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seeds Best method for germination?

I haven't had a great success rate with germination recently, I know there are a bunch of different methods so please share your experiences.
I have been using those small joined peat pots like nursery seddling trays with seed raising mix covering them with plastic wrap and sticking on my fridge,
yes ON not IN :) I get maybe 40-50% success if I'm lucky, this is with many different varieties of annum.
I haven't had a great success rate with germination recently, I know there are a bunch of different methods so please share your experiences.
I have been using those small joined peat pots like nursery seddling trays with seed raising mix covering them with plastic wrap and sticking on my fridge,
yes ON not IN :) I get maybe 40-50% success if I'm lucky, this is with many different varieties of annum.

You need at least 80 degree Fahrenheit, you could use a thermometer leave on top of your fridge for at least 30 minutes, then check the temperature, if its below that you need more heat so they could germinate. I use a house lamp with a 100watt normal bulb and put under the light, all my seed germinate, some take max 15 days, but all germinate. Hope this helps.
You need at least 80 degree Fahrenheit, you could use a thermometer leave on top of your fridge for at least 30 minutes, then check the temperature, if its below that you need more heat so they could germinate. I use a house lamp with a 100watt normal bulb and put under the light, all my seed germinate, some take max 15 days, but all germinate. Hope this helps.

I haven't used a thermometer to check the temp but if you touch up there it's quite warm, they popup anywhere from 4days to 6 weeks.
Anyway thanks I will give it a go.

Cheers :beer:
You don't need at least 80, but for some species 85 is generally preferred. I like to keep my temps on the cooler side since I always have heat spikes so mine are generally kept around 70f. Most pop up in less than a week with some stragglers. AJ has a graph on germination temps somewhere. I think higher than 95 the seed really has no chance. Also, I like to germinate mine in little cups that have snap on lids, helps me keep tabs on humidity.
Mate, I tell ya, one of the wisest investments you can make is on a heat mat and germination house. These set-ups absolutely pump results!


I've encountered so many bumps on the road that is my chilli growing adventures, but germination has never been one of them. I know they can be a little pricey, but seriously, I've never looked back. I actually bought my mat and house separately but if I can recall correctly, I saw some combo mat and house dealies at Bunnings one time that were a little cheaper.

Another thing is, and I know they have their cons, but I always seem to get better germination results using Jiffy Pellets as opposed to seed raising mix.

Of course, at the end of the day, this is just what works for me. ;)
Hey gasificada that is one cool looking setup, I guess if you are planning on growing as many as you it would be a sound investment, especially for those scarce seeds germination rate is crucial! I think I'll give the jiffy pots ago next time too! Thanks!
The main thing is to try and get your temps stabilized around 28-30°C and to make sure it's nice and humid under the plastic and you should be set.

I think I'll give the jiffy pots ago next time too!
Noooo, not the pots... the pellets. ;)

If you do try them, keep them moist but not wet (bottom watering helps to achieve this). But in saying that, make sure that you never let them get too dry either because once that happens, it becomes a PITA to maintain nice good moisture levels!
@ gasificada: Noooo, not the pots... the pellets.
Yeah that's what I meant :) the ones they use for hydro alot!

@ CoreySteel: Put it on my PC modem, which is warm 24/7 and I had 100% germination rate.
My modem is next to my bed on my wifes side, I'm sure she would like my seeds in her face! Hey now cut it out you guys! :rofl:
I am sure you aren't controlling your temperature good enough if your germination rates are that low...two things are essential for germination and subsequent growth...heat and moisture...heat controlled to 86F/30C ( <===== main thing ), and your germination medium to be moist but not soaking...if the germination media dries at any time during the germination process, the germination process ends never to be started again...

this was lifted from a University of Florida at Imokolee research station paper...

I am sure you aren't controlling your temperature good enough if your germination rates are that low...two things are essential for germination and subsequent growth...heat and moisture...heat controlled to 86F/30C...
Well the moisture is not the prob, I spray them to moisten medium when required but the temp is probably the problem, I usually keep them on top of the fridge at night and window sill during the day
but I doubt they are getting 30C, that's why I used the plastic wrap technique, I will use a light and see if that improves things,

Thanks to all!
once you start germinating at a given temp you need to keep it stable as possible if its 86 try to keep it 86 all the time till you get first leaves, i set my heater at 86 F/30C and +1 what AJ said
try to keep it stable
if the germination media dries at any time during the germination process, the germination process ends never to be started again...
Oh yeah, don't let 'em dry out for that reason too! :rofl:

And I almost forgot, soaking your seeds prior to sowing them is a good idea also as it helps soften the shell. I soak mine in a weak chamomile tea solution for at least 12 hours and keep my soaking tray on top of my router to help keep it warm.

As to how effective it is or whether the chamomile tea makes a difference? I really don't know as I have never done it any other way to compare it to!
The bullet-proof germination method:

A zip-lock bag and paper towel (can be any of a variety of papers)


Fold paper in half and spread seeds on the paper


Wet paper-not sopping, just wet. Place paper in zip lock bag and close. Keep at 85F or thereabout. Measure the temp, don't guess.


Howdy you can use tons of different ways to germ just keep temps and moisture stabe and consistant i used the jiffy greenhouse and loved it got 95-100% germ kept the temps at 75-80 and wiped the inside of the dome off daily at the same time. took 7-10 days.

Beware of This method tho :lol:(sorry nick)
:rofl: Sorry Nick, but your cupcakes are the best!

I have some 72 cell heated germination trays and growlights. Up until this year, I had mini-greenhouses and some sunny windowsills. I always had great germination rates even with my ghetto setup.
Bump because it's probably been asked before (but I can't find it), what size jiffy pellets do people use?

I've just seen "jiffy pellets" at shops and online, but looking at ebay there's all different sizes. 18mm, 30mm, 38mm, 42mm, 50mm etc.

Bit more experimenting from me and I'm going to try a couple and normal seed raising mix in the old peltier fridge.
I am leaning towards the 42mm, as more could fit in the fridge.
Oz, I'm a newbie. I don't know what kind of temperatures you have where you live but I just did my first batch by two methods. I bought a heat mat with a digital temperature control by Hydrofarm and I also had some extra seeds that I did by the paper towel and zip lock bag & coffee filter method. "Both" had great results, 80 percent so far. A side note. I also "swished" all the seeds in a 1 to 4 ratio of clorox bleach and sterile water for 10 minutes then throughly rinsing in sterile water. I think this definately helped. Anyways the heatmat & dig worked great for indoors and if your outdoor temps are a consistant 80-90 as it is here in Texas the zip lock bag method should work outdoors as it did for me. Baring that find a heat source inside that is a consistant 80-90 degrees. Good luck! :dance: