried, as long as the seeds are good, and I've probably tried every medium available
Nice setup LC, that's what I need but strapped for cash at the mo'

I have also had a bad time with germ. rates like PB, probably 40% if that. I know how heat is important and have kept them at a constant temp of about 27C,
should be enough, I have been using a commercial seed raising medium and have also sourced seeds from different suppliers. Hmmm still no joy,
I was thinking about using those jiffy pellets next time, can't be worse!.
First of all you need good seeds!!

I started mine at the end of February and they're all about 15 (in) to 20 (in) tall with very thick stems and dark green in color. I used two T5s a shelf @ 6.5k lux for a total of eight shelves. I had about 70 plants per shelf and now they're on tables next to south facing windows. I will be planting 550 plus superhots as soon as I get beyond the frost nights.

AJ has a super grow chamber you may want to look at for ideas.

I may not have the best setup, but dam it works!!
My pepper coffers will be full, no doubt about it.

You have plenty of time to decide, so research and compare.

Good luck!
Thanks for the input SH, I would love to be able to afford a good setup but unfortunately I need to rely on nature for the most part, actually I just need them to sprout!
Good seeds hey, yeah I often wonder about my suppliers, have started sourcing from else where but haven't planted any yet, fingers crossed for next crop!

I use cheap shoplights after germination, and they work good for up to 2 months. Even the cheapest bulbs work fairly well
In my opinion medium usually doesn't affect germination much unless the pH is way off, or too much/not enough moisture or heat, or too much nutrients. Its after germination that the medium really makes a difference. I get 90%+ germination from all mediums I've tried, as long as the seeds are good, and I've probably tried every medium available


You've used Miracle Grow and had good luck with it - 90+ percent germination? Did you screen it or remove the large pieces of bark? I collected about 1.5 quarts of large pieces of wood and rocks from a 16 quart bag. I've also had some that was so dry, I had to let it set in a tub of water for 24 hours and then use a sprayer to get the top/middle part of a 2.5" nursery cell moist.

The only good thing I can say about my experiences with MG potting mix is that it is great to add as a layer in my compost buckets.

Thanks for the input SH, I would love to be able to afford a good setup but unfortunately I need to rely on nature for the most part, actually I just need them to sprout!
Good seeds hey, yeah I often wonder about my suppliers, have started sourcing from else where but haven't planted any yet, fingers crossed for next crop!


For seeds Pepper Lady would be a good place to start, she's all aces in my book!!
I have played around recently with Pro-Mix PGX blend which is basically a fine mixture for seed starting. I used it to grow some tomatoes and I'll say it is incredible. These plants look stockier and better than ANYTHING else I've grown. It has no perlite in it. It makes me wonder if would've used it for all plants, but it's not that cheap. :)

I have played around recently with Pro-Mix PGX blend which is basically a fine mixture for seed starting. I used it to grow some tomatoes and I'll say it is incredible. These plants look stockier and better than ANYTHING else I've grown. It has no perlite in it. It makes me wonder if would've used it for all plants, but it's not that cheap. :)


You're right about that Chris, ProMix isnt cheap but its worth it to me to get the results. I started a few new seeds just as a test bed with the ProMix yesterday. We'll see how it goes!
I usually just put my pepper seeds in a damp napkin, wrap em in cellophane and then place them on top of my grow lamp. It has enough warmth up there to get things moving right along. Sometimes I also use a heat mat that I have which is the length of a 72 cell tray. i've actually had better germination rates just using the top of the lamp (which is a four bulb, four foot T5 system)