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Big mistake.

Nice to hear my efforts are appreciated. :)

Thanks Cappy, you're far too kind.

JSKaiser, nothing special about the texture, similar to other super chinense pods, although it's thicker fleshed than a Naga. This one had been sitting around a few days after harvest though. I'll pick a fresh one for the Scorpion test.

P. Dreadie, I don't claim to have a finely honed palate, but I call them like I see/taste them. ;) If you're looking for heat this chile will fill the bill, but if you want flavor, add something else to the pot with it. :) It may change it's flavor profile with cooking, but I doubt it and haven't tried that yet.
Where in the hell have I been? SS you're either a great guy for sampling and comparing flavors and heat and sharing it with the rest of us or you're a complete and total loon. Voluntarily eating eight of the hottest peppers in the world would tend to make me lean toward the latter description. But I still respect ya. ;)

You have elevated yourself above mortal man. You stud you.

Hope the rest of them don't give you any problems at all. Good luck bro.
Hey P, the loon tag probably fits best. :lol:

You only live once, and I can't justify growing something w/o tasting what it has to offer and a comparison between various hot pods was the purpose of this adventure.

The Douglah passed the next morn w/o problem and wasn't much more heat than dumping a bowl of my hot chili. Actually my chili is worse just because of the volume opposed to evacuating the small clump of a single pod. I found it interesting that the Douglah still maintained the creeper effect at both ends though. :)
Silver_Surfer ,

Glad you didn't get it coming and going so to speak. For some reason , purely luck , I don't get the double burn. Wifey calls me asbestos a$$, she almost always gets the double burn and can't believe it when I don't.

P. Dreadie
Well, I picked a few fair looking Scorpions this morning, so it's time to continue the test.

Once sliced in half the ripe scorpion beckons with its glistening pools of doom. Oh sh!t.

21:17:00 Remove the stem and begin chewing both halves.
21:17:10 POW!!! INSTANT HEAT!!!
21:17:15 Swallow
21:17:20 Swallow again
21:17:30 Eyes start tearing. Damn this is gonna be another mean one!
21:18:00 Both the front and back of my tongue and roof of mouth are cooking this time.
Even the throat burns a little, but not bad.
21:19:00 The tongue is still on fire with more of the now familiar super fire sting.
21:20:00 Nose begins to run, but forehead remains dry.
21:22:00 Back of mouth and throat have returned to normal, but front half is smoldering.
21:24:00 Starting to ease a bit.
21:25:00 Gut feels like I swallowed a large lead weight.
21:27:00 Cooling down now.
21:29:00 Even after cooling the front half of my tongue and roof of mouth feel scorched.
21:33:00 Still have the scorched sensation, grab a beer.
21:40:00 The beer slightly dims the scorched effect.
21:41:00 A few good beer belches and the pressure in my stomach eases.
21:42:00 Eat some fresh peas and sliced maters with cornbread.
21:55:00 After the meal and another beer the scorched feeling has diminished but still present.
22:04:00 Start to type my review but interrupted with a visitor.
23:11:00 As I finish typing this from my hastily written notes taken during the ordeal,
the scorched feeling has disappeared and has been replaced with a numb, dead
feeling on the front half of my tongue and mouth roof.

Not much time to taste this one either, it has a better flavor than the Douglah, but not as flavorful as the Brain Strain. I think I'll do a fresh Fatalii next.
Awesome SS. That fatali will be weak compared to those peppers! Im almost out of Fatalii powder too! lol The naga powder is taking a little bit longer to finish tho!
looking forward to the fatali, mine are starting to ripen now so i am curious what i am in for! BTW with the douglah what do the dark seeds mean? THe choc bah i just picked had a bunch of them.
Nice job on all three so far Silver Surfer. I have a couple of questions/comments. First, the Douglah you ate looks red in that picture. Shouldn't it be brown? Also, isn't the Douglah a version of a 7-pot? Loving your reviews and thanks again for letting me try your peppers. I pretty much agree on everything you said about the Brain and the Douglah. I had almost no stomach issues with the Douglah both after I ate it and the next morning. Surprised me very much. That said the Scorpion was the worst one I ever ate when it comes to the after effects. Keep up the good work.
That sounds way to hot! I bet the visitor that interrupted took one look at you and asked if you were okay haha. Looking forward to the fatalii review everybody seems to love them.
Thanks for the comments fellas.

looking forward to the fatali, mine are starting to ripen now so i am curious what i am in for! BTW with the douglah what do the dark seeds mean? THe choc bah i just picked had a bunch of them.
Dark seeds = bad seeds. For whatever reason the seeds are beginning to spoil.

Nice job on all three so far Silver Surfer. I have a couple of questions/comments. First, the Douglah you ate looks red in that picture. Shouldn't it be brown? Also, isn't the Douglah a version of a 7-pot? Loving your reviews and thanks again for letting me try your peppers. I pretty much agree on everything you said about the Brain and the Douglah. I had almost no stomach issues with the Douglah both after I ate it and the next morning. Surprised me very much. That said the Scorpion was the worst one I ever ate when it comes to the after effects. Keep up the good work.
Thanks JayT. The sliced Douglah is the same as the one in the pic on the first page. They are a dark reddish rusty color, but not a dark brown like a chocolate hab. Same color as the ones you got, so blame my pic colors on my cheap camera/lighting. Yup, the Douglah is a type of 7 pot. No problems passing the Scorpion this AM, but I ate a pretty big meal before and after downing it. The front of my tongue still isn't right this morning though. It has the feeling of one that has almost returned to normal after being badly scorched from sipping a boiling hot cup of coffee.
The thing I remember most about the Scorpion (besides the stomach cramps) was the intense pain on the sides of my tongue. I don't remember a pepper burning me like that in those spots before.
That's one of the neat mysterious things about these hot pods; they don't hit everyone in exactly the same way, but one thing is certain, they hit hard. :mouthonfire:
Silver_Surfer ....... nice looking Scorpion and another great review. I felt the Scorpions I grew last year were killer hot but did have a nice flavor before the heat over took completely.

Looking forward to your next tasting.....

P. Dreadie