Bhut growlog.....

Keep updating this thread!

i just started some bhut seeds i got from the chilli pepper institute.
I'm going to put them into my hp aero system sometime mid November after i make a few modifications.

Do you plan on topping these? or training them at all?
I don't really have the resources to buy or maintain a HPS light inside, or any more space indside. However I do have garden space, its spring and its Australia (that means full on sunshine!), so when my babies are stong enough they are outside.

Just can't wait to get my Chilli forest going :woohoo:
I just topped them this morning and Ill be updating all the way through harvest.. thanks for the support. :onfire:

MM - Right on... I almost moved to Australia about 3 years ago. Wishing I would have and might need to reconsider it! lol



They are a little beat up because I stripped quite a few leaves off during the transplant but they'll bounce back before long.

What sort of light cycle were you using when you have them under a florescent light? I have mine under a CFT bulb giving out 14000k Ultra blue, and have the lamp running approximately 16 hours a day... They are only small at the moment, but I was wondering whether you have any advice...

They are doing well, starting to sprout new shoots from the nodes. Should work out well for what Im trying to do.
Tomm- I had them under a 20 on 6 off cycle when under the flouro .... I can tell you this, that light needs to be about 2 " above those containers, its way too high all you will get will be stretchy weak seedlings. Either drop the light right over the tops of the seedlings or raise the seedlings up by putting them on stacks of books or whatever so you can get them close to that bulb. Literally 2"-3".
Tomm- I had them under a 20 on 6 off cycle when under the flouro .... I can tell you this, that light needs to be about 2 " above those containers, its way too high all you will get will be stretchy weak seedlings. Either drop the light right over the tops of the seedlings or raise the seedlings up by putting them on stacks of books or whatever so you can get them close to that bulb. Literally 2"-3".

Cheers for that, I have moved the light down about 3" above the plants now, hopefully they hurry up 'cos I'm hungry! ha. I'll keep at it and know where to come when I need good advice!!
So the plants have settled into their new pots and settled down from the stress of being topped. They have responded by putting out new main shoots and are really starting to put out new growth. Ive given them a couple of coffee waterings and its really helped with the vegetative growth.



The topping really seemed to slow them down.... they are putting out new shoots and such which I realize is the POINT of topping but damn, I didnt realize it would stop virtually all verticle growth. Which is what seems to be happening here. I do see a few yellowed leaves on a couple, so maybe its the topping and partly a N deficiency. I did give a couple coffee waterings awhile ago. Next watering Im going to water with fish/seaweed and Ill probably top dress with a tablespoon of tomato tone per pot.



Not that Ive noticed, although Ill admit Ive been busy and havent had much time to mess with them. You know, looking at the dates, I guess it is only 3 weeks past transplant so I dont know. Just seems like they are growing slowly compared to my other outdoor bhuts in containers - then again, its only been 3 weeks lol.
Thanks! I still gotta say IMO the topping was a no-no.... they are starting to all bud but are still very small as far as Im concerned. Im going to give them a few more months and see how much more growth I can get out of them but I might end up transplanting like 6 into 5 gallon buckets. Maybe Ill just start hitting them with high N to delay fruitset.


Im not sure, but I did receive a bit of discouraging information from a Chilli farmer in the UK on another forum. He said he actually ran an experiement with topping them and topped some plants and left others to grow naturally. He said bhuts hate topping and that the topped plants produced far fewer and smaller pods then the untopped ones.

We'll see but that sure sucks to hear ... lol. I just mixed up a nitrogen mix of about a cup and a half of rabbit poo, 4 tablespoons of coffee grounds and some fresh brewed coffee, mashed it up into a mush and added three heaping tablespoons per 3 gallon pot. Other then the coffee waterings a few weeks ago this will be the first suppliment addition. Up until now they have been just going on the soil ammendments I added when I mixed the soil.

Maybe it'll help push vegetative growth and hold of fruiting, Ild like to get as much size out of them as I can before they start fruiting, I think that will help somewhat.