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bhut jolokia sprouts

thanks for all the good comments :). i hope to pot them up to 3-5 gal grow bags by mid may so i can plant out at the end of may.
update: may 12 2008
about 9 1/2 weeks old


all but 2 bhuts outside enjoying a little sun.


this bhut has a very small flower just starting to form


some small flowers starting to form on my spicy mustard clone


a small thai sun harvest
healthy, healthy, healthy, abf....keep it goin man...
well done abf303,
I do like them big Bhuts too...
i have a few small seedlings outdoors ,
hopefully the bugs wont eat them all.

Hey, we all learn the hardening off lesson one of the years AJ. :) In fact, I learned it badly three years ago when I started. Well, come to think of it, I just don't have enough patience to harden off peppers perfectly so every year they take some damage either due to sun or wind. It's all good in the end. It's just a mental roadblock to overcome when you see those poor white leaves!

Good luck with them all. They'll recover just fine.


AlabamaJack said:
your plants look super healthy...all mine are sunburnt to kaka and back including my contest nagas....

Oh well, its time for them to sink or swim....
thanks for all the good comments. this week im going to pot them up into 5 gal grow bags with a mix of fox farm soil, promix soil and a little bit of sand. i will take some more pics when i do that
I knew I was going to mess up this year since it is my first time starting from seed, and therefore I have a backup plan...don't want to "steal" this thread so I will start a new one called AJs Backups 05-12-08 with pictures of my backups...
If your plant has good roots that can take hold, the plants will live no matter the heat. You ought to see what a tobacco field use to look like two afternoons after planting - and that was in 90 degree heat and bright sunlight. Only the heart of the plant survived. Ditto for tomatoes.

My problem is trying to micromanage every plant. See a white leaf - grab the Epsom salt solution. Check them every morning, afternoon and night to see how they are doing. Adjust the lights daily, if not more often.

Alas, the affliction is carrying over to other plants - I find myself checking the potatoes a couple times a day and the tomatoes at least once a day.

update: may 16 2008
about 10 weeks old

today i just potted up to 5 gal grow bags. i couldnt find promix so i decided to mix my own since omri mentioned it in another thread. my mix consisted of my remaining bag of fox farm, some humas, some composted com manure, some coco coir, sand and some perlite. i was able to plant all but 4 so i will get the ones i couldnt do today, when i get more soil.



