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Big A$$ Drumstick

Welll it looks as though i am going to have to adjust ye ole meter. You see when i left my sisters i left something very important and close to me there so i had to go back yesterday afternoon and retrieve it.

Anyway this left me with no time to do anything except throw my dog a bone wrapped in turkey meat. I asked him and he said that it was superior and i do have a pic of him chewing on the bone, hopefully i can get it up a bit later. One very bad side effect of dogs eating jerk turkey is that it makes them fart A LOT. He is laying under the desk now letting rip and making my eyes water.

Now to somewhat salvage this thread can anyone guess what i left at my sisters house that i had to do a 200 mile round trip to go and get??
All this hype and no follow through. You have pulled a moyboy. This may be a bigger fail than the IDS. Naaaaaaaah. :rofl:
Boooooo! I reckon you left the camera? THP and his ouiji board called the FAIL! You did not disappoint!

Please feel free to enjoy this gratuitous baboon ass shot for your pleasure.


Salute', TB.
:cry: Meter has been adjusted accordingly :rolleyes:

Anyway i know a secret and i am not telling anyone!

@TB no not the camera.
Nope they are not.

Heres a pic of my pooch nawing on the bone, note how awesomely delicious it looks....

And here is him in relaxed position this morning, merrily tooting away the smelly mut!
Yeah he is an Alaskan sled dog, crossed with Siberian sled dog :)
This was taken when i got him, 6 weeks old.

Nova, I am confused. What happened between the turkey leg being in the marinade and your dog eating it? I assume you cooked it, why didn't you eat it? Or did you eat it and then give the bone to the dog? And what did you forget at your sisters? I am so confused.

:walks away from computer muttering to self:
Cooked bones from birds should not be given to dogs. Another fail:)

Well, a tiny pup wouldn't be able to break that one anyway, so that was only a possible fail.
Nova's account hacked by PMD? Sure sounds like PMD :rofl:

"Hpw do I cook a turley leg? I shall marinate it in this vase. Well no time to eat it fed it to dog."
thehotpepper.com said:
Nova's account hacked by PMD? Sure sounds like PMD :rofl:

"Hpw do I cook a turley leg? I shall marinate it in this vase. Well no time to eat it fed it to dog."

That actually sounds more like Moy. I understand he is now making his journey through life based on the teachings of PMD. He has totally embraced the spiceenesxt.

Salute', TB.
thehotpepper.com said:
Nova's account hacked by PMD? Sure sounds like PMD :rofl:

"Hpw do I cook a turley leg? I shall marinate it in this vase. Well no time to eat it fed it to dog."


JayT, i simply didn't have time to eat the turkey leg. It was left in the oven over night and i wasn't about to chance death!.

I left some pot at my sisters. Looking back over the thread i think Jimmy may have guessed it right!
Novacastrian said:

JayT, i simply didn't have time to eat the turkey leg. It was left in the oven over night and i wasn't about to chance death!.

I left some pot at my sisters. Looking back over the thread i think Jimmy may have guessed it right!

And your sister gave it up? She didn't stash it for herself? Nova's sister...FAIL! That's right...adjust the meter...

Salute', TB.
Nah, she was on a plane to Egypt the next day! Besides she is Muslim and i am not quite sure if they are allowed to smoke the erb!
I'm still confused. How long would it take to eat a turkey leg? Or did you leave it in the oven while you went back to your sisters and then it was burnt?
No it was left in the oven with the oven turned off. I should have put it in the fridge. Henceforth i was worried about death causing bacteria so i didn't want to eat it.

In regards to how long it would take to eat i probably wouldn't be able to get through a full turkey leg as i am not a real big eater.