• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bhuter's 2018 Glog

Hello everybody! I'm late again to the adventures of pepper growing. Seeds didn't hit the towel until March 6, so I have some still below, some hooks, and some little plants. Not too much to look at right now but how about a growlist.

2018 Growlist

Red BBG7 (Ocho Cinco 2014)
BOC (Mine)
Black Naga x Peri-Peri F2 (Mine)
Bishop's Crown
Brown Moruga (PL)
Peach Bhut (WM)
SB7J (Pex Peppers 2014)
Pumpkin Bubblegum (Ford's)
Peach Scotch Bonnet (WHP)
OrangeGum TigerMAMP (GIP)
California Reaper (Tyler Farms)
Ramirez Stinger (mpicante)
BBG Peach Ghost Jami (Mojo)
Monster Apocalisse (Mojo)
Purple Ghost Scorpion (Mojo)
Chocolate Primo (Butch T)
PDN x 7 Pot Caramel F1 (Mine)
PDN x Bonda ma Jacques F6 White & Purple (PaulG)
Purple Flower Baccatum (Mojo)
Wartryx (windchicken)
Purple Flower BBG (Mojo)
PeachGum v3 (Mojo)
Biker Billy Jalapeño (Tyler Farms)
Cappuccino Scotch Bonnet (MikeUSMC)
Peach Clavo x Pink Tiger (Ford's)
Caramel BBG7 (WHP)
7 Pot Cinder Caramel F3 (also have F2 clone overwinter)

Lots of crosses, purples, & BBG. I also air layered a clone from the Caramel Cinder F2 last year (with the help of pepper-guru...thanks, Rich) and it's been in stasis until recently. Just starting new growth and already set a pod.


And here's the whole lot. I don't have much room...just what I can fit under a card table.


Thanks for stopping by!
Nothing really to update here, but I wanted to show off some of my little purples.

I like the look of this one because it's splotchy instead of a smooth purple. Still tiny.

Purple Ghost Scorpion (Mojo)

PeachGum v3 (Mojo)

PDN x 7 Pot Caramel (An F1 cross I made last year)

OrangeGum TigerMAMP (GIP)

And the only pod brewin'...7 Pot Cinder F2

Thanks for looking!
I've only got V1 and v2. I wish I would have took pictures of all the pods before I collected seeds. Not even sure of I'm growing the correct phenomes. We will see retty soon though
Walchit said:
I've only got V1 and v2. I wish I would have took pictures of all the pods before I collected seeds. Not even sure of I'm growing the correct phenomes. We will see retty soon though

