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Big A$$ Drumstick

Hey folks just wondering if anyone has any nice ways to cook a turkey leg.
It was given to me yesterday and i have never cooked one before, i was thinking slow cook but knew that you guys would help me out.
Thanks in advance!
Scotch Bonnets (or whatever you have), onions or scallions, freshly ground allspice, salt, pepper, something sweet, something earthy, whatever else you like.... now add something liquid as a carrier for the marinade, and put it in a plastic zipper bag overnight. Cook over a wood fire, pimento wood if you have it, if not, any, or charcoal. Enjoy!
Jerk is good, another alternative would be bbq it in your UDS with a nice bbq rub (something like paprika, naga powder, onion powder, garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, and brown sugar).
No. Marinade it in butter milk for 24 hours. Coat with breadcrumbs and bake at 350F. Season before the breadcrumbs as you wish. Turkey leg is lean and won't stand up to grilling without drying out or burning.

Salute', TB.
Alright how about a jerk/buttermilk marinade? Would that work or taste like something PMD would cook?
Novacastrian said:
Alright how about a jerk/buttermilk marinade? Would that work or taste like something PMD would cook?

Hey would put Dr Pepper and a floating orange hab in his. I guess Jerk buttermilk would work. Maybe put the jerk seasoning in the breading instead.
The jerk marinade is like a brine, it won't let the turkey dry out if you grill it up. It has a liquid and salt as well as all the classic jerk flavors. You should be fine. Grilled turkey legs are street foods in some areas. They are brined first. You can mop it or spray it too.

PS. Brines are basically saltwater marinades. They add tenderness and shorten cooking times.
Alright alright. I am going with the buttermilk marinade and i will put some jerk in with the breading as per JayT's suggestion.

Sorry boss but T.B. threatened me, said the big boys would come and git me...

"Moe, don't throw away that brine!"

Thanks guys.
Screw it. I saw cook turkey and waffles with Defcon 1. Imagine that Fred Flintstone drumstick deep fried and on a Belgian waffle with Defcon 1!!!!
Alright fellas heres how it's going down, due to circumstance basically.

So i goes to the biggest grocery stores around this joint and find much to my amazement that buttermilk has been outlawed. Thats right not one bloody ounce of the stuff could be found anywhere, so yeah soz TB but your idea went out the window!

That left me with the jerk option and i decided on a "messape", like a recipe but messier.

First off i started by applying a liberal lashing of Chillimans bhut spice mix to the outer of the leg. I thought about applying it to the inner of the leg but it proved too challanging a task for such a simple minded guy as myself.

I then moved on to the marinade. Into the mortar went around 10 Pimento seeds/nuts whatever the hell they are and around a tablespoon of rock salt. This was smashed to bits by almighty me and then added to around a litre of cold water that already had about a tablespoon of rock salt dissolved in it.
I then added 3 teaspoons of coriander powder, 3 teaspoons of sweet paprika and a pinch of saffron (cuz i didn't pay for it!).
Also added was half an onion, half a preserved lemon and one half of a rockmelon. Howz that gunna taste?

I didn't have a deep enough dish fo the leg to be fully covered by the marinade but i rectified the situation with the use of a crystal vase, no sh!t fits perfect and gets covered nicely.
I will be cooking this after work today and need some guidance in regards to temperature. I was just thinking about getting the oven scorchin throwing the leg in until brown/caramelised on the outside and then turing down to slow cook. Does this sound like a good idea or a short story?

Edit: I forgot to tell yaz that into the marinade also went two whole Bhuts, seeds and all. This was then mixed by my outboard motor.

Edit Edit: I also failed to mention that added to the marinade was Pig sauce, Jungle juice, Marcels Morning Afterburn AND Bentalphanerds Pain 2 ver 05. :)

That is all, unless something else comes back to me!
At this point i will tell you guys one thing.
My mother just walked into the office holding what appears to be a carton of bloody buttermilk, frig me!
Novacastrian said:
At this point i will tell you guys one thing.
My mother just walked into the office holding what appears to be a carton of bloody buttermilk, frig me!

Reset the FAIL meter....

Salute', TB.
JayT said:
Hey would put Dr Pepper and a floating orange hab in his. I guess Jerk buttermilk would work. Maybe put the jerk seasoning in the breading instead.

Check out this awesome Jerk/buttermilk/dr.pepper marinade i made!
