and this discussion is continuing tonight in the Salsa-household as the vinyl is spinning..... (ZZ Top vinyl record playing TUSH atm~ )
+++ to Marine Dad's last comment. There is a huge difference of someone's personal favorite and how talented that person/band actually was.
I understand everyone's attachment to the classic rock bands like LedZ, the Who etc. They were the first, they did what they did the best in that time and with what they had to work with...and also, WHO they had to work with for promoters/managers/etc when a lot of musicians were being ripped off. Whitney Houston set the stage for Mariah Carey, Celine Dione, and every AmericonIdol female vocalist. And Whitney stood on the shoulders of the likes of Etta James and Billy Holiday.
I have my own attachment to Journey (much to the distress of the rest of my family every time a Journey song comes on
). Doesn't make them the BestBandEver...but they're my favorite...
The emotions and rage-against-the-machine feelings that went along with a lot of these songs doesn't necessarily correlate to the talent of the musicians. Just like the talent of modern musicians like Justin Bieber are often directly related to the quality of their producer and manager....not the talent of the performer.
I still think that modern musicians are a lot more talented than musicians of yesteryear. Yes, the OldSchool musicians set the stage, but as it is with everything in life, someone sets the platform and the next generation takes it up and beyond. Back to the ModelT-vs-Mustang comparison. The Mustang would never exist without the ModelT...but which one is better? I think it takes more skills and talent to make a Mustang than a ModelT. A Mustang engineer could make a ModelT with no problems, but there's no way a ModelT engineer could ever make a Mustang. It's evolution.
(new album on now- U2-
Sunday, Bloody Sunday and on to
New Years Day)
If a musician is to be called out and lauded, saying they were the best musician
of their era or
of that genre might be a better comparison. All musicians playing today have the benefit of all the recordings of every genre and every generation that has come before to study /learn/and expand on.
Next album....on right now....Los Lobos.. sheesh, I'm a slow type and slower self-editor...
3 albums in one post!
Time to re-wine and enjoy the freakin' awesome vinyl music!