Awesome! I have seeds for v1 & v3 but not v2. I only chose to grow v3. I usually choose one plant every year to go in a bucket in case I want to overwinter it. This year the v3 will be that variety.
For starting that late you're doing pretty well! I like the crosses you're growing this year. I love crosses and those are some funky ones. Personally though, I don't really enjoy the Chinense taste. Which is unfortunate, because that's where it seems most interesting crosses are. I'm hoping to do some cool crosses this year. One I can't wait to see is Arbibi Gusano x Thunder Mountain Longhorn. I also want to try to cross Cumari Pollux with a Baccatum but I've got no idea which one yet.
Anyway, I'll stop here otherwise I feel like I'm hijacking your glog. Crosses just get me going, lol. Good luck on your grow! I'll be following.
b3rnd said:
For starting that late you're doing pretty well! I like the crosses you're growing this year. I love crosses and those are some funky ones. Personally though, I don't really enjoy the Chinense taste. Which is unfortunate, because that's where it seems most interesting crosses are. I'm hoping to do some cool crosses this year. One I can't wait to see is Arbibi Gusano x Thunder Mountain Longhorn. I also want to try to cross Cumari Pollux with a Baccatum but I've got no idea which one yet.
Anyway, I'll stop here otherwise I feel like I'm hijacking your glog. Crosses just get me going, lol. Good luck on your grow! I'll be following.
Oh, don't worry about it at all. And thank you very much! I love crosses as well. I have three different crosses of my own. GIP has an Aribibi Gusano x Pink Tiger that I'm very interested in seeing grow. I know what you mean about not liking a species flavor. Some Chinense's are strong to me but I'm really not a fan of soapy Baccatums. I grow a Bishops Crown every year and have a purple flower Baccatum this year, but I don't really care for things like Lemon Drop. I know, people love it, but it's soapy to me, unfortunately.
Walchit said:
I've heard people say that cilantro tastes soapy? Is it like that or is it a different taste?
I love cilantro, so I don't really get soapy from that. It's just like a hint of "soapiness" that kinda goes into your nose. Like you used a strong soap on your hands. I don't know.
I don't get the soapiness from Bishops Crown at all. It's really sweet and slightly fruity with zero to minimal heat. But you're gonna wanna cage each one. They grow tall and the fruits are semi-heavy. I'm sure you'll like them. I got my first one as a "mushroom pepper" from the nursery and a bishops crown grew out. Been growing them ever since. My gf mixes them into crab salad every year. Yum!
Funny how tastes can differ so much, I don't get that soapy taste at all. It's like how I don't get that people can describe Chinenses as floral or fruity. I would describe the taste more skunky or pungent. I just grow them just for fun and for powder now, because they lose most of that flavour when you dry them. For fresh peppers I love Baccatums, and Lemon Drop is among my favourite. I crossed it with my second favourite, the Brazilian Starfish. I have the F1 of that growing out right now. I'm also anxious to try the Sugar Rush variety, I hear they're pretty good. I gotta try the Bishop's Crown one day too!
b3rnd said:
Funny how tastes can differ so much, I don't get that soapy taste at all. It's like how I don't get that people can describe Chinenses as floral or fruity. I would describe the taste more skunky or pungent. I just grow them just for fun and for powder now, because they lose most of that flavour when you dry them. For fresh peppers I love Baccatums, and Lemon Drop is among my favourite. I crossed it with my second favourite, the Brazilian Starfish. I have the F1 of that growing out right now. I'm also anxious to try the Sugar Rush variety, I hear they're pretty good. I gotta try the Bishop's Crown one day too!
Wow! Lemon Drop x Brazilian Starfish should make for an interesting looking pod. And don't the plants grow oppositely? Meaning the Lemon Drop is a smaller bush while the Starfish is taller and lanky? I haven't tried the starfish, but I assumed they were close to Bishops.
Bhuter said:
Wow! Lemon Drop x Brazilian Starfish should make for an interesting looking pod. And don't the plants grow oppositely? Meaning the Lemon Drop is a smaller bush while the Starfish is taller and lanky? I haven't tried the starfish, but I assumed they were close to Bishops.
Yeah, they do grow oppositely! I'm hoping for some cool looking pods with a nice combination of the two flavours, on a plant that grows more like the Starfish than the Lemon Drop. I like the look of taller plants more than bushy plants. F2 is going to be a total mess though, but I can't wait what that'll bring out. Let's see what kind of pods these babies produce first. They're looking pretty healthy, so that's a good sign! I'll post some pics in my glog.
Hey on the subject of those purples, I assume your plants aren't outdoors yet but has anyone noticed in previous seasons that bugs seem to like them more? My plants are outdoors full time now and the pests seem to gravitate towards the purples more for some reason.
Edmick said:
Hey on the subject of those purples, I assume your plants aren't outdoors yet but has anyone noticed in previous seasons that bugs seem to like them more? My plants are outdoors full time now and the pests seem to gravitate towards the purples more for some reason.
Argh...don't say that! Lol. I had an issue with mites last year (I think broad mites) and I had a couple purples that I can think of and they WERE both affected. I have a lot of purples this year and I'm hoping that doesn't happen. Yes, Ed...they're still inside. But it was just about immediate when they hit last year after I put them outdoors.
Bhuter said:
Argh...don't say that! Lol. I had an issue with mites last year (I think broad mites) and I had a couple purples that I can think of and they WERE both affected. I have a lot of purples this year and I'm hoping that doesn't happen. Yes, Ed...they're still inside. But it was just about immediate when they hit last year after I put them outdoors.
Ool... how the heck did you get Broad Mites in Michigan?!! I thought they died off during the winter there. :shocked:    Those things are bad juju for sure.  :doh:
stickman said:
Ool... how the heck did you get Broad Mites in Michigan?!! I thought they died off during the winter there. :shocked:    Those things are bad juju for sure.  :doh:
I really don't know. Last year was a really mild winter and I don't think we had a hard freeze. This year, it was below zero for over a month. I hope that was good enough. Lol. Here's a pic of how my Goatsweed looked after I got it outside last year.


I first thought herbicide, but I doubt that's used around here. Then I read the squiggly middle vein is a sign of broad mites. I'm still not sure what it was, but I treated with soap and neem separately...twice...and that took care of it.
Bhuter said:
I really don't know. Last year was a really mild winter and I don't think we had a hard freeze. This year, it was below zero for over a month. I hope that was good enough.

I first thought herbicide, but I doubt that's used around here. Then I read the squiggly middle vein is a sign of broad mites. I'm still not sure what it was, but I treated with soap and neem separately...twice...and that took care of it.
Hopefully that's enough to take care of the problem. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you this season.
